sweeping the world

Chapter 1035 The Han Empire Does Not Need Allies

Chapter 1035 The Han Empire Does Not Need Allies

A rout of the army means a loss of order, and the rout soldiers in extreme panic don't care where the front is. They are driven by fear and run around sullenly.

The Han army detoured to the west of the main battlefield [-] miles away. They didn't have much time to find an absolutely advantageous terrain to arrange. In fact, they suddenly noticed a large number of enemy troops coming from the direction of the main battlefield in the middle of their hasty march. , temporarily arranged to block the West Bank.

The anti-Han axis coalition forces coming from the direction of the main battlefield did not appear to have any formation at all. They appeared first in twos and threes, and then appeared in large numbers all over the mountains and plains. In an instant, the Han army judged that the opponent was defeated.

The detoured Han army really didn't expect the battle on the main battlefield to result so quickly, and was surprised by the sudden appearance of the rout.

If a large number of routs of the enemy army appeared together, even if the Han army could intercept them, it would definitely be too late to form a formation, and only a small part of the routs behind them could be intercepted.

After the Han army expanded their formation, they laid out a battle line about 2000 meters long. In fact, they couldn't intercept all the routs. After all, the enemy routs were running all over the mountains and plains, not concentrated in one place and rushing to the same position.

What Elbata saw was that the defeated soldiers who ran towards the interception line organized by the Han army were swept away one by one by the firearms troops of the Han army. The defeated soldiers who did not run from the interception line of the Han army only encountered the Han army The pursuit of the squad cavalry.

"Let's bypass!"

Elbata thought that he did not choose to avoid it because he was afraid, because his current state was not suitable for continuing to fight.

The defeated soldiers that appeared before were basically out of organization. It was actually very conspicuous that Elbata appeared with this organized Persian army, and was immediately discovered by the Han army.

"Mobilize the cavalry." Yang Rui could see through the telescope that the Persian cavalry remained organized: "Try to disperse."

Soon a trumpeter blew the horn, and the cavalry of the Han army who were chasing and killing the enemy's rout was scattered and formed into a brigade. It was easy to see the Persian cavalry galloping to the side of the battlefield.

Yang Rui only had two thousand cavalry on hand. In fact, the biggest purpose of mobilizing Yiqu to fight the organized Persian cavalry was as a means of insurance.

Most of the anti-Han axis coalition forces are in a state of collapse, and there is an enemy army that is still in order. If this organized enemy army is allowed to move, it will pose a great threat.

Of course, Elbata found that there were cavalrymen of the Han army catching up with his troops, and an unprecedented aggrieved feeling filled his heart.He kept cursing in his heart that he was going to ignore him and run away. The Han army didn't kill those easy-to-kill routs, but stared at him.

The Persian cavalry who maintained their organization, even if they did not rush into the interception line of the Han army, still caused trouble. First of all, their detours drove a large number of anti-Han Axis coalition forces to run sideways.

The number of anti-Han axis coalition forces rushing towards the interception line of the Han army decreased, so the number of anti-Han axis coalition forces wiped out by the Han army naturally decreased.

The number of Han troops who turned around was only [-], [-] riflemen and [-] cavalry were the main force, and the rest were [-] soldiers with cold weapons on foot.

The Han army, which only had [-] soldiers, had to intercept the defeated troops of the anti-Han axis coalition, and also had a group of cavalry to pursue the organized Persian cavalry.

The terrain on this side is flat, and it is not an ideal blocking terrain at all. Basically, how much can be intercepted and how much can be killed is a battlefield of luck.

Yang Rui knew two things at the same time.

The first point is to block only one position so that the enemy army will not have any other way to run. It is actually a rational approach. If the enemy army has nowhere to escape, it is likely to force them to desperately.

The second point is that they have too few troops, and the enemy's rout seems to be everywhere, and there will be enemy routs running over later. It is ideal to be able to stabilize the front line and intercept it.If the interception line is stretched longer and thinner, and even the troops are divided up to block the attack, the ten thousand troops may be folded in.

A very strange scene appeared on this battlefield. The Han army set up an interception line to block the attack, and the routs kept crashing into them and turned into corpses. In addition to killing, being killed, or fleeing, no one cares about who looks like.

