sweeping the world

Chapter 10 The Tiefu Department of the Huns

Chapter 10 The Tiefu Department of the Huns

Most of the nearly one hundred Jin soldiers cheered loudly, but some seemed hesitant, but they all shouted to kill and followed Xu Zheng to charge.

Compared with the soldiers of the system, the soldiers composed of Jin people did not have a formation at all when they charged. They ran and shouted, and they didn't know whether they were too excited or frightened. Some people's shouts were full of hysteria.

At the right time, Liu Yan also ordered the soldiers who had just outflanked the left and right to close up, and gradually compressed the cavalry of the Tiefu tribe of the Xiongnu.In the end, although more than 40 people were killed and nearly [-] people were captured, twenty or thirty Xiongnu Tiefu cavalry broke out, so frightened that Liu Yan had to go one step further and order some soldiers to organize a defensive line, or it would be bad if they were charged up.

[It's a pity that the system soldiers are whatever they are, and they cannot be transferred.The Jin soldiers were too weak in battle, so they lost nearly [-] horses collected in vain. 】

Yes, it's not that Liu Yan doesn't have horses in his hands, it's just that it's difficult to form cavalry.

If the cavalry really wanted to escape, the infantry should not try to catch up. The Xiongnu Tiefu cavalry ran a certain distance and stopped, and a guy asked Liu Yan to leave his name.

Liu Yancai didn't bother to talk to him, he wanted to provoke those Hun Tiefu cavalry who had fled back, but the others were not fools, so they slapped their horse's ass with a few harsh words and left.

Tuobaxiu originally had about twenty people, but after a fight, there were only seven people left including her. Now she is surrounded by people, and she keeps calling that she is the sister of the king of the country, and then waits nervously for the person who should be what treatment.

Under the absolute advantage, Liu Yan did not kill Tuoba Xianbei because he vaguely remembered that this was the last fully Sinicized barbarian. It seems that some historians also highly praised Tuoba Xianbei's contribution to something. If he had any plans, Not yet.

The soldiers of the system are absolutely determined to obey orders, but they are really too rigid. Liu Yan needs to explore to see if he can appoint an officer or something.Before finding out how to appoint officers, Liu Yan gradually realized that the soldiers of the system can only be used as background, but firstly, there is a population limit of 500, and secondly, he needs to be present for repeated command. If he wants to grow his power, he still needs to rely on the natives.

With enlightenment, Liu Yan chose to let Xu Zheng take people into captivity. After all, it was an opportunity to improve the morale of the Jin army.Sure enough, the Jin soldiers who were still dejected and saddened by Youpaoze's death and injury just now, when they heard what kind of princess could capture the Hu people, some were terrified and appalled, and naturally some screamed with excitement for an instant.

"You can't do this. I'm the princess of the Dai Kingdom. Even if I'm captured, I can only be captured by a noble person!" Tuobaxiu stared at Liu Yan from a distance with a look of reluctance, and shouted: "Then Man, don't you want to capture me yourself?"

What needs special attention is that Tuoba Shiyiqian, the current king of the Dai Kingdom, has been a hostage in the Central Plains for a long time, and he is a person with a very high degree of Sinicization.In addition, it is undoubtedly a respectful title for Hu people to call someone so-and-so, because they are really afraid of the strong men of the past, and they also worship the bravery of the Han people in the Han period.

Another thing to note is that a noble woman of the Hu people was captured and became their property according to the customs of the Hu people. Tuobaxiu obviously had some ideas to shout that.More importantly, the Tiefu Department of the Xiongnu would only capture Tuobaxiu, not kill him.If she was killed by an unknown force that suddenly appeared, Tuobaxiu would not forgive herself even if she was a ghost.

Liu Yan just cast a glance, and then continued to calculate the casualties of this unexpected battle, the twitching corner of his mouth made people know what he was thinking.

[Damn it!19 spearmen, 6 swordsmen, and 12 archers were killed in World War I, and they may have provoked a powerful tribe or tribe, really...]

Uh, Liu Yan doesn't know what "Tiefu" is for the time being.

"Tiefu" has two meanings during the Sixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. One refers to mixed blood of multiple ethnic groups, and the other refers specifically to Han people who married noblewomen from large Hu tribes.

The so-called mixed blood Tiefu is basically used to refer to a part of the Huns, but the Huns do not recognize the Tiefu tribe as part of them, so most tribes think that the Tiefu tribe should belong to the Zahu. There are Tiefu tribes under the tribe, not just the Huns.

During the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Sixteen Kingdoms period, the number of miscellaneous Hus was so large that it is difficult to count them.At the same time, most tribes or tribes rise and die quickly, and almost no one is interested in doing biographies.

The surviving Hun Tiefu cavalry left, and they left with hatred. They don't know what kind of impact this incident will have on Liu Yan in the future.

Liu Yan ordered people to count the casualties. In addition to the losses of system soldiers, the casualties of Jin soldiers were much less than expected.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to participate in the battle in the future!" Xu Zheng was moved and ashamed: "We are not as good as His Majesty's clan soldiers, but we are also His Majesty's soldiers!"

Speaking of which, Xu Zheng and other Jin people who were selected as soldiers were treated much better than ordinary refugees. Not only did they have dry food to eat, but they could also eat meat occasionally.Food is not counted, and there are obvious differences in living conditions. For example, refugees can only live in row houses, while ten people can live in one room.

Do not underestimate the crowdedness of the room. Crowdedness means confusion, small space, and various inconveniences. Those who have had similar experiences can understand what a comfortable dormitory means.

After cleaning up the battlefield, packing up the dead bodies of both the enemy and us, resettling the wounded and transporting the captured war horses, and tying up many prisoners, Liu Yan led the people to the resettlement place.

On the way, Tuobaxiu kept yelling at Liu Yan. She tried both soft words and threats, but Liu Yan didn't respond at all.

There was a Tuoba Xianbei who wanted to be violent, but Liu Yan ordered him to be beheaded on the spot, which finally calmed down the Tuoba Xianbei.

Tuobaxiu's silence didn't last long. She actually provoked the Tiefu tribe of the Xiongnu who was also captured, which made some people in the Tiefu tribe of the Xiongnu fly into a rage.

Liu Yanzheng was full of irritability. It was only these cavalry, they had the advantages of surprise attack and terrain, and suffered heavy losses after a battle.He told Xu Zheng with a displeased face: "Go and tell that girl, play smart again, and chop off the remaining six Xianbei people first, and finally her."

Xu Zheng went away in response to "No!", and soon Tuobaxiu's muttering disappeared.

Do you know what kind of visual sense the fence wall that stretches for tens of miles looks like?In this era when barbarians do not do production and everything looks dilapidated, anyone who sees the long fence walls and rows of wooden houses has to say "this is the breath of civilization".

"My God!" Tuobaxiu looked around, subconsciously exclaimed: "Qidi under the rule of the Jie people, there is such a place?"

That's right, such a place would appear under the rule of the Jie clan...

(End of this chapter)

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