sweeping the world

Chapter 106 Don't Say It

Chapter 106 Don't Say It

Every time there is a war in the Central Plains, there will always be people fleeing. There was Jizi North Korea in the Shang Dynasty who made a start. Later, many princes who could not stay in the Central Plains went out to establish their own kingdoms, such as the Kaiming clan of the ancient Shu royal family that was wiped out by the Great Qin Empire. To the Ouluo Kingdom established in South Asia in later generations, and other kingdoms that are famous but not famous, or that exist for a very short time.

The war has forced too many people who originally lived in the Central Plains to leave their homeland. Those who fled the Central Plains generally need to have certain abilities or strength, otherwise how can they have the ability to escape?

"Yes, Goguryeo has a lot of adherents from the former dynasty." Tuobaxiu thought for a while and then said: "There are also adherents from the former dynasty in Heshuo, and there are even adherents from the Great Qin Dynasty who claim to be Qin."

Liu Yan was not surprised to hear this. Even in the 21st century, somewhere in the spine of the world there are still people who claim to be the adherents of the Qin and Han Dynasties. After more than 2000 years, they still maintain the living habits of the Chinese ethnic group. Maintain the appearance of facial features.You must know that it has been sandwiched among many states in Asan for 2000 years, and it has maintained its living habits and appearance, which shows how persistent it is.

Are there any survivors of Qin in Heshuo?Liu Yan is not sure about this.

Liu Yan became more and more interested in Goguryeo, and remembered the existence of those self-proclaimed Han people in the Goguryeo Kingdom in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, so if he went to Goguryeo now, how could he gain something?

Meals have to be eaten bite by bite, and the road has to be walked step by step. The premise of going to Goguryeo is to have the ability to fight across the sea. The Han Dynasty does not have this ability at all. Liu Yan can only wait for the time being.

"This old man thinks that this place is just right." A man who looks old is indeed too old. The so-called old man means he has lived past the age of 50.He pointed tremblingly at the dirt bag not far away: "There are no strange rocks in this mountain, it's all mud, so it's easy to dig."

If you are over thirty, you can call yourself an old man, and if you are over forty, you can call yourself an old man. Tian Shuo will not feel insulted or anything.He kept nodding: "Then it's here."

They are choosing the site to build the Hall of Valor, not only will they build the Hall of Valor, but they will also need a large cemetery.

Yes, in the end Liu Yan chose to build the Hall of Valor on land instead of building it on an island.The Hall of Valor will enshrine the soldiers who died on the battlefield, and the cemetery is only a preparatory place for those who died of illness in the territory, or who died of old age in the future.

It's not that no one has objections to Liu Yan's failure to choose the site first, but Liu Yan only said "everything is possible with the army", and everyone who heard it shut up.

The construction of the Hall of Valor has become the top priority of the Han Dynasty. Even the military who are fighting abroad are paying attention all the time. Tian Shuo originally wanted to take care of all the affairs of the Hall of Valor in the first place, but he finally didn't lose his head .

How can the building of the Hall of Valor be presided over by a minister?Whoever hosts it will gain unlimited favor from the military, and it can only be hosted by Liu Yan himself.

"It will take about one year to clean up and build the foundation. It will take two years to build the facilities except the main building. It will take five years to complete." Zhang Mao is 53 years old and has lived this long in peacetime. Age is already very rare, but it is even more rare to live to the age of 53 during the war years.He held a wooden calf tremblingly and sketched: "If there are enough labor and materials, the time will be shortened?"

Labor?After sorting out Changguang County, there should be no shortage of labor in the Han Dynasty. If there is labor, there will be enough materials. What Tian Shuo wants to know is the specific data.

Influenced by Liu Yan, the core stewards of the Han Dynasty thoroughly understood the importance of accurate numbers, and simply said one thing: if there are more than a thousand casualties, is there one more "Yu" or there are nine hundred and ninety-nine after "Yu" ?

Fortunately, Zhang Mao is a master architect who has strict requirements on numbers. He has the experience of helping two dynasties build palaces... although he is not one of the main ones.He talked about some more detailed data, and finally said: "If it is allowed, if you can bring the old senior brother..., maybe you can speed up the progress."

Zhang Mao was in a nervous mood when he said the last sentence.He also came to the Han Dynasty by chance. He thought he was going to die. When Tian Shuo carried out Liu Yan's order to dig talents, he didn't hide his identity, and his life began to change greatly.

