sweeping the world

Chapter 1031 The Romans Are Still Very Powerful

Chapter 1031 The Romans Are Still Very Powerful

"How about..." Elbata had a desperate expression on his face: "Let's charge the whole army!"

The situation on the battlefield undoubtedly showed that the anti-Han axis coalition forces were at a disadvantage. They dispatched [-] chariots, about [-] cavalry, and [-] infantry, but they were defeated by the frontal advance of the Han army. An upright advancement style, which not only made no progress, but even collapsed and retreated.

It cannot be said that the Persians and Romans were not brave. They were the first army in the world who dared to advance against the Han riflemen.

The Persians collapsed after a loss of about [-]%.

The Romans collapsed after losing more than [-]%.

They have shown amazing will.One thing to be clear about is that when the battle damage of most armies reaches about [-]%, the collapse will happen as a matter of course.

An army that is recognized as a strong army usually needs to be able to endure about [-]% of the battle damage.

Under normal circumstances, if an army suffers [-]% battle damage, it means that those brave and brave fighters have been completely destroyed, and the rest are either cowards or drifters.

The Han army, which was at an advantage, actually admired the enemy who could endure more than half of the casualties and still showed a will to fight.

If the soldiers are admired, the officers will be jealous.

An army that is not afraid of death is not terrible. What is worrying is that an army that is not afraid of death is not short of training and has a perfect organization.

With the foundation of training the army and arming the army, coupled with the tenacity of the will, it is fine not to give them a chance. Once they seize the opportunity, they can usually create miracles.

The number of enemy troops who ran away on the frontal battlefield was very small, and more than [-]% were left behind.

Every time Liu Shen took a step forward, he had to avoid the corpses on the ground, and these corpses were made up by the riflemen who had been pushed forward, and each corpse had at least one hole from which blood was oozing out.

A few people were shot after being shot, but they were very tenacious and did not die.Their brains are completely occupied by pain, their bodies will roll up like shrimps, their eyes will be closed and their bodies will tremble slightly, and they will soon go into shock due to excessive blood loss, and then die in shock.

From the start of the war to the defeat of the soldiers of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces on the battlefield, everything happened within an hour and a half.

Because of the fighting, the Han army stayed in place most of the time to fire volleys, and the distance they advanced was only about 600 meters.

When the anti-Han Axis coalition forces showed signs of defeat when they sent troops to fight, Marus and Elbata retreated with troops that did not participate in the battle.

In the end, they still didn't dare to send troops to fight. The armies of the two empires were defeated so badly. The probability of using their own troops to refuel more than [-]% was to die as many as they wanted.

For other countries (ethnicities) that mobilized the anti-Han axis coalition forces, not to mention whether those people are willing to obey orders, those in power are really willing to send troops, the greatest possibility of those miscellaneous soldiers is that they will collapse at the first touch and then turn their heads to attack their own formation.

"Return to the camp." Marus' face was very ashamed: "Using the camp for defense is our only option at present."

Most of the rest of the ethnic groups don't know how to build a fortress, and those who are proficient are the Romans and Persians. At the same time, the Romans have more experience in building a fortress.

The Romans were really good at building fortresses, especially after conquering the Greeks, they got a lot of knowledge about engineering from Greece.

For example, the Persians also had a method of building forts. They built a camp by making fences and horses, digging one or more trenches, and then digging countless traps and placing spikes. If they were more careful, they would add more. Fence walls or earth walls, but they are all done by hand, basically without any mechanical tools.

The Romans are different. They have mastered the related technology of lifting and have a lot of machinery that makes engineering construction more convenient. They build the same fortress as the Persians. The Persians need ten days, and the Romans can build it in three or four days. complete.

Due to the fact that the war was not so smooth at the beginning, Marus had built camps on a large scale and fought a protracted war with the Han army since he marched to the banks of the Panchi River.

They are building camps on the west bank of the Panchi River.

The first camp is less than 500 meters away from the Panchi River.Since this camp was within the range of the artillery fire of the Han army, it simply dug two ditches, set up a fence and three layers of fence walls, and was destroyed by the Han army in No. 17 days.

