sweeping the world

Chapter 1003 Attacking Han Worldwide (1)

Chapter 1003 Attacking Han Worldwide ([-])

"Are you willing to be slaves of the Han people for generations to come?"

"God Shiva, the Han people are too powerful."

"If you resist, even the most powerful enemy will be overthrown one day. If you don't resist, your land will never belong to you, your wealth will be plundered forever, and your population will be taken away forever."

"The Han people are disasters that God Shiva sent down to punish us. Waiting for the day when God Shiva forgives us, the Han people will naturally retreat."

"Before your god forgives you, you can't afford to live in a palace full of gold, and you won't have beautiful women around you, and you will even be tortured to death."

"The Han people are too powerful."

"You won't be the only one. You are just the first link in the whole plan. As long as you can attract the attention of the Han people, the whole world will be on your side. We will work together to resist the tyranny of the Han people and end their barbaric behavior of plundering the world. !"

"No, we can't stand another blow. If you are willing to resist the Han people, we will follow. But if we start...the Han people will kill us."

The conversation falls silent here.

This is beside a mountain stream, and two groups of people are sitting on the rocks on both sides of the narrow flowing water.

On one side is Ah San whose body is covered with gold objects. Their skin looks very fair, and other than the gold objects, their bodies are covered with colorful cloths.

On the other side is a person covered in robes. Looking at the pattern and style of the robes, even though the face is covered and only the eyes are exposed, they can be clearly identified as Persians.

The gurgling water makes a "squeaky" sound, and there are monkeys and birdsong from time to time in the mountains and forests. At a glance, there are plants and animals that flash past from time to time.

There is a small lake under the flowing water of the mountain stream, in which a dozen young and beautiful girls are playing in the water. When they play, they will make crisp laughter, as if they are interacting with the chirping of animals in nature.

Among the two groups of people located on the slope of the small lake, only a few people kept their eyes on those beautiful and well-figured girls, and most of them were either frowning, or closed their eyes and took a nap.

"Based on the knowledge that Brahmins possess, you have no reason not to know what the Han people are doing." The depression and contempt on Kusrau Sorodias's face were hidden under the veil: "According to what they take away from this continent every year The number of 50 people, your population... especially women, how much will you have left after ten years?"

Singh Aiweirui Nar Yadu closed his eyes in pain.

Ah San's continent has never been peaceful, but there has never been a conqueror like the Han.

In the past, the Macedonians and Greeks invaded the Asan continent. Although their combined army was invincible all over the world in West Asia, they were forced to stop marching when they reached Asan, and even Alexander the Great was forced to fight against Asan’s kingdom. Make a marriage.

Even though Alexander the Great initially gained a firm foothold because of his marriage with the local kingdom, he still fell into the sand on this piece of land.

The Macedonians and Greeks did not do much harm to this land, and even opened the eyes of the princes and nobles in this land, letting them know that the so-called world is not only those that they can see, distant places There is also an extremely powerful empire with a culture that is completely different from his own.

Later, a nomadic people called the Yuezhi came from the northeast. They gathered people from the Western Regions, Saizhong people, Suli people... and many other ethnic groups to invade the south.

This time there is no co-lord in the Asan Continent, and the divided kingdoms of Asan unite to resist the invasion of various barbaric ethnic groups headed by the Yuezhi people.It may be because of the relationship of mutual distrust, or it may be the long-term decay of the descendants of Greece. They undoubtedly became the defeated side in the Battle of the Ganges.

After the Uzhana Kingdom, Kapishi, Gandhara, and Arakosia... were destroyed one after another, an empire called Guishuang emerged. They ruled the land on the north bank of the Ganges River, and then expanded brutally in the surrounding area. There were Aldan Barrow, the Kingdom of Guningtuo, the Kingdom of Three Caves... and nearly ten other kingdoms were destroyed.

Ah San firmly believed that they were a heroic and fighting nation. It was only because the Greeks brought a culture of luxury and enjoyment to this land that they were defeated in the face of the barbarian people led by the Yuezhi people. Fight back.

