Traveling through Chenghan Xiandi, fortunately I have a simulator

Chapter 85 The Truth About Dong Zhuo's Death (Please Recommend, Please Collect)

Chapter 85 The Truth About Dong Zhuo's Death (Please Recommend, Please Collect)

"The two generals are really outstanding if they know the current affairs. Now that the decision has been made, I will complete the task of your majesty. I hope that the two generals can retreat in time as they said just now, and your majesty will not blame you." Li Su also added a few words in a timely manner.

"Yes, send our greetings to the Son of Heaven." Li Meng said.

"Say hello to the Son of Heaven for me too." Wang Fang followed suit.

"Okay, then I'll go back." Li Su said, his mission has been completed, there is no need to stay here anymore, as for whether they will retreat tomorrow, just send a few scouts to observe.

"Li Yilang, don't forget to say hello to His Majesty for us." Li Meng added.

Li Su did not answer, but went directly out of the army account, and then out of the Chinese army barracks, and then took the five cavalry who stayed here, and prepared to return to Chang'an City again, but unfortunately, none of the five cavalry exert a deterrent effect.

On the other side, in the account of Fan Choujun
At this time, Wu Qiong was also in Fan Chou's account, but Fan Chou was rude and directly tied Wu Qiong over.

"Tell me, why did the imperial court send you here?" Fan Chou said while sitting in a high position.

"The Son of Heaven said that if the general can retreat, he can still be the general of the great man in the future." Wu Qiong said.

"Besides that, won't the emperor give an explanation for Xiangguo's death?" Fan Chou didn't cater to Wu Qiong's words, but asked instead. In his opinion, Xiangguo's death was wronged.

"Dong Zhuo was killed by his subordinate Lu Bu. I don't know the specific circumstances. It's just that the news in the city said so, and it has nothing to do with Your Majesty." Wu Qiong actually didn't know how Dong Zhuo died. In his opinion, Dong Zhuo's death It's simply inspiring.

"Since there is no explanation, why come to me, as long as the emperor can give me the real reason for Xiangguo's death, I will immediately retreat. If the emperor can't give it, then I can only lead my troops into the city to ask." Fan Chou said.

"You, you, do you really think that Chang'an City is undefended? You actually disrespect the emperor so much." Although Wu Qiong was tied up, her tone of voice weakened a little.

"The defense of Chang'an City, hahahaha, when I break Chang'an City, I will let you give up. Go back to the city and tell the emperor. If you don't tell the truth about Xiangguo's death, then I will go find it myself." Fan Chou said After finishing, he asked his subordinates to push Wu Qiong out, then cut off the rope on his body, and threw him out of the barracks.

Wu Qiong is also a tempered person, pointing at Fan Chou's barracks and yelling, but unfortunately he came riding a horse with gold, silver and treasures, and left alone alone.

"Why not kill him and use it as a sacrifice to the flag?" asked Fan Chou's subordinates.

"It's just an envoy. He's not worthy. It's better to use the emperor's head to pay homage to Xiangguo." Fan Chou said arrogantly, but he also has the qualifications to say such things. Not low, if it weren't for the small number of soldiers under his command, I am afraid that the North City Gate would be really difficult to defend.

On the other side, the Niu Fujun Account Office
Compared with the leader's army account, Niu Fujun's account is a bit shabby. After all, the daily communication in Niu Fujun's daily communication is not appropriate to use the leader's army account.

There are two people in Niu Fujun's account, one is Niu Fu and the other is Jia Xu, and they are discussing the siege strategy in a few days.

"Leader, He Yong, the envoy of the imperial court, has requested to meet the leader." A Niu Fu's personal guard walked into the army tent.

"Boom him away," Niu Fu said loudly.

Just as the guards were about to leave, Jia Xu immediately said, "Wait a minute."

"Leader, although this person persuaded the general to retreat, it is inevitable that he can use this person to find out the details of the court." In Jia Xu's view, the court's defenses are extremely strict this time, and they can only get a few words from their detailed operations in the city. The details or some useless things, the really important things can't be said to be absent, anyway, there is not much difference between having and not having.

"Then let him in," Niu Fu said again.

Soon, under the leadership of the pro-guards, He Yong came to Niu Fujun's account.

"General, I am the court envoy He Yong. I am ordered by the emperor to persuade the general to retreat." He Yong did not recognize Niu Fu's position as the leader of the alliance.

Before Niu Fu was ready to speak, Jia Xu spoke first.

"Is it Li Shizhong's suggestion that the emperor sent you here this time?" Jia Xu didn't call Li Ru directly by his name, but replaced him with Li Shizhong.

"No, it's His Majesty's proposal." After a flash of shock on He Yong's face, he immediately changed his answer.

"Since the emperor asked us to withdraw our troops, we must give us a reason. After all, we are only eliminating the thieves for the emperor, but the thieves are still there in Chang'an City, so if we are asked to retreat, it is not boring." Jia Xu said, they naturally Will not retreat, even if he wanted to agree to retreat, Niu Fu would not agree.

"The emperor said, you retreat first, and you still need to wait for the truth about the death of the prime minister." He Yong could only lie first.As for the truth about the so-called prime minister's death, Chang'an City has long spread the word that Dong Zhuo deserved what he deserved. General Lu couldn't bear to see Dong Zhuo's cruelty and cruelty to the people, so he killed the people in Chang'an City. This result is everyone's favorite. .

"We can wait here for the truth. If the truth comes out, we won't return." Jia Xu said. In his opinion, the reason why Lv Bu killed Dong Zhuo was to eliminate harm for the people. Lv Bu was greedy for money and lust. Dong Zhuo may have been killed because of wealth and sex, but Jia Xu naturally couldn't guess what it was.

"Since you are obsessed with the truth, I will tell you that Dong Zhuo's euphorbia warriors once witnessed Dong Zhuo's death. They said that General Lu had privately said that Dong Zhuo was evil, so he killed Dong Zhuo later." The news was edited. As for the real cause of Dong Zhuo's death, he actually didn't know.

"Does Li Shizhong know the truth?" Jia Xu asked again.

"There is a lot of rumors in Chang'an City. Li Shizhong is in a high position, so he must have known about it early in the morning." He Yong said, it was the first time he saw Li Ru in the court, and as a child of a family, he hated Li Ru inexplicably.

Looking at the dissatisfied expression on He Yong's face, Jia Xu understood that He Yong hated Li Ru, so he showed such an expression.

"Tell the emperor, we continue to wait here for the truth, if the truth comes out, we won't leave." Jia Xu said.

"Then you can continue to wait." After finishing speaking, He Yong left Jia Xu's account.

As soon as He Yong left the army account, Jia Xu said to Niu Fu, "It seems that Li Ru's appointment was not approved by the court ministers, it should be the result of the emperor's own decision, and the death of the prime minister should also have something to do with the emperor. , the rumors about Chang'an City will not come from Lu Bu, Lu Bu is not so smart, and it will not be from the family, the family and Lu Bu are not so close, and it is not from Li Ru, Li Ru is not stupid. The city of Chang'an should have been in chaos when he died. If he had noticed something, he would have taken advantage of the chaos to escape from the city and join us. He was in the court for one and only one reason. The court had completed everything before notifying us. he."

(End of this chapter)

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