sweeping the world

Chapter 1074 Strange

Chapter 1074

Peshawar was already surrounded by the Sasanian army. Ma Bin just thought about it for a while, and if he really sent someone out, he would be sent to his death.

On the first day, the Sassanid army carried out a wave of offensives on all four walls of the city. The strength of the fighting force and the siege equipment used were just a test, not a real move.

Night fell quickly, and because the city was preparing for war, bonfires and torches could be seen everywhere, and the whole city was illuminated by light as if it were daytime.

The Persians outside the city were not idle either. They felled enough wood during the day, and the artisans accompanying the army worked overtime to make siege equipment.

The same is everywhere under the bonfires and torches, and there is a very obvious picture from a bird's-eye view from a high altitude.

The city was filled with firelight. From about 50 meters to 200 meters away from the city wall, it was pitch black, but 200 meters away there was light of fire again.

The flames of this city are really too obvious, causing the clouds in the sky to glow with a dim light, and even tens of miles away, one can clearly see this area that still looks like day in the dark.

"Are you sure the city has not been breached?" Li Tan led a small team up a hill and stared in the direction of Peshawar from a distance: "With this bright color, they are all desperately preparing for war!"

It is conceivable that no matter what the final result of the Peshawar city attack and defense battle is, there will not be many surrounding forests left, and even some bushes, grasses and vegetation will suffer greatly.

There is no way, some of them can be used as materials for siege equipment, and others will be used for burning. The large-scale consumption in a short period of time will definitely cause serious damage to the natural environment. I don't know how long it will take to recover.

Fortunately, this area of ​​Jidoluo has a much better natural environment than the eastern part of Sassanid, or even the western part of the original Hunnitt border.

In the eastern part of Sassan and the western part of Hunnite, that is, within the main camp area of ​​the Western Expeditionary Army, it is difficult to see patches of green shade, and more of it is dry and soft vegetation-free ground.

There is no grass growing in the army. Many times, it is not specifically used to describe killing. In fact, too many people suddenly come to a piece of land. Even if it is only for the needs of cooking and boiling water, the consumption of combustibles is beyond imagination. Many, not only trees will be cut down in large numbers, but also dry grass and the like will not be spared.

After nine days of rushing with the army, Li Tan arrived at the northeast side 55 miles away from Peshawar yesterday.

The army is parked in a mountainous area, the purpose of course is to facilitate concealment.

In an area where fighting is ongoing, necessary scout patrols will usually be deployed within fifty miles, and some sentries will also be arranged to guard the area.

Li Tan would not read that the Persians had no military knowledge or were sloppy in doing things, and responded with the habit of marching and fighting in the Han Empire.He left the army 55 miles away, and he brought about [-] riders to a place about [-] miles away from Peshawar, and went up to the top of the mountain to watch from a distance.

They did not encounter any scouts from the Sassanid army along the way. As for whether they were discovered by secret sentries, it was difficult to judge whether there were Sassanids coming out to hunt them down.

"How long can Peshawar last?" Li Tan wasn't asking around. How could the soldiers know about things that even he didn't know? If the citizens need it, more than [-] people can be mobilized to defend the city together..."

The information on Peshawar obtained by the Western Expeditionary Army was sent back by Ma Bin after his mission. According to the description of the intelligence sent back by Ma Bin, Peshawar is a city with [-] to [-] residents, but the city walls in the description are short and narrow. What a noteworthy defensive device.

According to Zhu Xia's custom, the first thing to look at to see whether a city is easy to fight is how many soldiers and civilians there are in the city. The larger the number of soldiers and civilians, the more available troops, manpower and material resources will naturally be sufficient in wartime.

The next step is to see whether the city wall is majestic. Without a tall and thick city wall, it is generally not regarded as a majestic city, let alone a military city.

What Li Tan knew was that the city wall of Peshawar was only four meters high and three meters thick. It definitely could not be called a majestic city. It was even worse than some cities in the Han Empire before the walls were demolished.

Now the Han people... at least the Han army under the Western Expedition, already know what is going on in Jiduoluo.

