sweeping the world

Chapter 1020 A Unique Idea

Chapter 1020 A Unique Idea

After the Persians realized the fact that no matter how they confessed, sooner or later they would be blown up by the Han Empire, they said that they would give up their reason, and everything was to fight to the death.Being pulled down after death can make the Han Empire realize its will to die and be afraid. The Persians feel that only in this way can they survive.

After gaining such a clear understanding, everyone from Shapur II to people with lofty ideals in the private sector put all their efforts into planning with a hundredfold effort and enthusiasm, and made the plan more perfect with all their energy.

When a country starts to do something with a desperate will, the energy that erupts is absolutely beyond imagination.

Shapur II told Constantius that Sassan should stop looking after his back. We just want to concentrate our efforts to fight the Han Empire. Of course, it is best if you form an alliance with sincerity. , We are dead and it will definitely be your turn next.

Seriously speaking, the Romans are not as urgent as the Persians. Rome is too far away from the Han Empire. On the day that Rome went to war, those countries in the middle of the two countries must have disappeared.

Although they were not so urgent in their hearts, the Romans were still quite dissatisfied with the "natural" demands of the Han Empire, such as leased ports, land concessions, and simply did not treat Rome as an empire.

For a long time, the Romans were the domineering side, taking everything and everything from the surrounding countries and tribes, and suddenly they became the "natural" objects. At the same time, they didn't react for a while, and felt an unprecedented sense of humiliation Also rose to the heart.

For the Romans to become a dominant nation, there must be wise men with long-term vision. Their advice to Constantius was that even if there was no life-and-death war with the Han Empire, they should not indulge the Han Empire so much. Since Sasanian wanted to fight the Han Empire, it would be a correct choice to help the Persians, and Rome should also participate.

This time as the first direction of war, Sassan alone sent an army of [-] to Hunnit.

The [-] Sasanian troops were originally stationed in the eastern provinces, accounting for [-]% of the eastern Sasanian troops.

Shapur II did not send out all the garrisons in the eastern provinces. The main reason was that the Arabs danced too happily and needed to leave the necessary suppressive troops, and then they pulled the strong men against the Arabs.

In addition to the [-] from Sasanian and the [-] from Rome, among the first wave of troops going to the Han Empire, there were only less than [-] Hunnites, and the rest were troops from neighboring countries and tribes. Five thousand descendants of the Northern Huns from the far northwest.

With an army of 24 gathered, the Anti-Han Axis Alliance only prepared food and grass for three months before heading eastward.

As long as it is an army united by multiple forces, although they are coalition forces, they really will not cooperate closely with each other. It is normal for some foreign troops to enter the territory of Hunnit, burn, kill and loot. There are even troops from different countries. Before fighting the Han army, I did a fight first.

Along the way, because the Han people built a considerable number of forts, military forts, and beacons, the 24 army was more than [-] miles away from the Han border, but [-] to [-] scattered.

"Most of them are made up." Marus is the supreme commander of Rome in this Eastern Expedition. He looked at the so-called friendly forces on the left and right sides: "It goes without saying that the hosts are the Hunnites. They have gone through the last war. It was a heavy loss, and the 4 people gathered this time included the old, the weak, women and children. The only ones who could be useful were those cavalrymen who claimed to be of the Hungarian nationality.”

The group of people who call themselves the Huns are the descendants of the Northern Huns. They come here to take a dip in the troubled waters. Firstly, they are unable to continue their westward march in the near future. Secondly, they hear that their ancestors’ enemies are marching westward. They are curious about what their ancestors’ enemies look like. , come and find out.

The Xiongnu did not have their own written language, but they had long-term entanglements with the early Han Dynasty. The later the Hundred Years War, the more the Xiongnu realized the strength of the early Han Dynasty. It is a human instinct for the weak to learn from the strong. In fact, their nobles can basically write Chinese characters. , also left some records.

