sweeping the world

Chapter 101 Helping the side to control the master

Chapter 101 Helping the side to control the master
The number of people rushing to the outside of Guixian County has not been cut off one after another. From some aspects, Liu Yan finally understands Errong's situation. The productivity has been destroyed too seriously, and the food shortage will bring very serious consequences, especially in Changguang In autumn, the county also needs to pay taxes to Guanggu City, Qingzhou Prefecture.

"That is to say, Changguang County needs to deliver food to Guanggu City today?" Liu Yan said with displeasure, "I just took office!"

Ji Chang was stunned for a moment, paying taxes has nothing to do with when he took office, okay?
Liu Yan had a reason to be in a bad mood. Even from the day he took office, less than four months had passed when it was time to pay taxes in the autumn, but he still had to pay [-] shi of grain and linen to Guanggu City. One thousand bundles, and twenty bundles of silk are needed!

"Er Rong summoned Zahu to fight in order to collect the taxes." Ji Chang calculated: "We seized two thousand shi of grain, two thousand bundles of linen, and 360 bundles of silk from Buqicheng, which is enough to pay this year's taxes."

What Liu Yan cares about is not how many resources the Han tribe has, but that he doesn't want to give Hou Zhao anything at all.

"The Celona tribe fled to Gaomi County..." Ji Chang signaled Fu Wei to bring the map of mountains and rivers, and pointed to the map of mountains and rivers after arranging it: "Gaomi County is connected to Guanggu City, the government of Qingzhou, and they will not feel good. With a A new tribe of nomads will seize resources..."

Liu Yan only needs to know that Saolou Na'a will not enter Changguang County in the short term, and other than that, he doesn't care what happens to the Celona'a tribe at all.

"...With Celona's way of doing things, once a large tribe wants to use force, they will just continue to flee." What Ji Chang was talking about is also the characteristics of the Zahu tribe. Either be annexed by other tribes or be destroyed.He saw that Liu Yan was a little impatient, and went straight to the topic: "We issued the 'eating order', and the people who should come have basically arrived, but some families and tribes who originally took refuge in Celona have not come. Now that they have Those people were summoned to gather, Selona led his troops to flee, and we went to fight those families or tribes that sent troops to respond to Selona.”

Liu Yan immediately showed an expression of interest.

When the Han Dynasty issued a "eating order", those who responded must be given food as promised.This has nothing to do with the issue of credibility. It is because the "eating order" did not give food to those who cooperated. The people who gathered should not have waited for instructions from the Han tribe to attack, but should have directly attacked the Han tribe.

"Here, here...and here!" Ji Chang clicked on a number of marked locations, all of which were settlements that originally belonged to the Selonaa camp. He then pointed to several other places: "And here. , here, and here." But the latter point to some small and medium-sized nomadic tribes.

According to the number pointed out by Ji Chang, there are a lot of places that the Han tribe needs to attack next, and there are even well-fortified docks and fortresses.

Fu Wei stood by and watched shockingly. If the fight was really like that, even if those families and tribes did not support each other, how long would the fight last?Then how much blood should be shed on the Han side! ?

"Wubao..." Liu Yan was hesitant about attacking Wubao: "If possible, persuade them to surrender."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ji Chang nodded, "Once the news of the Celona tribe's escape from the war spreads, many families will come to surrender, but...we can only accept surrender selectively. .”

The total population of Changguang County is so small, that is because there have been no censuses in the "Four Dynasties".The census has never been an easy task. It was not done in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and it was even more impossible to do it in the former Zhao (Liu Han) and later Zhao.

More than [-] people gathered in the outskirts of Gui County. As for whether it is really in accordance with the requirements of the Han Ministry, it is unknown, and it is impossible to really care about it.

Ji Chang asked what he wanted to ask a long time ago: "What does your majesty think of those people?"

What else could Liu Yan think?The Chinese ethnic group has never been a group that discusses ethnic groups based on blood, but rather cultural identity.However, he is a Han nationalist. If he really could, he would naturally not intend to accept foreign races. The problem is that now... it is impossible to be so one-size-fits-all.

"Like the four families of Li, Fu, Wang, and Gai." Liu Yan thought for a moment and then said, "Like Xiqian, Su Le... and so on."

Ji Chang got the answer he wanted, that is to integrate all that can be integrated, and all those that cannot be integrated will die.

This is an extremely wise decision in modern times. It absorbs more Jin people and makes these Jin people Han, and then uses the Hu people as servants to absorb the obedient and outstanding people among the Hu people, and constantly become the nutrients of the Han tribe.

Today, all the people in the world are Jin people, and there are very few Han people.The so-called Han people refer to those who want to restore the glory of the strong Han, but they do not refer to blood. In terms of blood, there are no Jin people.

It is impossible for Liu Yan to completely accept the Jin people, just like he cannot completely reject the Hu people.It's not that he doesn't want to, it's because the current situation in the world can't really be one size fits all, even if he has the golden finger of the system.

Looking at the subsequent history, after the Eastern Jin and Sixteen Kingdoms, entered the Southern and Northern Dynasties, until the Yang family re-unified the world, who is unified by blood?No!

"When it's time... maybe you can do that, but you haven't won the world..." Liu Yan's thoughts were a little messed up, thinking about this kind of thing that he didn't know how to sort out, his head was quickly stirring into a paste: "Forget it, Look at the actual situation."

Lineage theory?Cultural theory?It's a tough choice!

For the time being, Liu Yan doesn't have much qualifications to choose. He still thinks about how to survive by crawling and rolling. It is more practical.

Who to attack, who to accept surrender, this is what Liu Yan will be busy with next.Too many people came to surrender, so there was a contrast, and it became how much they were willing to pay to get Liu Yan to accept their surrender.

"Sent from the direct line of the family, or a side branch?" Ji Chang didn't know how to answer when asked this.

That's what Liu Yan planned. Surrendering wasn't about giving in verbally. It should be taking advantage of the current strength of the Han tribe to set a set of internal operating rules.He originally wanted to let each family send the children of the direct line of the family, but later thought it might be more effective to send the side line.

"The bloodline of the direct line works on our side and can restrain those families." Liu Yan smiled and said: "But sending side branches doesn't seem to pose much threat to the main family. In fact, as long as the main family doesn't suit our wishes, as long as we Support those offshoots to become Patriarchs..."

Ji Chang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he suddenly realized that Liu Yan was not ignorant of tactics, and what he proposed... really was that the latter was more maneuverable.

Indeed, the direct lineage of the main family would have become the future controllers of the patriarch, let the direct lineage be taken as hostages, and abandon the direct lineage as a hostage and choose another one.The Han tribe supports the side branch, making the side branch the person in charge of a certain patriarch. Those who rely on the Han tribe to be in power are naturally more dependent on the Han tribe, because once they lose the support of the Han tribe, they should face the family's counterattack !

"Support the collateral branches..., okay, okay!" Ji Chang lost his composure, because he had found the key method to strengthen the Han tribe: "Detailed discussions and arrangements are still needed!"

Naturally, an effective plan can never be finalized in a few words. It is necessary to single out all the possible failures, summarize them and then think about countermeasures. The complexity and tediousness cannot be completed in a short time.

Liu Yan is only responsible for proposing concepts, how to perfect it is Ji Chang's business, he will go to Gui County after a while, show his sense of existence to those who live together, give enough benefits, and carry out necessary deterrence , and then let them be as obedient as dogs, and rush to the target that Hanbu needs to attack!


Sincerely ask, should it be a theory of blood or a theory of culture?Please help honor to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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