It is probably the Rouran Tribal Alliance or alliance power countries such as Xigaoche and Donggaoche. The difference between Jiduoluo and the above-mentioned countries is that the alliance forces with Xiaoyuezhi people as the ruling class live by settled farming. The method is not the grazing life habit of wandering and changing pastures.

Sassan divided his troops to [-] to [-], almost without encountering too much resistance, and swept all the way to the northwest of Jidoluo, and it took less than ten days to reach the city of Peshawar.

Regardless of how many Jidoro armed forces were eliminated by the Sasanian army in that process, or how much the Sasanian army itself lost, as a country, Jidoro was invaded, and the enemy's troops entered the border and approached the capital city. It took less than ten days, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a person with self-protection ability.

What puzzled Li Tan was that what they knew was that Jiduoluo had defeated the Sasanian invasion many times, so how did the Xiaoyuezhi people do it?
"Go back!" Of course, Li Tan will not continue to venture forward, and at the same time, as a leader of the army, it is dangerous to observe himself as close as thirty miles: "Let's go!"

Of course, it wasn't just Li Tan who brought people over to observe, some scouting teams had already been sent out.

The scouts are the eyes of the general. If you don't send scouts to investigate the war, is it because you want the general to give orders?However, Li Tan didn't want to send out scouts. Too many scouts would only draw the attention of the Sasanian army too much.

Scattered scout teams will naturally be discovered by the Sassanian army, but given that the Western Expeditionary Army has killed them, the Han army has been frequently exploring the terrain before. The Sasanian army attacking Peshawar knew that there were Han army scouts, and the number is not too exaggerated. , without eliciting an overreaction.

In fact, Li Tan also knew a little bit that the Sassanian army attacking Peshawar could not be unprepared for the Han army to come to help, but knowing it was one thing, and knowing the movement was another.

In Peshawar under the night, Ma Bin was invited by Luhmaru Jido to the grand banquet hall.

When Ma Bin came, he was naturally entertained. It should be said that the specifications were large and grand, but Luhmaru Jiduo did not go out to greet him in person at that time, but was greeted by their Prime Minister Mirumitz Jiduo.

After the main force of the Sassanids divided their forces and invaded Jidoro, Luhmaru Jidocai urgently met with Ma Bin.

As if to make up for the lack of attention before, even though Jidoro seemed to have fallen halfway, and then the Sasanian army came to Peshawar, Luhmaru Jido held a grand feast every night to entertain Ma Bin.

The banquet hall has sufficient decoration features of Ah San. In addition to not deliberately displaying gold like Ah San, various patterns are carved on various walls and load-bearing columns, and there are also various wall paintings. Furthermore, there are too many colors, especially It is very bright, and it will actually look very messy to the senses of the Han people.

Many banquets are not regarded as grand because of the decorations or the abundance of food.

This group of Xiaoyuezhi fled for hundreds of years, first fused with the Serbian people, and then was stuffed into a large amount of Asan culture and part of the Greek culture. It is reasonable to say that the fusion of so many cultures will change the food. It is very rich, but that is an illusion.

In terms of eating habits, they mainly eat various barbecues, and then pancakes, with some unappetizing rice types.

The rice here at Kitara is not imitated, but it is imitated by Asan and adds some messy things. It would be just like the salted rice or rice bowls at Zhuxia's place. It is the main type of rice with spices added. It's not because of the rice grains that it looks yellow, it's simply because too much curry is added to make it look yellow.

Curry may be a delicacy for Ah San. It is not ruled out that some Han people will like it. For example, Ma Bin likes it quite a lot, but most Han people are actually not used to it.

The banquet held by Lukhmaru Jiduo was considered grand because all the prominent people in Peshawar were invited.

As the lord of the country, Luhmaru Jiduo is too shameless to flatter Ma Bin, and Ma Bin cannot feel enough enthusiasm, but the rest of the people don't need to be too shameless, they will definitely flatter them Ma Bin became the protagonist in the banquet, feeling unprecedented attention and enough vanity.

"Messenger." Luhmaru Jido held up a golden cup and asked after inviting him to drink, "Little Wang has a daughter who has entered Chang'an. I wonder if the messenger knows what's going on now?"

A few years ago, all countries known to the Han Empire, led by Sassanid and Rome, selected princesses and noble girls to go to the Han Dynasty.

