sweeping the world

Chapter 1012 Attacking the Han Dynasty worldwide ()

Chapter 1012 Attacking Han Worldwide ([-])

"The shape of these buildings is very similar to that of a big man!"

Ran Min was walking in the Temple of the Goddess of Smallpox, had already looked around the outside, and is currently looking at the internal layout.

It has only been thirteen days since they arrived at the Tianzhu Protectorate's Mansion, and the time they landed before was spent on the road, and they just glanced at the road along the way, and only when they arrived in Fahrenheit City did they have the intention to understand Ah San's culture .

Fahrenheit City is Ah San's own name. If it is transliterated, it should actually be called Patna.However, compared with the strange name of Patna, the Han people still prefer the name of Fahrenheit City.

According to rumors, Huashi City was originally the capital of the Mauryan Dynasty. It was built more than 1 years ago. .

"According to Ah San's legend, a considerable number of people became saints here." Of course Qian Jiantong wanted to entertain Ran Min and the others, and it happened that he was not busy with official duties, so he acted as a tour guide himself: "They also called this place For the capital of saints."

"Ridiculous!" Ran Min not only retorted, but also said with a sneer: "Only they, are there saints?"

As long as it is a nation with a long enough history, it will actually have its own saints, it's just whether other nations accept it or not.

"Who knows." Qian Jiantong didn't want to hate Ran Min, and there was no need: "It's true that Ah San was once brilliant."

The so-called brilliance is not fake, it is that they once had a great unification, and once became a country with the largest territory in the world.

The Maurya Dynasty conquered almost all the land in mainland India, leaving only a small tail in the south.That is, the period from the establishment of the Maurya Dynasty to its demise was shorter, only 130 years.Among them, the real unification was less than 50 years ago, and then it split into nearly a hundred countries and city-states, large and small.

"The family of the founders of the Maurya Dynasty also had the surname Gupta?" Zhang Shi was one of the three marquises who came to Tianzhu Protectorate this time.He asked curiously, "Does it have anything to do with the Gupta Empire we just destroyed?"

This question stopped Qian Jiantong.

The first generation of kings who established the Maurya Dynasty was called Chandragupta, because they were a family that raised peacocks, and the dynasty they established was also called the Maurya Dynasty.

The historical title of Chandragupta in Asan is King Asoka, and if translated in Chinese, he is called King Yuehu.His rise is full of miracles, and it should be said that he is an example of how times make heroes.

At that time, it happened that a Macedonian named Alexander unified Greece and led the army to continuously march eastward. He first defeated the Persian Empire and captured the entire territory of Persia. After that, he was not satisfied and marched eastward again.

Alexander invaded North India relatively smoothly at the beginning, and occupied most of North India in a very short time.

Asan recorded in history that Alexander suffered a disastrous defeat in India, but it was actually not the same thing.

According to the records of the Greeks, the group of soldiers who followed Alexander in the Eastern Expedition at that time had already made enough money for the war, and then they were physically and mentally exhausted. Facing India, which was nothing but mountains and forests, they really didn't want to continue the Eastern Expedition.The soldiers were unwilling to fight any more, and Alexander had no choice but to retreat back west.

Ah San did fight Alexander head-on, but looking at the complete fall of North India, it would be pale to use any words to describe how powerful Ah San is.

The reason for the rise of Chandragupta was that he found that the Greek rule in northern India was getting weaker and weaker. He seized the opportunity to form an army and persuaded a considerable number of native nobles.

They drove away the remnants of the Greeks in Punjab, gained a great reputation for this, and then embarked on a smooth road to unify India with the great achievements of defeating the Greeks.

"Ah San's records about this man are very mysterious." Qian Jiantong was only telling the truth: "It is indeed very mysterious. He relied on his record of driving away the Greeks, which scared most of Ah San from fighting at all. It is the use of force to unify the credibility, rather than relying on intimidation to obtain the power to rule."

"So..." Ran Min had been listening quietly just now, and commented: "Most Asan did not really submit to Chandragupta at all, and the seemingly unified Mauryan Dynasty actually had its own ghosts in the central and local governments? "

"It is indeed like this." Qian Jiantong said with a smile: "If there is a comparison, the Maurya Dynasty is probably the same as the middle period of our Zhou royal family. It's just that the first king of the Maurya Dynasty is still alive, and there are continuous splits. In addition to the fact that there is no Xinliguo in the south, the south is actually in a state of division."