The second camp was built on the west bank 3000 meters away from the Panchi River. Right in front of it, there were as many as six trenches with a width of about 20 meters, each with an interval of about [-] meters.Behind the trench is the "city wall", which is generally built with timber structures and then rammed with earth walls. Its width is about four meters, and its height is also four meters. The length of the "city wall" is more than [-] meters. Extending out is the high wooden frame built, and the earth wall will continue to be rammed when there is enough time, and there are a large number of arrow towers.

The third camp became a semi-bent shape. Taking advantage of the large number of miscellaneous soldiers, the Romans were determined to build a Great Wall on the front line, and the construction did not stop when the battle was in progress.It has far more trenches, walls, and traps than the second camp, and the height of the "city wall" is also much higher.

The current role of the second fortress has been transformed into the forward base of the anti-Han axis coalition forces. The anti-Han axis coalition forces that were retreating on the front battlefield retreated to this camp.

It must be said that the Han people were extremely surprised that the anti-Han Axis coalition forces were able to impress the project during the war, and that it was able to form a large scale in a short period of time.

It's not that the Han army never thought of sending troops to interfere, but the number of anti-Han Axis coalition forces is really too large, and the terrain restrictions are too great.

Li Kuang sent cavalry to attack and harass him several times, either facing the enemy's ten times the number of his own to intercept, or rushing in, he was in danger of being surrounded and eaten, and he simply turned a blind eye from behind.

"Where did the artillery advance?"

"Hui Duhu, already within [-] meters behind the advancing troops."

The advancing Han army still had a line of riflemen in the center, but only the cold weapon troops on foot were left on the two wings. The cavalry had been dispersed and was still playing a "cat and mouse" game with the anti-Han axis coalition forces.

The terrain of the battlefield was really too restrictive for the Han army who crossed the river to the west bank. The lack of depth was only one aspect. Secondly, it was because there were too many anti-Han axis coalition forces. From the beginning, they entered and were surrounded from three sides. In the state of clamping, unless there are Han troops crossing the river from other river sections, otherwise there is no room for detours at all.

In some respects, the Han army likes this kind of battlefield very much. They have [-] riflemen. Not only will they not have any restrictions in the face of such a battlefield, but even being at such a disadvantage can attract the enemy to take the initiative to attack. What's more, it is dignified and upright to hedge, which can give full play to the biggest shooting advantage of platoon guns.

Liu Shen stood where he was when he heard the military order "Stop". He looked left and right, and the robe beside him showed a more or less tired expression.

The position where they stopped was only 500 meters away from the camp of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces. At a glance, there was no enemy army outside the camp. The enemy army was standing on the "city wall", and there were more enemy troops It's behind the "wall".

"Rest in place, replenish water, eat, and don't move around at will!"

One and a half hours of non-stop fighting, people are always in a state of mental tension, and then they are always under exercise, people will really feel dry mouth, drink some water appropriately, and then eat something, It can relax the mind and restore physical strength.

Liu Shen picked up the water bottle hanging on his waist and poured it for a while. After a few sips, he felt that his chest was not so stuffy at all.He lifted the kettle up and tilted it so that the water was splashed on his face and flowed down his neck to his body, and his whole body immediately felt refreshed by "living" again.

Many people are doing that kind of thing. The Penchi River is next to it. You don’t have to worry about not being able to replenish the water source. You can relax your body and mind by soaking in water, so why not do it?

"This stuff is really unpalatable." While chewing the dry noodles in his mouth, Ji Hai disliked it: "If it didn't have a crunchy texture, it would really be useless."

The rations carried by the soldiers are dry noodles wrapped in cloth bags. It is ground and then pulled into strips, and then fried. It does have a crispy taste and almost no nutritional value, but it is easy to eat Portable and not easily spoiled.

Liu Shen chewed dry noodles and poured water into his mouth from time to time. His eyes were focused on the "city wall" in the distance, where the enemy troops were busy.

"They're actually quite powerful." Ji Hai admired: "It took less than a month to build such a thing, and I heard that there is another one further west."

When it comes to start-up projects, the Han people have seen many kinds of projects in the past ten years, and gradually understand what is called efficiency. At the same time, they think that no one in the world can compare with themselves in project construction.

