sweeping the world

Chapter 1027 Arrival

Chapter 1027 Arrival
When Liu Shen's troops marched to the battlefield of the Panchi River, the progress of the battle was that the two divisions of the Han army were all on the other side of the river, and there were another [-] Han auxiliary troops, who set up camps against the water and entered the stage of confrontation with the enemy.

The anti-Han Axis coalition forces originally wanted to retreat, but the Han army dispatched cavalry to harass them first, and the Han army infantry approached behind them. The anti-Han Axis coalition forces achieved another goal and did not withdraw.

The outbreak of the war has entered No.20 for seven days. The anti-Han axis coalition successfully forced the Han army, which was at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, to cross the west bank of the Penchi River. It must rely on its numerical superiority to try to defeat or annihilate the Han army.

No.20 On the fifth day, the anti-Han Axis coalition launched an offensive using 10 horses, which almost forced the Han army into the river. Fortunately, the cavalry troops of the Han army took the risk to attack the anti-Han Axis coalition The location of the general flag caused problems in the deployment of the anti-Han axis coalition forces who lost their command, and the Han army was able to stabilize the front line.

The cavalry of the Han army who took the risk to attack successfully stabilized the battle situation, and they did bear a heavy price. Only [-] cavalry left behind the [-] cavalry who launched the attack. Basically it's useless.

No.20 Six days later, Li Kuang had to use the firearms he had not used in the face of the more fierce offensive of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces.

It was 21 75mm bronze guns for land warfare, together with about [-] explosive packs, which forced the offensive of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces to be contained, and the war entered the confrontation stage.

The Anxi Protectorate's Mansion didn't have many firearms. Twenty-one 21mm bronze cannons were all the long-range firearm strike force. Two-fifths of the 75 explosive packs in reserve were consumed within a day.

Li Kuang originally planned to use firearms at the most suitable time to give the anti-Han Axis coalition forces the greatest surprise, but the deterioration of the situation made the plan come to nothing.However, those firearms were used at the right time, and it played a key role in stabilizing the front line.

"The big man is really strong!" Ji Hai knew the course of the battle, and said cheerfully: "20 regular soldiers plus [-] auxiliary soldiers, against an enemy army of more than [-], they didn't panic at all. And hold them in place."

"The Anxi Protectorate's Mansion doesn't have enough cavalry." Xu Guang is older, has several years of military life, and has participated in quite a few battles. He has his own vision: "If there are about ten thousand cavalry, the situation will be difficult. no the same."

"Didn't we have more than 7000 cavalry come over?" Ji Hai certainly knew the role of cavalry in the war: "The number is a little small, but there will definitely be troops coming later."

In fact, almost a month later, the center of the Han Empire already knew what happened at the Anxi Protectorate, and the reinforcements from the Junjishan Captain's Department were an order from the center.

At the same time, the center that received the report began to carry out local mobilization on the fourth day. On the 12th day, troops marched towards the Anxi Dufu. Five days will definitely be the departure to the battlefield to join the battle sequence.

The first to mobilize are the twelve counties near the northwest, and then the entire Guanzhong will enter a state of mobilization. Not counting the standing army mobilized from other places, the mobilized counties and counties will reach 16, and all of them will be mobilized within four months. Arrive at the front.

In addition to the Junjishan School Lieutenant, a standing army stationed in Guanzhong will arrive within a month. In fact, this standing army has already entered the jurisdiction of the Anxi Protectorate and has been included in the shogunate's combat sequence of the Anxi Protectorate. They were captured by Li Kuang was placed in the middle reaches of the Congling River, probably near Yarkand.

The slowest of the other three standing armies will join the combat sequence within three months.

The first standing army of the Han Empire to go to war, not counting the Junji Mountain Colonel, would be five, with 16 county and county soldiers, and 14 to 18 servants of the Western Regions under the jurisdiction of the Anxi Dufu. Between 40 and [-], the total force of the first batch of troops to go into war will reach about [-].

This sudden outbreak of war is the first time in the five years since the Han Empire that the military force once again exceeded 20 people, and there are countless people serving the war in the rear. They will definitely not just want to defeat the invading enemy Army is as simple as that.

