sweeping the world

Chapter 1046 Prince Chu?Crown Prince!

Chapter 1046 Prince Chu?Crown Prince!
"I don't want to go at all..."

"Your Highness, please bear with me for a while?"

Liu Ming's face was full of bitterness. He hoped to live a stable and low-key life for the rest of his life. It was best to be a transparent person and not get involved in any major events.

But contrary to expectations, with an order from the emperor, Liu Ming suddenly became the center of attention from a little transparency, all because the emperor asked him to participate in training in the firearms army, and as a soldier.

Even the prince who was born to a female official could not change the fact that Liu Ming had Liu Yan's flesh and blood. Before the crown prince's position was settled, anyone with Liu Yan's flesh and blood would have a chance.

Liu Shen had just been sent to the army. The news of Liu Shen's return from the front line had been confirmed, but it was Liu Ming's turn to go to the army. No one understood what Liu Yan was thinking. The speculation that Chang'an will become the crown prince has become confusing again.

No matter what, he is a prince, but he started as an ordinary soldier when he entered the army. If you interpret it from a certain perspective, is it another kind of "Heaven sends a great mission to the people, you must first work hard and work hard" "the meaning of?Otherwise, it would be really hard to explain how he humiliated a prince like this.

"This trip will take at least three to five years..." Liu Ming looked around, and the ten people around him were his personal guards who had been in charge of guarding since he was very young: "I heard that it will take more than seven months to arrive Europa, all the way above the sea. I will die..."

By the way, Liu Ming doesn't know how to swim, and he has never been on a boat. He is really terrified of floating on the sea for so long.

"Isn't His Highness doing well these days?" Chang Wei said with a smile: "After a month of training, Your Highness has no seasickness."

Liu Ming simply rolled his eyes. He hoped that he would get seasick, so that he might not have to stay in the expedition fleet.

Everyone laughed. They were responsible for protecting Liu Ming's safety when they were very young. At the beginning, they were actually depressed and conflicted. They felt that being responsible for the safety of an ordinary prince really had no future. Seriously speaking, it was very difficult. What a bright future.

Things changed later. The emperor restarted the classical enfeoffment, and meritorious ministers could enjoy the enfeoffment. Then they could be sure that even if Liu Ming was ordinary among the princes, he would inevitably have his own enfeoffment in the future. The difference was that he was enfeoffed. Where, and how big it will be.

The conclusion that Liu Ming would be a feudal lord gave them hope. At first, they thought that Liu Ming would be sent to a random place when he became an adult, and he might not even have the status of a feudal lord. That would be a godsend to them. Big disaster.

In fact, it is the same thing, following people with no future, where is the motivation to struggle, no matter how hard you work, it is hard to get anything back, promotion is someone else's business, and prosperity and wealth are even more difficult to hope for.

It’s different now. Not only is it confirmed that Liu Ming will have his own feudal country, but those who have protected Liu Ming since he was a child have no merit but hard work. A fortune is indispensable, and they are likely to be in the feudal country. Enjoying a high position, as long as they make no mistakes, the prosperity and wealth of their descendants for three generations can be considered assured.

They just sat on a rock by the sea at random.

There are few sandy beaches in the southern seas of Zhuxia, and more beaches are actually full of various rocks. Most of the rocks are angular, and a few are smooth and smooth.

Outside the beach, there are densely packed ships of various types on the sea surface. There are large ships with a length of more than 200 meters, small boats with a length of less than two meters, and even more anchored warships of 60 to [-] meters.

Liu Ming has always remembered the teachings of his mother Li Fei: don't fight for anything, don't show your existence, and don't even show your smart side.

In Liu Ming's impression, Queen Cui Wan was actually a very kind person. He didn't understand why his mother regarded such a kind queen as a savage beast.

Until this time when the emperor's father asked Liu Ming to join the army, the kind queen in his impression seemed to have become a little different. He could still remember that the queen looked at him with eyes as sharp as knives, and he finally understood his mother. Why are those warnings repeated.

"I say now that I will get seasick..." Liu Ming asked Chang Wei, the most trusted head of the bodyguard, "Will the emperor believe you?"

"If you say that to His Majesty now..." Chang Wei touched his head: "I and the others will probably move their heads."

