Traveling through Chenghan Xiandi, fortunately I have a simulator

Chapter 87 Recruit training (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 87 Recruit training (please recommend, please collect)

This is why Zhang Ming came to the new barracks today, and what he saw was different from before, because Wang Lin and these veterans had already decided to seize this few opportunities.

Then Zhang Ming followed Wang Lin into the new barracks. It was half an hour after noon. According to Wang Lin's plan, it was time for recruits to train, so every veteran had already brought the recruits out.

"Your Majesty, I'm training these soldiers today on how to organize and return to the army." Wang Lin said to Zhang Ming.

"Wait for the training first. I plan to discuss the main points of the training with you veterans today, so first let all the veterans gather in the barracks meeting room and wait for me, and the recruits rest where they are." Zhang Ming said quickly, what he wanted It is a new type of army, not an army similar to other warlords, so he must make the key points clear to these veterans.

After listening to His Majesty's words, Wang Lin walked down and asked all the veterans to arrange for the recruits to rest in place before going to the meeting hall.

After Zhang Ming came to the military meeting hall, he found that these veterans were already waiting for him here. They all stood upright, tall and mighty, and they were really different from the lazy state.Zhang Ming counted, and there were about 55 veterans.

"Wang Lin, what are the positions of these veterans?" Zhang Ming asked, he had to figure out the situation first.

"Your Majesty, I have no job." Wang Lin said sadly.These veterans have nothing but seniority.If he, as the commander of the new barracks, had given these veterans something to do and a bite to eat, these veterans would be worse than recruits. They would have nothing to do in the new barracks itself. After all, there had been no new recruits in the new barracks for a long time, and this place had already been forgotten by everyone. out of place.

"Well, from today onwards, I will set up a new official position 'instructor' for my own soldiers. Each person is responsible for training 200 soldiers, with a rank of 100 stone." Zhang Ming said.

"Wang Lin, you will select 50 people as the instructors, and the rest will be the examiners, responsible for assessing the results of the training every ten days." Zhang Ming said.

Considering the close relationship between these veterans, it is very likely that there is a situation where the assessment is not strict, Zhang Ming appointed five guards led today to act as supervisors. Each supervisor is responsible for supervising 5 instructors and reporting to recruits at any time. As far as the camp situation is concerned, the direct superior of these five guards is Zhang Ming, and the information is reported every day.

Zhang Ming knew that the army must be firmly in his hands, so he did not intend to involve other ministers.

Listening to His Majesty's arrangement, Wang Lin still had mixed feelings in his heart. The five inspectors directly contacted His Majesty, which was equivalent to depriving him of his power. Before that, although he didn't have much power, at least he had power in the recruit camp. At least it was still the biggest, but not anymore. When Wang Lin was feeling emotional, he seemed to hear His Majesty calling him.

"Wang Lin, from today you are the deputy commander of this unit. When I'm not around, the rest of the people will follow your command, and your immediate superior is also me." Zhang Ming said, in his opinion, Wang Lin With many years of experience in the new barracks, it is not in vain, and it is not suitable to use other people at this time.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Hearing His Majesty's arrangement, Wang Lin became a little excited now from being depressed just now. As long as he can connect with His Majesty, he doesn't have to worry about his power being taken away by the Supervisor, not to mention that the Supervisor supervises instructors, and Not him, his level is theoretically higher than that of the inspector, and that is enough.

For Zhang Ming, the actual control of this army must be in his own hands. This is the basis for his survival. In the future, he will rely on these soldiers to deal with aristocratic families and officials. He knows very well that in this world, Having an army is everything.

Then Zhang Ming discussed the content of the training with these people. These veterans could not understand what he said, but it is no wonder that these are all modern training things. He felt a little depressed when he thought that he would not be able to teach. , obviously has an idea in his heart, but he doesn't even find someone who can practice it.

That being the case, Zhang Ming no longer insisted on different training content. After all, this is an era when the people of the whole country are almost illiterate. No wonder the emperor can only rely on the family to manage the world. He even taught veterans face-to-face. full understanding.

"Wang Lin, from now on, this army of mine will be handed over to you for training." Zhang Ming was tired. He taught for an afternoon and found that the modern training method was too harsh. Before the quality of recruits could not reach a certain level, All for nothing.

Now Zhang Ming only has one request, that is, the soldiers can immediately carry out the orders after hearing the officers’ orders, and train the troops to the level of elites. As for the equipment they need, after the war is over, the imperial court will allocate them to them. Now Do basic training first.

After finishing these things, Zhang Ming left the new barracks. Before leaving, he personally called Wang Lin and the five inspectors together, and asked them to go to Gaomen Hall to report the training situation every night.And he will go to the new barracks every few days to inspect the latest training situation.

On the way back, Zhang Ming saw that the streets and alleys of Chang'an City were more peaceful than when he came, and he felt a little more comfortable. Even if the enemy army is surrounded outside the city, so what, in his opinion, those people outside the city It is no longer sufficient.In order to defend Chang'an City, he did not know how many rounds of preparations he had made, and he did not get a good rest for the past few days.

Another day of confrontation outside the city and inside the city has passed.

next morning
Li Meng, West of Chang'an City, Wang Fang's Garrison Office

"General Li, shall we evacuate with our subordinates now?" Wang Fang asked.

Last night, Li Meng and Wang Convenience had already ordered his subordinates to pack up their things and issued an order to withdraw the troops tomorrow morning, but this morning Wang Fang felt that it was not worthwhile, so he ran to Li Meng's army and asked again.

"Yes, evacuate now. Since the court envoys were promised yesterday, they must evacuate now," Li Meng said with some displeasure.

"I mean, do you want to tell Niu Fu? After all, we also joined the alliance before." Wang Fang explained.

"No need, there are 13 troops under Niu Fu's tent. If there are too many we don't have many, and if we don't have a lot." Li Meng said, in his opinion, there are internal support from the imperial court among the allies. It is difficult, so Niu Fu's hope of victory is zero. If so, why bother, it is better to build a good relationship with the court.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll go back to the army now and command the army to Liangzhou." After finishing speaking, Wang Bian returned to his barracks on horseback.

Soon, Li Meng and Wang Fang's troops left the garrison point in the west of the city, and the scouts arranged by Lu Bu in the west of the city also quickly found out the news of the enemy's withdrawal, and immediately informed Lv Bu of the news, and then Lv Bu sent his subordinates to capture the troops. The news was brought to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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