sweeping the world

Chapter 104 Thoughts About the Future

Chapter 104 Thoughts About the Future
With the sound of rumbling horseshoes, Xu Zheng led the horse team into the migrating tribal convoy, and a bloody storm began to appear.They dealt with the 2000 or so riders of the tribe first, and after chasing more than [-] riders, they finally caught up and killed them unceremoniously.

Next to the fighting arena is Li Hong and others who were employed by Ran Min. They left 30 people to accept Liu Yan's employment, and the rest protected Shen Zhong and returned to Xiangguo.

To deal with the Zahu tribe, Li Hong and others seldom took action. They insisted that training alone would never produce any cavalry. Apart from riding skills, which qualified cavalry hadn't been killed from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood?

The riders of the Han tribe were lucky enough. They didn’t have such luck when they were under Ran Min’s command. They could choose any small tribe with weak strength. They simply collided with the strong from the beginning, and I don’t know how many companions died. It is not for nothing that the survivors are so powerful.

This was the third tribe they killed. It did not belong to Selenaa's camp. It did not respond to the call of the Han tribe, so it was naturally within the scope of being killed and plundered.

Liu Yan's headquarters, including those summoned by the "food order", will continue the campaign against Changguang County for at least two months.

Everything is in line with the post-Zhao regime's "reduction of Ding" policy, and no local families or tribes are allowed to grow. After all, once the non-Jie tribe grows, won't what happened to the Xiongnu of the Jie tribe repeat?
"We will take this opportunity to absorb some of it." Liu Yan can imagine what it would be like in Changguang County, where tyrannical troops are absolutely rampant everywhere: "Consume those disobedient ones without leaving a trace, and try our best to win them over." Friendly."

Thanks to a tribe like Celona who jumped out and gave the Han tribe the next suitable enemy.The rise of a tribe cannot be without enemies, but it cannot have invincible enemies. A tribe like Celona is just right for the Han tribe.

"Are you deliberately letting Changguang County have two...well, camps?" Tuoba Xiuxin learned a new word, that is camps.She really doesn't understand why Liu Yan likes to climb to high places where the wind is strong. The wind is so strong that people squint their eyes and their hair dances wildly. It's bad news for a hairstyle that has been worked so hard.

It's not just Liu Yan who likes to engage in camps, all high-ranking people like to distinguish camps, but the methods are slightly different.For example, during the Shi Le period, the camp of the Later Zhao was the Zhuhu and the Jin people. Although Shi Le took the country from the Huns, he did not drive out the Huns.

Murong Xianbei is also building a camp. Before, he united with other tribes to target Yuwen Xianbei, Duan Xianbei, and Tuoba Xianbei, but now he is calling Xianbei big.

Even the weak state of Jin is making some kind of camp. The aborigines south of the Yangtze River are in one camp, the aristocratic families in Nandu are in one camp, and the Northern Expeditionists and Westward Expeditionists are in another camp.

"The Duan Clan was wiped out." Liu Yan's expression was slightly gloomy: "It was wiped out by Murong Ke's army."

That's what Liu Yan learned from Shen Zhong's mouth. It happened in the fourth year of Xiankang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the fourth year of Cheng Han Yuheng, the first year of Han Xing, the 26th year of Jianxing in Qianliang, the fourth year of Jianwu in Zhao, and the first year of Dai Guo Jianguo. Year.

It was Murong Xianbei who united with Later Zhao to destroy Duan's Liao Kingdom established by Duan Mohu from the north and south (called the Liao Dukedom in history, because Duan Mohu was the Duke of the Eastern Jin Dynasty).Then Shi Bin's gathering of troops is somewhat intriguing. He said that attacking Duan Xianbei was to wipe out the remaining evildoers, but wasn't Duan Xianbei accommodated by Murong Xianbei again?

Liu Yan didn't know one thing. Murong Xianbei first united with Later Zhao to attack Duan Xianbei and Yuwen Xianbei, but later Murong Xianbei was attacked by Later Zhao. Later Zhao's surprise attack won first, forcing Murong Xianbei to retreat to Liaodong, but Later, Murong Xianbei defeated the Zhao army led by Shi Hu himself.

There is another thing that Liu Yan doesn't know even more, and that is the birth record of a "servant of the five masters", and that guy is called Yang Yu.