It can be said that although the Han Empire was caught off guard by the sudden outbreak of war, it also made the Han people who knew the outbreak of the war furious.

The Han people who have been going from one victory to another, they really did not expect that someone would take the initiative to beat them. For so many years, they have only taken the initiative to attack others. The whole country has fallen into a state where they feel bullied. , Keep fighting, penetrate to the place called Europa, and wipe out all the countries that dare to initiate wars.

The military, who originally thought they would have to suffer loneliness, fell into carnival when they learned of the outbreak of war. They were really afraid of the days without war, and they knew that if there was no war, they would lose their value.

Many military leaders have been transferred to civilian positions in the new system reform. The military is actually in a state of hesitation, worrying about the military's weakness all the time.

They know very well that once the civilian officials are allowed to raise their heads, it will inevitably form a trend of suppressing the military. It will be a heavy blow to the military if it stops for three to five years. pee.

No one expected the war to break out so suddenly. If the civil servants were beating their chests and scolding the anti-Han axis of some stuff, the military followed the scolding with their mouths, but they gave countless praises in their hearts.

There is a call to penetrate to the end of the Western world. On the one hand, it is the outbreak of the "glass heart" among the people. Is there any action by the military?They hope that fierce battles will break out all the time, so that their own existence value will not be lowered but increased, so that the soldiers of the military system will have the opportunity to make contributions.

"I heard that the people in the country are excited." Ji Hai said cheerfully: "When a war breaks out, so many countries will form a coalition army, and the army will definitely expand. How many people will have the opportunity to step on the battlefield to obtain meritorious service? I don't know how many princes will be born. , How many people have won the title and promoted to the title. "

The importance of titles in the Han Empire is unquestionable. The battlefield is the best place for people with no special skills to obtain it. Some people will inevitably fall on the battlefield during the process, but for the vast majority of ordinary people, only when they have a chance Is the most important, no chance will make people desperate.

Liu Shen himself was in the army, and witnessed the bewilderment and depression of the soldiers who thought there would be no war.He clearly remembered that day, when all the soldiers who learned of the outbreak of the war showed ecstatic expressions, knowing that he was going to the front line as if he was rushing to a feast.

"Tun chief." Xu Guang ignored the self-proclaimed Ji Hai, and asked in a low voice after approaching, "The guard asked if you would like to serve as the defense team?"

"There is such a thing." Liu Shen pulled his collar and said with a smile: "Father sent me to the army, which in itself meant to increase my knowledge. How could I give up participating in the war?"

Liu Yan really made it very clear when he said goodbye to Liu Shen. After joining the army, Liu Shen can have his own choice. If he wants to be a "good baby" purely gold-plated, or if he is unwilling to be lonely and wants to experience the real military life, Everything is decided by Liu Shen himself.

That is to say, their status is special. Otherwise, even a general does not have the right to choose freely. Liu Shen is still young and does not understand. Incomparable headache.

Of course, if it was really dangerous, Li Kuang would not let Liu Shen mess around.

It was only Liu Shen who had just arrived on the battlefield. After repeated deduction, Li Kuang had enough understanding of the war, and it was really not the time to specifically restrain Liu Shen.

Xu Guang stopped talking, he was no longer a child, he knew very well that he must not encourage anything, and even acted as the restrainer when necessary.

Not far away, Yang Rui seemed to be passing by. He kept his eyes on Liu Shen and the others while walking.

"The offensive in the afternoon is our first appearance since joining the war." Yang Rui no longer looked at Liu Shen's side, but stared at Qin Song and said seriously: "What I need to see is destruction."

In fact, Li Kuang didn't want the firearms troops of the Junjishan Colonel's Department to go into battle so soon. The problem was that the troops in the shogunate's combat sequence of the Anxi Duhufu were too tight, and the original cavalry as a mobile force was even more abolished. .

The enemy army was planning a new attack. They set up camp with their backs against the Panchi River. If there was not a pontoon bridge leading to the east bank behind them, they would be playing Han Xin's tricks.

Han Xin's last-ditch battle was to let the soldiers know that they would die if they didn't fight hard, and inspired the soldiers to fight to the death.