In the Han Dynasty, Jin people don't have to worry about becoming meat jerky at any time. They can get equal treatment if they are talented. The greater the talent...or the greater the ability, the better the treatment.Under such a premise, who would hide their talents?They received matching treatment, Hanbu improved their overall strength, and Liu Yan only felt very beautiful.

Zhang Mao lived a good life in the Han area, and enjoyed the respect that he would not get in other places. Naturally, he hoped that his senior brothers would come here.

"Brother, are those two...?"

"Looking at the guards around, they should be important figures from the Han tribe."

"Then shall we...shall we go up to pay a visit?"


The Shi Ke and Shi Ge brothers of the historian, including nearly fifty Shijia households who entered with the permission of the main road sentry, drove a dozen or so carriages, and seemed to be walking on the road cautiously.

They brought a lot of things, but after they surrendered last time, they made relevant compensations. Apart from trading, the things they brought this time were dedicated to Liu Yan.

The Han Dynasty issued a "eating order", and during this period, Changguang County was in chaos...It's not right to say that. It should be said that there is no place, including Xiangguo, that is free of bloodshed.You need to know one thing clearly: Shi Jie's power was too destructive. In the lean season, where would the food be without plundering everywhere?So there is chaos everywhere, and it will have to wait until winter to stop.It is precisely in this way that the population will continue to decrease. Otherwise, how can we call it troubled times?
In the end, Shi Ke and Shi Ge decided to go up to pay a visit. People like them who surrendered quickly and survived may want to hug the thigh of a person in charge of the Han Department the most. What they are afraid of is when the Han Department will feel unhappy. Make trouble again.

"Historist?" Tian Shuo asked the accompanying guards to come over, and then took a special look at the historian's convoy, thinking to himself: "The historian is really rich? He lost so much before and gave a lot of gifts, but he can still do it again." Pull out ten carts, just don’t know the quality of the fur on the cart?”

You always need to give a gift when you visit, so how can you please others?When the two Shijia brothers learned Tian Shuo's status in the Han Dynasty, they changed the gifts they had prepared, at least five grades higher, and presented them with a green fox cloak.

Tian Shuo accepted it unceremoniously. Historians were dealing in furs for the Salona tribe.Even if they didn't know it before, the Han Dynasty should know it now.

When the Shi brothers knew Tian Shuo's name, they also knew how big Tian Shuo's thighs were. He was the civil affairs director of the Han Dynasty!They tried their best to flatter and wait for Tian Shuo to show his impatient expression before respectfully saying goodbye and leaving.In their opinion, if they know one more high-ranking figure in the Han tribe, if something happens in the future, the big man may be able to save his life by just using his mouth.

According to the regulations of the Later Zhao Dynasty, Jin people were not allowed to hunt, but Hu people were not under that decree.Therefore, there are not a few families in the Central Plains who are similar to historians in the fur business for the Hu tribe. Most of the similar families are rich, and they all tend to have a relatively "soft" family style.Perhaps, because of the characteristics of a merchant?
Tian Shuo clearly remembered that he had explained in the message that in the future, Changguang County will need a lot of people with experience in business, which will help the rise of the Han Dynasty. The export of products from the Han Dynasty will be absorbed into the population, relying on batches of outstanding businessmen .Merchants in troubled times have almost no ability to survive. If you want to get excellent merchants, you can only start from various families.

There are not many types of goods that the Han can export now. The main products are weapons and salt. However, due to various reasons, except for Qingzhou, the sales rights for other places have basically been handed over.

It would be impossible if Liu Yan didn't hand it over. The Han tribe was too weak to offend those real strong men, at least not now. Selling benefits in exchange for safety was the most correct way.

Then, does Liu Yan have the ability to step out of Qingzhou to do business in various states and counties of Houzhao?The answer is no!Then hand over the sales rights of states and counties other than Qingzhou, what profit will be lost?
"Yes!" Liu Yan said with a murderous look on his face, "If the time limit has passed, don't talk about surrendering. Kill them all!"

Xu Zheng came back this time with a lot of loot, and he entrusted the goods to see Liu Yan to report the battle situation as soon as possible.

It has been nearly two months since the Han tribe has cleared the settlement of the tribe belonging to the Celona tribe. Some lucky guys did not surrender before the time limit expired, and waited until the Yellow River waited for the army of the Han tribe to arrive. , Only at this time did he choose to surrender, which could not be accepted by Liu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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