It is true that there is almost no power to fight back, so that the subsequent countries have been annexed one after another, allowing the Guishuang Empire to completely control the Ganges River Basin and the Indus River Basin. Guishuang, which was established by people, also has the qualifications to become a top empire.

In the era when the Guishuang Empire ruled the Asan Continent, as the most powerful country in Asan, that is, the Andara Dynasty (Haicheng Dynasty) even had to use the Eastern Han Empire to frighten the Guishuang Empire, saying that it was the Eastern Han Empire One of the vassal states of the country, the fox pretends to be the tiger and the dog uses the power of the people to intimidate the Guishuang Empire not to attack itself, otherwise the Han father will definitely teach them to be human.

The Guishuang Empire was one of the top empires at that time, and their ancestors fled west from the grasslands in the east... that is, the Yinshan area was beaten like a dog by the Huns. Records, clear how he fled to the west in embarrassment, and there are also records about the Qin Empire.

At that time, the Qin Empire was naturally gone, and it was replaced by the Han Dynasty.

The Yuezhi people had in-depth exchanges with the Han people in the Western Han Dynasty. At that time, the Han people wanted to fight against the Huns, and they went to the Yuezhi people to seek alliances. However, the Yuezhi people at that time did not want to return east at all. I found out that it doesn't cost much to be domineering, and I live a happy life. At the same time, I still remember how cruel and warlike the Huns were. I really don't want to go back east to find abuse.

The Yuezhi people who didn't want to go back to the east probably felt that it was inappropriate to do nothing, and they didn't dare to confront the Huns on the battlefield. Knowing that the Han Dynasty was seeking a breakthrough in smelting technology, they could get it in order to make the Huns feel happy. With a trace of consolation, it may be that he wanted the Han people and the Huns to fight to the death and blood, so he packaged the smelting technology he got from Ah San and gave it to the Han people.

According to Asan's records, the Guishuang Empire was their native empire, an era as great as the Maurya Dynasty.

Since the Guishuang Empire is a part of their history, don't ask what kind of rank Ah San is in that country, and extend it with their values. Knowing that Ah San has such a history, they even have a reason for the contemporary Han people Killing without any, is a mentality that neither understands nor is full of grievances.

"Our ancestors gave the ancestors of the Han people the most advanced smelting technology, helping them complete the evolution from ordinary pig iron to the steel age." Sareman Dovidos Kacedon's eyes filled with tears: "Their descendants repay us The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood are full of scars."

Kusrau Zorodeyas was a little confused. They really didn't know what kind of communication the ancestors of Ah San had with the ancestors of the Han people. Judging from Sareman Dovidos Kacedon's recollection, he shed tears , thinking that this should be a hot spot that can persuade other countries (nations).

Basically, take a look at it, Ah San’s ancestors helped the ancestors of the Han people so much, but the Han people don’t know how to be grateful, and the argument of “blah blah blah” proves how ungrateful and wolf-hearted the Han people are .

Now the four great inventions of Zhuxia have not been spread, even the earliest spread of papermaking and compass, it still needs to be in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.In this calculation, the Han people are actually getting "nutrition" from the outside world, such as smelting technology.

Zhu Xia who has not yet given grace to the whole world, if they are picked out of the history of obtaining smelting technology from the Guishuang Empire, it will not have much impact on the outside world. As long as the Han Empire remains strong, they can beat anyone they want, at most they can find someone past reason.Internally, it may really cause trouble, such as lack of self-confidence in the field of technology.

In fact, the Han army did not personally carry out massacres in the Asan Continent. It was the states of Ah San who were killed here and there.

Ah San's states attack each other only because the price offered by the Han people to purchase population is very attractive. Even if there are rational people among them, as long as there is a fool who attacks other states in order to obtain golden gold coins, no matter how sensible they are If you are attacked, you must fight back.

One or two fought, and gradually more states were involved, and the Asan Continent entered an era of wars.They plunder each other's cities and lands, and the plundering of wealth is inevitable. What is different from the past is that they are even interested in population, especially young and beautiful girls.