The news was slow to spread, and at the same time, the news was very closed. Many things may not be correct even if they heard it.In fact, constant temperature was forced. If he didn't make Western politics into Han Dynasty, many people including him would not be able to survive.

"Didn't Shi Hu invite Li Shou to carve up the Jin Kingdom together?" Tuoba Xiu obviously had her own source of information. She said: "A great scholar from Yan State (former Yan) came to Dai State as a guest, and Zhao State (later Zhao State) was going to The Cheng-Han Dynasty jointly attacked the Jin Kingdom and divided it into the south of the Yangtze River as a source of discussion. This is what Xiu heard about with his own ears."

Liu Yan didn't know that at all, he only knew that the Jin army was defeated by the Zhao army on the northern border of Jingzhou and Yangzhou, and Ran Min seemed to show his prowess in that battle and killed many Jin troops. Cai Huai, famous for his martial arts.

"Oh..." Tuoba Xiu nodded: "Yu Liang is a great poet and a master of etiquette, but he doesn't understand military affairs."

"Hehe!" Liu Yan wasn't laughing at Yu Liang, he was just teasing: "After the Jin Kingdom is doomed, what I like most is to send great poets to lead the army."

"So the Jin army has been defeated." Tuobaxiu really laughed: "I heard that some of your subordinates want to send people to the Jin country to ask for a noble daughter for you."

Liu Yan had also heard about such a thing, but he never took it seriously.Not only Jin, but also went to Leling to find Cui or something. Anyway, those subordinates were eager to help him build a "harem".

Liu Yan could clearly see that Tuobaxiu didn't care about those things at all.He was extremely impressed by what Tuobaxiu said, the original words were "You will know who will help you the most in your great cause".

"That place is chosen as the Hall of Valor?" Tuobaxiu pointed to a mountain in the distance: "Isn't it in the narrow peninsula?"

Liu Yan frowned: "Is it so obvious that I might give up land at any time?"

"Not at all." Tuobaxiu said truthfully: "On the contrary, you wantonly attacked Changguang County and refused to accept it. You showed your ambition. A large number of Jin people and Zahu dared not disobey and obeyed."

After all, Liu Yan is a modern person after all, and he doesn't know that some words in ancient times cannot be used indiscriminately. For example, "binfu" is not a word that can be used indiscriminately. That is another way of saying who surrendered to the king.

"After the integration of Changguang County, what are your plans?" Tuobaxiu stroked the mane of the war horse: "Leaving the tribe of Celona is for the next step to march to Gaomi County?"

Liu Yan knew that Tuobaxiu was a smart woman, but this time she guessed wrong.

Although Houzhao has setbacks now, not everyone can challenge its dominance. Liu Yan has no intention of courting death. He is extremely eager to upgrade the system to the "Castle Age", but now what to do to capture Qingzhou? Get shot to death by Hou Zhao's assembled army!

"This side... let's develop slowly." Liu Yan turned his head and looked to the east. Besides the sea, isn't there a peninsula across the Bohai Sea?He asked rather suddenly: "Did Murong Xianbei found the country?"

Tuobaxiu replied: "(Eastern Jin) Xiankang three years ago the country was established."

"Let's go shopping again." Liu Yan kicked the horse's stomach with both legs, shook the reins with his hands, and the mount walked slowly.He asked: "What's the current situation of Duan's Xianbei?"

"What else can it be?" Tuobaxiu felt that wearing a skirt to ride a horse was too painful, especially now that she was wearing a skirt without wearing anything at all. Fortunately, there was a cushion on the horse's back, so I twisted the uncomfortable part: " Living under the fence, there will be people in the direct line of Duan's side in Daiguo."

Liu Yan understood that Murong Xianbei would attack any Xianbei tribe for his hegemony, but Murong Xianbei would not kill all those tribes.He was thinking about a question, what is Murong Xianbei's attitude towards Tuoba Xianbei.Then, what is his identity as Xianbei Tiefu to Murong Xianbei, and is it possible for Murong Xianbei to get a share of the pie when Murong Xianbei next attacks Goguryeo.

"Ah?" Tuobaxiu was obviously stunned after hearing Liu Yan's words, and stayed there for a long time: "But... But, we don't have the strength... to break through the passage?"

No, it doesn't have to be from land, in fact, it can also be from sea.However, Liu Yan should smile wryly next time, not to mention whether there are enough ships or not, as long as it is so easy to fight across the sea...

(End of this chapter)

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