Liu Ming thought about it, and there was indeed a great possibility that the result Chang Wei said would happen.

What the emperor couldn't tolerate most was cheating. Liu Ming didn't show any symptoms of seasickness during the training. The expedition fleet was about to depart, and he suddenly suffered from seasickness. Someone must have instigated him.

The emperor will definitely investigate. The first level of investigation will be the shogunate team of the expedition fleet. If the investigation continues, no matter whether there is a problem with the shogunate team, for example, some people do not want Liu Ming to threaten Liu Ming even if there is a one in [-] possibility. Yan, that's a turmoil; the second person to investigate is Cui. After all, something went wrong on Liu Ming's side, and Liu Shen is the one who is more advantageous at the moment.

Regardless of whether any problems were discovered with the expeditionary fleet's shogunate or the Cui family, the emperor was unlikely to deal with them with great fanfare, so the unlucky ones must be the group of people around Liu Ming. Even if they all died unjustly, The subsequent impact will be minimal or even non-existent.But dealing with the expedition fleet is different. The consequences of dealing with Cui will be more serious than those of dealing with the expedition fleet.

Seeing that their faces turned pale, Liu Ming was stunned for a moment and quickly understood the seriousness of the matter. He hurriedly stood up: "It's Ming Menglang, please forgive me."

Everyone returned the favor with a wry smile.

Liu Ming had called them "uncle" before, but they all knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that Liu Ming wanted them to die.

Liu Ming's father is the emperor, not everyone can accept him calling him "uncle".

"Your Highness." Chang Wei said sincerely, "We are one with Your Highness, and we will definitely protect His Highness with all our might."

This Chang Wei knows martial arts, but he has never killed a dog.

When Liu Shen went to serve in the army, he not only brought fifty imperial guards with him, but also hundreds of people from the Cui family, and many nobles also sent their nephews to serve.

When Liu Ming joined the army, there were only ten guards in the Imperial City. Not only was his biological mother from a humble family background, but also her family had died in the Hulu Rebellion, so no one came, and no nobles sent their nephews over.

The fact that no Xungui sent someone over already shows one thing, at least it shows that Xungui didn't dare to make too obvious bets even if he had some guesses.

During the expedition to the shogunate, Huan Wen pretended that Liu Ming did not exist. Wang Gong and Li Mai visited the camp several times and even saw Liu Ming but pretended not to see him. Only Wang Meng smiled when he saw Liu Ming.

Reality told Liu Ming one thing. Who his biological mother is is really important. He was obviously born earlier than Liu Shen, just because the difference in mother's identity was that he was the eldest son of a concubine. He used to be a little transparent, but he was under the spotlight. There won't be any glory, and I don't even know how many people are secretly on guard.

No, those people behind have walked back and forth a few times, looking curiously at them every time.

"They belong to the Cui family." Chang Wei is the head of the guards, and he must have the ability to recognize people: "They are too blatant."

No one, including Liu Ming, took any action, let alone rushed forward angrily to argue or scuffle.

It used to be so transparent that it was like air, but it was actually very uncomfortable to be noticed all of a sudden, and it even made me feel somewhat empty in my heart.

What kind of existence is Cui Shi?When the Hulu ruled the Central Plains before, the Cui family was a powerful local, and their presence was not bad, but before they had time to flirt with the Hulu, the Shijie Zhao Kingdom was destroyed.Later, Cui's daughter became the queen, but Cui's silence did not mean that she became weak. On the contrary, she entered another level, and she did not need a strong sense of presence to show her strength.

Liu Ming is not stupid. He knows that whenever he has the slightest glimpse of the position of prince, he will face dark clouds and violent storms.He also knew another thing, no matter what he was, he was still the emperor's flesh and blood, and those people would not kill him, but it was hard to tell about his mother.

"If Your Highness has a mother clan that can be justified..." Wu Sui murmured in a low voice and it was over here.He made an ugly smile, changed the subject, and said, "Are we going to Malacca first? I heard that the scenery there is very beautiful, but I didn't have the chance to see it. This time, my wish has been fulfilled."

What if there is a powerful family behind his mother?In fact, Liu Ming couldn't avoid having similar associations, but he just thought about it secretly.