The words may not sound so nice, but that is the status quo of the Mauryan Dynasty, and it was like that when Chandragupta was still alive.From here, we can also see how unstable Chandragupta's rule is. Otherwise, if he is still alive, he looks like he may fall apart at any time. It is impossible to see how a unified country should be.

"Asan, the Yuezhi people, and the Saizhong people generally have a relatively high evaluation of Chandragupta." What Qian Jiantong said is well-founded: "Although the country was unstable during Chandragupta's rule, it was in harmony with At that time, the most powerful country in the world, an empire called Seleucus fought and won the war, and once attacked Central Asia and occupied a part of Central Asia (Afghanistan).

Ran Min knew about the Seleucid Empire.What he knew was that the empire called Seleucus used to be the largest in the world in terms of territory, and it was once brilliant.

"Looking at the buildings here, there are no traces left by the Greeks." Zhang Shi touched the carvings on the wall: "This one is very similar to our picture of the celestial maiden scattering flowers."

In fact, it is a sculpture of a celestial demon dancing wildly, telling the background story of the celestial demon bewitching a goddess who is about to become enlightened.

After leaving the Tianhua Goddess Temple, everyone looked down from a high place and could see the Ganges in the distance.

Fahrenheit City itself is on the south bank of the Ganges. It is located on a high ground and can read a long section of the river, as well as the scenery on the north bank.

"What are they doing?" Ran Min pointed to the river bank: "Why are there bonfires everywhere?"

There are a lot of people on the river bank, some are taking a leisurely stroll, some are taking a bath, and some are washing up various things.

Those above are still normal, but the corpse wrapped in white cloth after burning the bonfire is not so normal.

Not only are cremations carried out on the banks of the river, but there are even people who put corpses wrapped in white cloth on rafts and then pushed them out to drift with the tide.

After Ran Min looked through the binoculars, his cheeks twitched a few times: "This river..."

"Ah San calls it a holy river." Qian Jiantong never drank the water of the Ganges River: "They think the water there is very sacred, and all sins can be taken away by the water of the Ganges River."

"Bathing and grooming will make the water source dirty, and it's nothing to drink it ignorantly." Zhang Shi is also watching with a telescope: "People are constantly cremated on the bank, and even put their bodies in the river. How can they... "

If you stand at a high enough place and have a telescope to see farther, you will really find that there are enough things floating on the river. Human corpses are because Ah San has the custom of water burial in the Ganges River. The problem is that there are still a lot of them. Cattle carcass.

"Isn't the Duhu Mansion prohibiting it?" Ran Min didn't feel uncomfortable watching the dead: "So...there won't be a plague?"

"Before the last general took office, Huan Shangshu banned it, but..." Qian Jiantong didn't know what kind of expression to use, so he just used a dumbfounding expression: "We know that it is dirty and it is extremely easy to break out of plague. But Ah San resisted very resolutely, even more resolutely than the resistance in the War of Annihilation."

"..." Ran Min's cheeks twitched, and he cursed in a low voice, "Strange Ah San."

"Ah San attaches great importance to the afterlife." Qian Jiantong wants to take up the post of the Protector of Tianzhu, and he still wants to understand every aspect of Ah San: "They regard the sufferings in this life as cultivation, or to accumulate blessings in the next life. The Ganges is their holy river. They believe that this river can wash away their sins and allow them to be reborn in a good family in the next life. At the same time, they also have legends about relying on this Ganges to reach the Kingdom of God."

Ran Min was more concerned about whether the corpses were thrown into the Ganges River casually. Rotting corpses could be seen everywhere, and whether they had caused a plague.

"This is very strange to say." Qian Jiantong's face was full of disbelief: "The temperature in Tianzhu is generally higher, but there has never been a large-scale plague. According to Ah San's documents, there has never been a plague caused by the Ganges River. plague."

"Is it because the river is running water?" Zhang Shi rubbed his chin: "Probably the only explanation."

Qian Jiantong is more inclined that Ah San is already used to such an environment. In scientific terms, he has stronger antibodies than others.