"The number of ethnic groups escorted from this continent this year has reached 35?" Kusrau Sorodias paused for a moment, then looked at the three brahmins with pained and helpless expressions: "The news we got Yes, women make up more than half of it."

In fact, due to the relationship between aesthetics, the Han people do not like dark-skinned Asan women, but prefer Asan women with fairer skin.

On the continent of Ah San, the whiter the skin, the more noble the blood. Under the temptation of high prices, they broke the original tradition. Even if they fought with each other, if they captured each other's Brahmin members, the men would try not to kill them. , women will entertain well.

The reason for entertaining Brahmin women is relatively simple. It is related to their religious purposes, and then it is out of consideration for reproduction.

In Ah San's place, it is best to marry someone of the same status regardless of status. If a high caste marries a low caste, the offspring will no longer be recognized as a high caste.For Ah San, there is nothing more important than maintaining a high caste. No matter how poor they are, as long as the qualifications of the high caste are still there, they will have a chance to stand up. Once they lose their high caste status, they will sink forever .

Now, under the threat of the Han people's force, and the chance to obtain golden coins, Ah San has broken the tradition of not exporting high-caste women to the outside world.

"You can't go to the Han Empire in person, and you don't know their fate." Kusrau Sorodias took off his veil, and let his stingy face show under the eyes of the three: "For you Speaking of extremely noble women, most of them became the wives of ordinary civilians, or were arranged in Gou Lan Yuan... Do you know what Gou Lan Yuan is? It is the saint of your temple, doing the same thing. Only very few Only a few high-caste women became the concubines of those with titles in the Han Empire."

The religions in Asan Continent basically have the profession of saintesses, but their saintesses are a bit special. To put it bluntly, they make money for the temple.

Four or five Asanhuo stood up, they clenched their fists with anger on their faces, and then they sat down decadently, their faces full of frustration.

Any nation with a little bit of self-esteem, as long as it is not completely numb, a man will definitely be angry when he hears that a woman of his nation is insulted or something more serious.

The reality is the same, no matter how useless a man is, he can muster courage to protect a woman, so there is nothing that can arouse hatred more than using women as an example.

"You noble women, according to the Han people, have become prostitutes with 'a pair of jade arms, a pillow for thousands of people, and a little red lips for thousands of people'." Kusrau Zorodeas first showed a puzzled expression, Slowly turned into contempt: "Whether it is as a man or faithful to the faith, are you just watching?"

At this moment, Ah San was naturally angry, but somewhat embarrassed. Some high-caste women or one of them personally escorted the ship to the Han Empire.

It's fine if you know what you have done, but if you are taken out and despised, even if you pretend to be angry, you have to pretend to be angry.

"The Han people are too strong." Sareman Dovidos Kachidon repeated what Singh Avery Nar Yadu said several times: "If you don't give actual support, we would rather choose Slowly dying out, maybe we can leave descendants. Once we resist the Han people, with the brutality of the Han people, maybe there will be no descendants left. Therefore, you need to give real support, and we will not be the first to stand up against the Han people .”

"Of course there will be support." Kusrau Zorodeas clapped his hands, and someone lifted out ten boxes, and after opening them, there were either gold coins or various gemstones inside: "There will be weapons, enough weapons. "

Ah San has never had any resistance to gold and gems, only a few people have normal expressions, and most of them subconsciously want to keep gold coins and gems for themselves.

"Rome and you Sassanid will definitely not challenge the Han people immediately." Singh Avery Nar Yadu said bluntly: "You will only take military action after the Han Empire is in trouble. Then please tell us, Who will be the first to strike?"

"The Hunnites and Gao Che." Kusrau Zorodeas mentioned two countries that the three of them were not surprised at all.He pondered for a while, and revealed: "There is a big movement within the Han Empire, which is about slaves. We have made relevant arrangements to try our best to make them fall into a wave of riots, coupled with the pressure of at least two countries outside, your side Even if you do it, you are only facing a regiment of the Han Empire."

(End of this chapter)

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