Traveling through Chenghan Xiandi, fortunately I have a simulator

Chapter 70 On Merit and Deed Reward (Please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 70 On Merit and Deed Reward (Please recommend, please collect)

In addition to cultivating a group of high-quality soldiers, Zhang Ming also needs to condolences to the defenders currently on the front line. In defensive warfare, the most likely thing to happen is to change soldiers, leading to defensive failure.

Any of the four walls of Chang'an City may become a breakthrough. Once the city gate is broken, Zhang Ming's fate may not be better than that of Emperor Xiandi of the Han Dynasty in history. But there are also thousands of soldiers guarding them, and Zhang Ming also asked people to set up several watchpoints along the way between Lantian and Chang'an. If there is any change in the Lantian army, he will immediately report it to General Huangfusong and General Lu Bu.

And Zhang Ming planned to go to the east gate where Huangfusong was located to condolences to the soldiers, then to the north gate, then to the west gate, and finally to the south gate.

"Cui Ming, prepare the emperor's chariot, bring the new military merit system, call out 500 forbidden soldiers in the palace, bring gold and food from the palace, and accompany me to the east gate." Zhang Ming said to Cui Ming.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Cui Ming left the high gate hall and began to prepare.

The last time Zhang Ming used the emperor's chariot was when he went to Lu Bu's mansion. He did not ride the emperor's chariot when he distributed food in Chang'an City yesterday, but simply rode a horse.After all, the purpose of distributing food is to show his love for the people, not to show his status. Love for the people should dance with the people instead of putting on a superior posture, but this is not the case when condolences to the army. It is effective to speak at a higher level, and obeying the words of the superior is the destiny of a soldier.Therefore, Zhang Ming must visit the soldiers as His Majesty this time.

In about two quarters of an hour, Cui Ming had already arranged everything. This time, he was accompanied by the commander of the Northern Army and the 500 Imperial Guards under his banner. Their main task was to carry food and gold to the barracks.

The Son of Heaven was driving on Chang'an Avenue, and everyone was watching. Some people even knelt down along the way to thank His Majesty for his kindness in giving food yesterday.

And Zhang Ming also lifted the curtain of the car and looked out the window. There were many people walking towards the conscription office on Chang'an Avenue. He knew that this was the new military merit system at work. After all, compared with the previous military merit system, the current military merit system The system can be said to be the most glorious military merit system in history. Even if you only kill one person, even if you are just a soldier, you can get a non-bandit income.And Zhang Ming will also tell the good news to all the soldiers who are defending the city.

Soon, the emperor's chariot had already arrived at the East City Gate, and Huangfusong went down the tower again to welcome His Majesty. Compared with the last time, this time was obviously much more grand.

"General Huangfu, are you free now?" Zhang Ming asked, he first needed to make sure that Huangfu Song was not on military affairs, otherwise, it would not be called condolences, but a delay in military affairs.

"Your Majesty, I have no military affairs right now." When Huangfusong came down from the tower, he had already noticed that the imperial guards behind His Majesty were carrying a pile of things. If he guessed correctly, His Majesty must be rewarding him for his meritorious deeds.

"General Huangfu, please call the officer who records military achievements in the army?" Zhang Ming needed to see a clear record of military achievements.

"Yes, Your Majesty" Afterwards, Huangfusong asked his personal guards to quickly call for meritorious service.

Under the leadership of Huangfusong, Zhang Ming came to the gate of the barracks. He got off the emperor's car and followed Huangfusong into the barracks. Afterwards, the forbidden army followed His Majesty carrying the rewards into the barracks.

"Your Majesty, the remaining 2000 people in the barracks are currently resting, and 2000 people are still training. Do you want to interrupt them and let them come over?" Huangfusong continued.

"No, let the 2000 people who are currently resting in the military camp gather together, and I will award them personally. As for the rewards for other people's meritorious deeds, I will hand them over to General Huangfu." Zhang Ming came to the military camp just to publicize the new military merit system. By the way, the meritorious deeds are rewarded to stimulate the fighting spirit of the soldiers.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Huangfusong immediately asked his personal guards to inform the former school lieutenant of the news of the whole army.

After receiving the news of Huangfusong's reorganization of the army, the former captain began to organize the army as quickly as possible. During the process of reorganization, the military meritorious Cao also came to Zhang Ming's side and handed over the general's meritorious service to Zhang Ming. Gave it to Zhang Ming.

Zhang Ming picked up the military merit book and looked it over carefully, and then calculated in his head whether the rewards he brought were enough. Fortunately, Huangfusong's army and Zhang Ji's army did not fight many times, so the military merit book did not record it. Not much.

"General, the former army has been reorganized, please instruct," the former military academy lieutenant said to Huangfusong after completing the reorganization.

"Soldiers and soldiers, your Majesty is here today to condolence to the soldiers who killed the enemy on the front line. Please show your most passionate state." Huangfusong said loudly to the bottom.

"Your Majesty, please." Huangfusong said to Zhang Ming.

"Commander Youjun, read the new military merit system to everyone in the army," Zhang Ming said to Commander Youjun.

Seeing the commander of the right army, he took the new military merit and read it aloud.

The soldiers standing below didn't know that the army had formulated a new military merit system. After all, the new military merit system was only posted on Chang'an Avenue this morning, and the news had not reached the army yet.

As the commander of the right army continued to recite the new military merit system, Zhang Ming could see the expressions of the soldiers below from suspicion to surprise to joy. If it weren't for the strict discipline in the army, he believed that some soldiers would jump up now.

Soon, the commander of the right army finished reading the whole content.

"Your Majesty will reward you according to the new military merit system. Please keep quiet." Huangfusong said to the following again.

"Yang Ding, the former military academy lieutenant, led 2000 troops to defeat the enemy when Zhang Ji attacked the east gate of Chang'an. He led 1000 troops and lost 500 troops. He was promoted to a higher rank in the army and received 2000 stones of food and 1000 taels of gold." Zhang Ming said loudly to the bottom.

"Yes, thank you Your Majesty" Yang Ding was ecstatic and said hastily.He never expected that this reward would be so generous.

"Commander of the Right Army, let the imperial guards move in the rewards." Soon, the imperial guards came to Yang Ding with the rewards.

After seeing these rewards, Yang Ding's eyes lit up. He had followed Dong Zhuo for so many years, but he had never received so many rewards.

Then Zhang Ming began to read according to the military merit book again, and every time he read a person, that person was very excited, especially after seeing the rewards, he was even more excited.

However, not everyone in the army can get rewards. They are both military marquises. Some lead troops to fight bravely and get rewards, while others have no military exploits and don't get rewards.

If the rewards from the head of the village are not enough for all the soldiers, after all, for them, they may not be able to be the head of the village in their lifetime.

But when Zhang Ming read out the first long reward, all the soldiers' faces changed.

(End of this chapter)

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