Li Kuang didn't need to do that, he was just worried that it would be difficult to control the battle situation after the enemy retreated, and the enemy with more room to maneuver in summer would cause big trouble.

In the anti-Han Axis coalition forces with an absolute superiority in numbers, Marus and Elbata decided to let the troops of various ethnic groups under their command take turns to attack the Han army in a harassing nature.

Once the sun rises, every time large and small groups of infantry of various races start to attack, they basically retreat without even touching the fence set up by the Han army. There is no danger in attacking, but it makes the Han army Unable to relax.

"Their reinforcements are here today." Elbata's expression was extremely serious: "Look at the banner, it's the Han army from Junji Mountain."

Marus had just found out what was going on. He had heard from Elbata that the Junji Mountain Colonel’s Department was the first regular army of the Han Empire to be fully deployed in addition to the Imperial Guard’s Department. Firearms troops.

They didn't know what was so special about the Junjishan Captain's Department and how it could be so valued by those in power in the Han Empire, but they knew what the firearms unit represented.

Just a day ago, they caught a mistake of the Han army, and when they drove the Han army from the west bank of the Panchi River to the east bank, the Han army used firearms.

It was just the firing of 21 bronze cannons. In fact, the first wave of people killed by the bronze cannons would never exceed 200 people. However, the 8 anti-Han Axis coalition forces who were attacking completely collapsed at that moment when they heard the sound of the cannons. The more than [-] anti-Han Axis coalition forces waiting to attack became even more chaotic.

Even if the Han army counterattacked and used explosives, the number of anti-Han Axis coalition forces who died under firearms that day would never exceed 2000.

"The deterrent power is too great!" Elbata continued to smile wryly: "The death of being hit by the bronze cannon ball is miserable, and the explosive package is even more dead."

"It's related to faith." Marus also smiled wryly: "Those barbarians insisted that it was a method only mastered by the gods. Even the Roman citizens knew what was going on, but they were in awe and fear."

Indeed, even if the current bronze cannons have flowering bullets, the power of a shell is just that.The explosive package thrown directly is worse than the projectile in terms of damage.But they really caused a great panic to the anti-han axis coalition forces, mainly because the anti-han axis coalition forces have their own religions, and their religions, which are dying, have many aspects of frightening people that are made of gunpowder. The movements are very similar.

"We know that it has nothing to do with the gods, but a weapon made by the ingenuity of the Han people." Albata said with a gloomy face, "But the people are often ignorant."

"Only if we can defeat the Han army that uses firearms, will they end their 'myth'!" Marus stretched out his hand and joined Erbata in a handshake: "We will deploy the most elite troops to deal with the firearms of the Han army. force!"

They all know clearly that there is really only one victory, even if it is only an insignificant victory, but as long as they can defeat the Han army using firearms once, even if they cannot completely eliminate the "myth" of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces on firearms, It will make the anti-Han coalition soldiers no longer feel fear and awe so much that they dare not face it.

When the time came to noon that day, there was a gentle "dong dong dong" sound of war drums in the camp of the Han army, and then the sound of the drum set replaced the sound of the war drums.

Marus and Elbata, who had predicted it for a long time, heard the sound of the drum set, even though they had guessed that the Han army would join the firearms unit, their hearts still twitched.

The Han soldiers with very special uniforms began to leave the camp. They did not have armored armor, but wore straight dark green new military uniforms, carrying flintlock guns and forming one after another as they marched.

Liu Shen was in one of the queues, but he did not carry a flintlock gun on his shoulder. He held a short flintlock pistol in one hand and pressed the other hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

On the side of the Anti-Han Axis Allied Forces, various drums and horns were also ringing.

This time, the anti-Han Axis Allied Forces came out of the camp first in red. They were Roman legions from the far west. After stepping out of the camp, they formed a team. Officers kept repeating "the glory of Rome" loudly. if.

The second batch of troops from the anti-Han Axis allied camps came from the Sassanian army. First cavalry poured out of several camps, then chariot soldiers, and finally infantry on foot.

The two armies, separated by more than a kilometer, seemed to have reached a tacit agreement in an instant, and the sounds of all kinds of drums and horns disappeared at the same time, and the rest was absolute chilling.

(End of this chapter)

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