Towards evening, a cavalry unit came first from the main battlefield, and the officer leading the team informed Yang Rui of the situation on the main battlefield, and then this unit joined the pursuit of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces.

Even after an hour or two passed, the defeated enemy soldiers in the direction of the main battlefield still remained intact, and they didn't know if they hadn't seen the corpses and the Han army in front of them, and bumped into them and became corpses.

"This side is almost a pile of corpses."

"They are still climbing the mountain of corpses, coming up to let us kill them."

"This is the rout."

If a person is occupied by the idea of ​​running for his life, his brain will indeed become stupid, losing his usual rationality, and ignoring some stupid actions that should be avoided at a glance.

In front of the interception line of the Han army, a row of corpses piled up by many corpses is almost becoming a wall of flesh and blood, but there are still rout soldiers climbing up with distorted faces, and some of them were hit by bullets as soon as their heads appeared and turned into a wall of corpses. Some of them were shot down a short distance from the wall of corpses, and it didn't take long for them to become a new pile of corpses piled on top of each other.

Even when night fell, the defeated anti-Han axis coalition forces that retreated from the main battlefield were still not cut off, but the number was much smaller than during the day.

It wasn't until midnight that the anti-Han Axis allied forces retreated in twos and threes. The exhausted Han soldiers found that the number of new routs had dropped sharply, and they didn't know whether to relax or be disappointed.

"What new instructions does the guardian have?"

"Return to the captain, there is no new order from the guard."

Yang Rui was still disappointed. They didn't have time to rush to the predetermined position. They stopped temporarily to block the attack and failed to achieve the maximum result of this detour.

They blocked on this side, which means that the defeated enemy troops who ran across this "line" could at least reach the third line of defense established by the anti-Han Axis coalition forces.However, because they blocked the routed soldiers, they were unable to lead the enemy's routed troops into the enemy's third line of defense, which resulted in the failure to complete the set marching goals and the best results.

Around midnight, Li Kuang came up with follow-up troops.

That was a force of 2 troops. The riflemen on the main battlefield were left on the pontoon defense line of the Penchi River and replaced by new troops brought up from the rear.

Yang Rui did not lead the army to continue westward, but stopped in place and waited for the follow-up troops to arrive.

"The number of enemy troops left is about fifteen thousand." Yang Rui watched the whole process of blocking the enemy's retreat, and the number that was eliminated by visual inspection was that number: "If you fail to complete the plan, please punish me by the Protector."

Li Kuang already knew the situation here, and he just nodded in front of Yang Rui's pleading, he didn't get angry, and he didn't say anything. Whether Yang Rui was guilty or not would naturally come out in the result evaluation.

"So in this battle, the enemy army was wiped out by about [-]?" Song Ping counted the results of the battle on the main battlefield.He glanced at Yang Rui, who was full of guilt, and then at Li Kuang, who was calm, and said with a smile, "We wiped out [-] enemy troops in one day, and the results are brilliant!"

In fact, no more than [-] people died among the Han army. The enemy army killed each other and trampled the most people in the chaos. Not only was that the case on the main battlefield, but the situation on the interception line was also the same.

So, once an army collapses, even if the enemy army on the belligerent side does nothing, many people will die in the collapsed army.

Li Kuang asked: "How many enemy soldiers fled to the enemy's third line of defense, Chang Shi thinks?"

"The enemy troops fled all over the mountains and plains. After many enemy soldiers escaped, they would not run back to rebuild due to the fear of fighting with us." Song Ping said it was also common sense: "If you can return two or three tenths, it is considered too much. The enemy has deployed [-] defenders on the third line of defense, plus the broken troops who ran over, it should be between [-] and [-]?"

Li Kuang said lightly: "What a pity..."

Yang Rui lowered his head, with regret and embarrassment on his face.

Song Ping was guessing what Li Kuang's words meant.

The next day, the Han army, which had not had much rest, gathered 3 men and set off.

While they were still marching, the scouts who set off earlier sent back information that the enemy's third line of defense was empty.

It took about two months. I don’t know how much money and manpower was spent to build the defense line. It is mainly composed of a city wall with a length of about 500 meters. Some sections of the city wall also have buildings similar to the Urn City. The city wall There are perfect fortifications ahead, such as ditches, earth walls, fence walls, horse-repelling belts, pits... and so on.