People can't choose what kind of parents they have. Some people's fate is almost doomed from the moment they are born. It doesn't mean that personal efforts can make any changes.

The current Liu Ming is a little bit trembling, but he is very clear that the position of the crown prince is not something he can peek at. No minister will really take himself seriously, and even if there are ministers who approach him, they must have other purposes. For example, the minister wanted to challenge Liu Shen by himself, and then open the way for a certain "true dragon".

"His Royal Highness Shen is coming to Chang'an, isn't it?" That's how Liu Ming called Liu Shen, so he wouldn't ignorantly call him "Emperor Brother". Only the current emperor.He smiled, and continued: "I heard that His Royal Highness Shen brought me a gift from the Far West, and it has always been mysterious, and I don't know what it is."

Chang Wei frowned, and said bluntly: "Your Highness, it's better for you not to have any contact with His Highness Shen for a while."

"..." Liu Ming opened his mouth and whispered: "I know."

How is the relationship between Liu Ming and Liu Shen?In the early years of the royal family, there were only two boys, but Liu Yan would still gather them together to play, and even did not deliberately separate them during education.

If people get along a lot with each other and don't become enemies because of some conflicts, they will basically develop feelings to some extent.

Children's minds are generally relatively simple, knowing that the other party is their blood relative, whether it is nature or acquired, there will be many things that should grab toys from each other, but the sense of intimacy will not be lost.

As long as Liu Ming can remember, he should not look like before when he was eight years old, but that is because some adults deliberately differentiated, like his own mother taught him to treat Liu Shen with humility, and like Cui Wan taught Liu Shen to have a royal lineage The majesty of the eldest son can be regarded as letting the two clearly know that both are the heirs of the emperor, but there is still a difference between the heirs and the heirs.

On November 17, the 26th year of Yuanshuo, the expedition fleet set off under the personal leadership of General Xu Zheng.

Liu Yan originally wanted to see him off in person, but he had other things to do.

If there is anything more important than an expeditionary fleet, then it is definitely one of them.

Liu Shen returned to Chang'an and walked around according to the procedures. First, he offered sacrifices to the ancestral temple, which was regarded as a wake-up call for the court officials and told them what would happen next.

After receiving the signal, the ministers first sent a letter from Sang Yu to request the appointment of a prince, followed by the civil servants who could still breathe. The memorials requesting the appointment of a prince floated like snowflakes from all over the country to the palace.

Regarding the matter of the establishment of the crown prince, the generals did not want to be silent, but they were far more special than the civil officials, and they really couldn't speak up.

Liu Yan asked Liu Shen to host a banquet, and hinted that Liu Shen would invite the military officials in Chang'an.

The invited military officials seemed to understand what the process was. No matter how busy they were that day, they would go to the banquet even if they were really sick.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in Yuanshuo, Liu Shen appeared at the Temple of Heaven to tell the people what he had seen and heard during his Western Expedition.

After a whole set of procedures, Liu Shen has achieved the general trend, and has been accepted by generals, civil servants, and common people. In public opinion, he has become a wise prince who understands military power, and is a good candidate to become the heir apparent.

Liu Yan showed his satisfaction with Liu Shen on some occasions, and the call for him to be crown prince became even louder.

The current Han family is naturally not the royal family of the former Han Dynasty, but it is following the routine of the former Han royal family's canonization of the crown prince. The situation in which the candidate for the prince is expected by everyone is actually a kind of recognition of the royal family's legal system by the people of the world.

After the general trend was established, Liu Yan showed that he saw their expectations, and then mentioned that December 22 was a good day on an informal occasion.

The ministers instantly understood that December 22 was indeed a good day. It was the "New Year" in the past and the Winter Solstice Festival now. How could it not be a good day?

Since it is a good day, how about making that day more meaningful?
Liu Yan agreed with the proposal of the officials. The Han Empire needs a crown prince. The Winter Solstice Festival is a grand festival. The ceremony to appoint Liu Shen as the crown prince will be held on that day. Add joy to the festival.

When the Han Dynasty appoints a prince, there will be amnesty and great reward as a rule. It means that if you want to be happy, everyone should be happy together.

(End of this chapter)

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