In the relevant records, the Northern Xiongnu must describe the part of hatred, almost how badly they were beaten, the more pages describe the strength of the Han people.

After so many years, there are actually less than three descendants of the northern Huns who can still read Chinese characters, and they are all elderly people who are shamans.

The time is really too long. Many descendants of the northern Huns have never even heard of the ethnic group's experience in the east. Only those in power will pass on that period of history from generation to generation.

It is precisely because the history is too long, so long that many things are either forgotten or become a horror story.The leaders of this generation of Northern Huns had just experienced a disastrous defeat in the westward march, and when they nestled up to lick their wounds, the Persians suddenly came to them and said that there were Han Chinese marching westward. So I thought of bringing five thousand cavalry over to have a look.

Altaba took Marus' words very seriously. Except for the Sasanian and Roman troops, there was really only that group of Hungarian cavalry that looked capable of fighting, and the rest could even paddle... …Not likely, but absolutely drowning.

"So didn't we arrange those wastes to besiege the Han army we saw along the way?" Altaba felt that the Romans were quite sincere when they sent two regular legions to participate in this war: "We The first batch to face is less than [-] regular troops of the Han Empire, and possibly no less than [-] Han Chinese auxiliary troops.”

As for the servants of the Western Regions, Altaba didn't talk about it.

The last time Li Kuang pulled up 25 servants of the Western Regions, after repeated investigations by various countries, they discovered a fact, that is, as long as the Western Regions were not supervised by the Han Chinese, even those Western Regions' weapons and equipment were not bad, but they were still used by the Hunnites. People easily rub against the ground.

People in the Western Regions can only display their combat effectiveness when they are surrounded by Han leaders, but most of them are reflected in the premise of burning, killing, and looting.

"I heard that the Han people have been carrying out the reduction policy in the Western Regions?" Marus felt that it was very necessary for Rome to learn from the Han people: "Most of the female Western Regions became Han women, and the male Western Regions were either thrown into the battlefield or killed. Arrested to the hinterland of the Han Empire to become a labor force?"

"Of the 25 people from the Western Regions who invaded Hunnit last time, less than 13 ran back." Altaba didn't know how to evaluate those people from the Western Regions. The loss: "It may be that the people in the Western Regions are really useless. The Han people no longer have any cover-ups behind them. They are indeed reducing the number of males in the Western Regions unscrupulously."

Marus subconsciously touched his chin.

After the civil war, the population of Rome's own people has been greatly reduced, but the number of foreign races from the surrounding areas has surged into Rome. They are not the kind of slaves, but the status quo of running into Rome to live as free people majestically.

The number of citizens of Rome has always been small, and the population of the Roman ethnic group was only about 2000 million at its peak.

Constantius has become the unique Augustus. He heard that the Han Empire will conduct a national census every three years. He thinks it is necessary to find out how many citizens and ethnic groups there are in Rome. In Yuan Shuo's 15th year, it was also done once.

That census in Rome did not get the cooperation of nobles from all over the world. In the world, not only the clans, aristocratic families, and powerful people of Zhuxia would hide the population, but anyone who could bring benefits from hiding the population would do it.

Constantius worked very hard to do one thing, spending a whole year on it, but the data he got was full of water, but there was one data.

In the 16th year of the Yuanshuo period of the Han Empire, Constantius obtained data that the number of citizens in the country reached 180 million, but the ethnic group was only about 700 million.

The citizens of Rome are potential sources of soldiers, or they can join the army and become citizens, or their ancestors have obtained citizenship long ago.

Constantius didn't know whether to laugh or cry when faced with the census data. 180 citizens represented the number of soldiers that could be recruited. The key was, why were there only 700 million ethnic groups?

The reason is that Roman citizens have their own benefits even if they are not in the army, but those who belong to the ethnic group need to pay taxes, which leads to the abnormal data of ethnic groups despite there being so many citizens.