Due to the constraints of distance and communication, many countries have not even had a contact for several years after sending out their princesses and noble daughters. This is the case with Luhmaru Jido.

"They're all pretty good." How could Ma Bin know the secrets of the palace? He didn't even know whether the princesses from various countries had been accepted, but he couldn't say that he didn't know.He had obtained some information before coming, at least he knew the name of the princess sent by Jitoro, and would not arrange it. He said: "The life Princess Asia lived in the Han Dynasty... I think the king should understand that it will be far better than at home. "

Unless Aisia Jiduo made some mistakes and was punished, otherwise, a woman who is the emperor no matter what, may not be very luxurious, but it is definitely not much worse. In terms of civilization and living environment, it is better than It is not a lie that life is better in Kyodoro.

"That's good...that's good..." Luhmaru Jido originally wanted to mention the matter of his in-laws, but after thinking about it, it was not so appropriate, so he changed his mind and asked, "Are envoys still used to being in Peshawar?"

So what if Ma Bin is not used to it?He came here not for enjoyment, but for meritorious service.To a certain extent, as long as Jitaro plays his own value in this war, the worse his life will be, and he will get extra points in the future merit evaluation.

Marriage between countries is not useless, it depends on the situation between countries.

It cannot be said that the kinship policy of the first Han Dynasty was not successful. It was indeed successful in preventing the Xiongnu from invading the south on a large scale, but that was because the first Han Dynasty had the strength to resist and the ability to smash the Huns' teeth.

It is also the countries of the Western Regions that sent the princess to the Huns. Do the Huns care?The Huns only knew that the countries in the Western Regions were too easy to fight, so they would not give up invasion because of their in-laws.

Rome, Sasha, etc. Those countries that oppose the Han axis, which one cares that there is still a princess on the side of the Han Empire?

Jiduoluo is not a special country. Luhmaru. Jiduo's IQ is quite online. Marriage only works on the premise of friendship. Even if the Han Empire thinks that its country is valuable, it will get extra points. If you want to rely on If you get married, you will get special benefits. What a dream!

The music in the banquet hall was interrupted by war instruments, first the Sassanid trumpet, and then the crisp sound of war drums.

The palace in Peshawar is built in the style of a fortress, and it is also located on a mountain or a high base. The banquet hall happens to be at the highest place. Walking out of the hall is a balcony with no roof and a large area.

Luhmaru Jiduo took the lead and walked away, followed by Ma Bin. Behind them was a large group of dignitaries.

Because of the sufficient height, they had a very wide view when looking out, and what they saw was a sea of ​​torches outside the city. That was the big movement of 5000 people running forward with their hands raised.

About 2000 Sassanid soldiers attacked overnight on the western city wall alone. Looking at the other three sides, the Sasanian army invested at least [-] people.

This time, there are not only climbing ladders, but also other siege equipment, such as towering siege towers, shield vehicles nailed with wooden boards, and so on.

"The big man's army should have arrived?" Luhmaru Jiduo looked further away, but unfortunately there was only a large area of ​​darkness: "Night battle, how could they attack the city overnight?"

Even in modern times when science is sufficiently developed, there will still be more and greater casualties in night battles of the army. Unless it is forced to, the army will only fight when there is enough light.

This is an era when most people suffer from night blindness, and there is no radio to command troops in time. The unnecessary casualties caused by night battles will be very serious. Not to mention, it is not uncommon for uncoordinated troops to mistakenly kill each other.

"Master, did you leave any troops outside?" Ma Bin shook his head when he saw Luhmaru Jiduo: "It's a pity!"

Luhmaru Jido wanted to keep troops outside the city, but the problem was that there were only [-] defenders in Peshawar, and the few left outside were used to deliver food, and the more they left, they couldn't take care of the city defense.

"Perhaps there are leaders who have brought people to the surrounding area." Luhmaru Jiduo was talking about the leaders of the occupied areas: "Messenger, the Persians came in too fast and did not have enough time to clean up. The leaders of various places will organize King Qin Soldiers and horses, it’s not the Han army that’s coming, it should be them.”

Ma Bin didn't know that Jiduoluo still had such a magical operation, so he was a little stunned for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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