It's like eating too much waste oil, and gradually the human cells will have the corresponding adaptability.

Then, if you eat too much genetically modified food, your body will slowly adapt.

If you grew up in an environment where you didn't eat waste oil and genetically modified foods, you will definitely have problems if you eat them. The difference is how big the problem is.

"Religion has completely abolished this nation." What Qian Jiantong said was "the theory of the afterlife", he didn't know whether he should be happy or depressed: "The group called untouchables, except not to touch their fanaticism for religion , Everything is resigned. We know that a nation has always been inseparable from the grassroots that can grow, and once the grassroots collapses, the nation will also lose its future."

To put it another way in the Zhuxia model, the common people are the grassroots, and the key is that the common people have no pursuit and only want the afterlife, and they live in all kinds of muddle in this life.

People's desire is the source of progress, because they have a desire for something, they will work hard to make money, and they will create while making money.

People also have ideals, and are willing to fight for that ideal, then sparks of wisdom will be generated in the process of struggle, and contribute to the progress of the whole.

"This is a nation with a solidified class. We all know this." Ran Min did not say that Zhu Xia was in the same situation in the Three Kingdoms, Western Jin and Eastern Jin. Damn, if the group of people who are elites are drunk again, it will be a shame."

"That's it." Qian Jiantong thought of something, and said with a smile: "Some things happened recently."

Slave riots broke out within the Han Empire, and Han Chinese participated in some parts.

In the newly occupied areas outside the mainland, such as the Indochina Peninsula and the Nanyang Islands, something has happened more or less.

On the side of the Tianzhu Protectorate in the Asan Continent, it has generally stabilized so far.

What Qian Jiantong said was that a considerable number of Brahmins reported on each other, and the statements were all surprisingly consistent. Either a certain Brahmin from the Romans or the Persians was bewitching or buying.

"The Great Han did not cancel their privileges, and even strengthened their privileges to some extent." Qian Jiantong was talking about the Han Empire's policy on the three high castes: "Luxuries that are difficult for the Great Qin and Persians to obtain , Dahan will also provide convenient channels for them to buy."

Ran Min knew this, and he knew even more clearly that it was the policy decided by the emperor himself.

"Of course not all Brahmins are treated equally, and they will be treated differently, so that they can understand that only by obeying the big man and being loyal to the emperor can they guarantee their current luxury life, and even live a more nourishing life." Qian Jiantong now understands The power of that policy: "Not only did they inform each other, but they also arrested the Daqin and Persians who went to confuse and bribe them."

The Brahmins on Ah San's side never think that they are of the same ethnic group as the rest of Ah San. It doesn't matter how miserable the bottom is, as long as they can live a nourishing life.

At the same time, on the side of Asan Continent, as long as the Brahmins don't want to make a mess, they will suppress the Kshatriya, so as the largest number of untouchables, they will choose to endure no matter how miserable they suffer.

"They donated a considerable amount of money and yelled out the slogan 'As long as there is one Ah San, the big man will never give in'." The expression on Qian Jiantong's face was very painful: "I donate money and people, and I am willing to be the vanguard to fight against the bad guys." minister."

Ran Min, on the other hand, looked like he had eaten shit.

More people thought it was funny, and wondered what happened to Ah San's brain circuit.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Zhang Shi was talking about Liu Yan's policy towards Ah San: "It's just arming Ah San.... Isn't it necessary?"

Qian Jiantong has a different opinion. After he came to the Tianzhu Protectorate, he carefully observed the Kshatriya class of Asan. He must admit that the Kshatriya, who has turned to force for generations, is still quite qualified as a fighter, especially the Kshatriya. Their obedience to the Brahmins is almost unconditional.

Then a group of Kshatriyas will be a hidden danger if they stay. If they can be armed and sent to fight with the Romans, Persians or any enemies of the Han Empire, it would be a very good idea.

"Daqin people and Persian people..." Ran Min was thinking about the overall situation: "Have you finally lost your patience?"

What I have to say is that the blood in Ran Min's body is almost boiling. The original purpose of coming to Asan Continent was to inspect his own feudal country, but now he can't wait to fly back to Chang'an...

(End of this chapter)

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