The soldiers of the Han Empire, due to some special reasons, have always been a group of proud people, firmly believing that no matter what, the Han people are at the top level in the world.

Now, Ji Hai, who is the "second generation" and a soldier, praised him, which shows that he was really surprised.

"The Romans loved all kinds of projects. They were no strangers to building roads and city walls." Liu Shen knew that the Romans had always had a history of building the Great Wall, and they built the Great Wall every time they needed defense. : "Wang Shizhong (Wang Meng) went to Rome and introduced the traffic conditions and various arenas in Rome. He especially admired the Romans' persistence in building aqueducts."

Some "second generations" including Ji Hai and Xu Guang understood it.

The Romans were not barbarians. They also had a relatively high level of civilization compared to the current world. The Romans who liked to start projects had their own mechanics and would use machinery when constructing projects. They were better than those who didn't at all. People who understand what is called mechanics can achieve faster construction speed.

While they were chatting, there was a burst of cannon fire behind them.

After the shells escaped from the barrel and flew into the sky, they would make whistling noises as they broke through the air. More than [-]% of the shells flew a certain distance and blasted towards the "city wall" where the anti-Han Axis soldiers were busy. The rest either landed prematurely or crossed the "city wall". The city wall" smashed into the camp behind.

The "city wall" is mainly supported by wooden frames. The shells fell one after another. The tamped earth wall was recessed but did not collapse. The wall that was not tamped in time was blasted to pieces. Effect.

The artillery units of the Han army fired solid bullets, which were mainly used to bombard the "city wall", not to cause many casualties to the enemy.

"It's quite remarkable." Qin Song looked at the 'city wall' that was being bombarded constantly, and praised the other party to set off the strength of his own artillery: "Our fastest record is to build a stone masonry of more than ten miles within a month The city wall?"

What Qin Song was talking about was a long time ago. At that time, they were still a weak force in Changguang County. They were forced to retreat to the Liaodong Peninsula by Shijie Zhao Guo. In order to deal with the threat of Murong Yan Guo, they had to build the Great Wall.

The people who built a ten-mile city wall in a month were of course farmers of the system. It was once considered a miracle by countless forces.

"The Romans did have their own merits." Li Kuang did not object to praising the enemy: "The Central Library in Chang'an has introductions about Rome, and they are quite remarkable."

Only by praising your enemies appropriately can you show your strength after defeating them.

If you belittle your enemy without a bottom line, won't it be a matter of course to win, if you still lose a lot during the battle, it will show your incompetence.

According to the understanding of the Han people, there are so many forces on the opposite side, and there is really no one else who can carry out those projects in wartime except the Romans.

"Some time ago, news came back from overseas that the Romans were aggressively launching projects in their Spanish provinces and Egyptian provinces. They are all coastal defense chains." Li Kuang has nothing to deal with now, and found that the enemy army has no sign of leaving camp at all. , I am still willing to have a chat with Qin Song: "They are terrified that the Han's navy can reach Constantinople directly from the sea. They should indeed be terrified!"

In the past, most people, especially the army in the military, rejected and criticized the development of the navy. It is generally believed that it is better to strengthen the army with those financial resources.

At the stage of war with the Gupta dynasty, after the navy showed its prowess, the rejection was reduced, and the criticism disappeared.

Now that Rome has joined and led the formation of the anti-Han axis, which has become the second axis, they are beginning to be happy that they have a strong navy, otherwise they don't know how long it will take to kill them from land.

"Isn't there a notice in the mansion newspaper?" Qin Song said cheerfully, "Your Majesty has approved the formation of an expeditionary force. The size of the fleet alone exceeds [-]. Seven gunboats have been dispatched, including the 'Linzi'."

The Han people who have reemerged as a hegemonic nation can never wait for revenge. They really don't want to wait for a day to hit Europa on land. They have a firm attitude towards forming an ocean-going navy to take revenge on the Romans.

"It takes at least a year and two months to sail to the Cape of Good Hope by sea. Landing from Egypt, not counting the preparation time, will take half a year." Li Kuang didn't mind looking forward to his future: "By then, we should march to Savoy It’s in Shan territory.”

(End of this chapter)

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