According to Constantius' guess, not only the number of citizens has water, but the ethnicity must have more water.He made a compromise and calculated that the number of people who could actually be recruited as soldiers would not exceed 40, and the number of ethnic groups would not be less than 2000 million.

Due to Rome's long habit of using slaves, there should be about 5000 to 2000 million slaves in the whole country.The number of free people who were not slaves and settled in Rome should not be less than [-] million.

If that data were true, Rome would be an exaggerated existence with a population approaching [-] million, but in fact it would be of no use. On the contrary, it would be an extremely dangerous signal for Rome.

"So Augustus is already considering introducing new policies to attract free people to become warriors." Marus said these are a signal: "We are the first batch of Roman troops coming eastward, and there will be a second batch , The third batch... will not stop dispatching if necessary."

Altaba is not so excited, the force organized by force, don't expect to have such a high combat effectiveness, and even the will to fight will definitely be negative.

Will those forces organized by force do anything?Probably it is to drive to the battlefield, let the Han people consume some energy when killing those guys, break some military equipment, consume the Han people's military rations, and so on.

Isn't Sasan doing exactly the same thing?For example, the Arabs were mainly used as cannon fodder, and even some small tribes in the territory were not spared.

Sasan has even made preparations for the most critical situation. After the war officially broke out, the next policy to be introduced is to let the whole country enter the moment of mobilization.

"In fact, it will be very useful." Malus said mysteriously: "The strong will crush the noobs for a long time, and the strong will become noobs over time."

Such a situation has occurred more than once in the history of Rome. It is obviously an elite army that has been fighting against rookie-like enemies for a long time. vegetable chicken.

It is definitely not because of the loss of soldiers of the elite army in the battle. It is because they have repeatedly crushed and won, and they have not suffered much loss. Simply scrap the whole thing.

It was the first time Altaba heard such an argument, his eyes lit up and he said, "Is there any evidence?"

Marus said that Altaba believed it or not, anyway, he kept driving the cannon fodder to be killed by the Han army, and as many cannon fodder as Rome and Sasanian killed, he would bring in as much cannon fodder, and in the end he would definitely prove the correctness of his statement.

"I will suggest it to His Majesty." El Taba was very interested in the back: "If that is the case, no matter how many people sacrificed, it is valuable."

Sasanian was well prepared to kill millions of Persians on the battlefield. Even Persians could die a million people. How could the non-Persians in Sasanian territory not die more?The same is dead, if the level of the Han army can be lowered, it is considered that those dead have played an unexpected role.

"Of course, you can't do that in the first stage." Marus is still quite rational: "According to your investigation, the current strength of the Anxi Protectorate Mansion is not too many, and there are not many firearms installed yet, so there is a good chance that they can enter Within the territory of the Han Empire."

Al-Taba said: "The domineering thinking of the Han people is destined to choose the battlefield outside the border when they learn of our invasion. It is a pity that although the Han people are domineering, they are cautious, and we have already been exposed. If If an ambush can be carried out..."

Within three hundred miles as a buffer zone, there are some mountains and more flat terrain.

The vegetation on this side is not dense, and the woods are generally not that wide, and even if they could hide soldiers in the woods, they would not dare to do that.

The Han army has a history of large-scale arson. According to Ding Lingren, the Han people once set fire to the grassland regardless. It was a horrible scene of hundreds of miles of grassland fire. Jumped directly.

Eltaba's guess was not wrong at all. Li Kuangzhen, who knew that the enemy was invading, did not choose to defend because he had few troops at hand.

"Information from the scouts in front." Altaba handed over the report: "Anxi Governor has arrived on the west bank of the Panchi River, and he has brought two divisions and [-] Han auxiliary soldiers."

"A division of the Han Empire is about 5000 people?" After reading the information, Marus had to admire the domineering Han people: "They must know that we will not be less than 20 people, and they dare to use 4 people to fight us?"

Al Taba said with a sigh: "Because they are Han Chinese."

(End of this chapter)

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