This line of defense is mainly dominated by the vassal races of the Romans and Persians, with a small number of Romans and Persians, and some other races.

It was only at night that they learned that their more than [-] frontline troops had been defeated, and it was a shocking defeat.And the whole process from the Han army's attack to the disastrous defeat of our own army took less than six hours?
It was also at night that the rout soldiers in front fled and brought some specious news. No one could explain the development of the battle situation clearly, but only told some scary information according to their own impressions.

For example, how many people from our own side rushed to the Han army, and thousands of people were killed or injured without even touching a single hair of the Han army.

Another example is that a solid city wall turns into ashes after an explosion, and there will always be shells falling from the sky, even hiding behind is not safe.

Too many terrifying descriptions of the Han army continued to emerge from the mouths of the defeated soldiers, and fear spread. Especially when the Persian vassal race learned that the Persian army in front was likely to be wiped out, they immediately panicked. up.

His master faced the Han army and was completely wiped out in less than a day?Then how long can he last if he, a loser, goes to fight the Han army?
The most shocking news is that the Han army only dispatched 1 people, just 1 people!

The 20 Han army was able to defeat the [-] coalition army with an absolutely powerful advantage. It also happened that the Romans and Persians sent their own strong armies and were almost completely destroyed. The city wall built with great effort and time was not even able to hold up for half an hour.

The more news the rout soldiers told, the fear of the soldiers who had not participated in the front-line battle increased by one point.

I don't know if the broken soldiers fled again, or the third line of defense garrison who was filled with fear fled first, until someone found the Han army on the defense line. Although the Han army was only a five-man team, it was Another wave of fleeing was triggered.

Li Kuang came to the seemingly empty defense line, and out of caution, he sent a small team to explore first.

After a while of exploration, we only found a few enemy soldiers who had not had time to move away because they were carrying supplies. After a while of interrogation, we learned the reason why the enemy troops on the defense line fled without fighting.

"The so-called coalition forces consist of only [-] to [-] regular Persian troops and less than [-] Roman legions, most of whom are from small tribes and small tribes." Li Kuang made his own evaluation standing on the city wall: "We They all know what the people of a small country are like, and even more so, what the people of a small tribe and small tribe look like..."

There are no strong men in a small country, and no heroes among ignorant people.This is the status quo.

"They have drawn so many allies, I'm afraid they didn't expect that they would become a burden to themselves." Song Ping said with emotion: "Our ancestors knew very early on that self-improvement is the real strength. The victory or defeat of China is pinned on the so-called allies."

In fact, what really made Zhuxia understand that allies are unreliable is the many examples of the Warring States Period. At that time, the six countries formed alliances repeatedly, but not only had nothing to do with Qin, but a lot of internal troubles arose, all of which proved again and again that alliances can only be A dominant family drives all the younger brothers, as long as there are two countries with similar strength in that alliance, the so-called alliance is more of a drag.

Li Kuang looked at Song Ping and said, "Those small countries and small tribes will be handed over to you from now on."

Song Ping nodded with a smile.He is very clear about what he should do next, and he believes that he will achieve good results.

The reason why those small countries and tribes were drawn into the so-called anti-Han axis was that the Han Empire did not conceal its dominance, and that it was under the strong deterrence of Rome and Persia.

Li Kuang has discovered the disadvantages of not concealing domineering, which is also an important reason why the Romans and Persians can easily recruit such a large group of allies.

Although the Han Empire did not take those small countries and small tribes seriously, it might be possible to prevent them from standing on the side of the Persians and Romans, what should be avoided is naturally to be avoided.

"This time, the guard led an army of 20 to defeat the coalition army of [-]. The news will soon spread all over the world." Song Ping was not flattering Li Kuang, he really deserved a lot of credit.He was presenting the facts and reasoning: "The big man's prestige is even greater, and the people of these small countries must be afraid of the big man's liquidation, and they will try every means to distance themselves from Persia and Rome..."

The Han Empire does not need allies, but it is not so stupid that it does not understand that weakening the enemy is strengthening itself. It has no intention of gathering those small countries, but it is still very happy for those small countries to turn around and find trouble with the Persians and Romans.

(End of this chapter)

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