Chapter 13 Chang'an
About half a quarter of an hour later, the four veterans led Zhang Ming to worship the late emperor's mausoleum seriously.

Zhang Ming has no feelings for these so-called tombs of the former emperors. If these former emperors hadn't been doing all kinds of nonsense, the Great Han Dynasty would not have fallen like this.

And looking at history, it can be found that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was not a real wimp. He also tried to resist many times, but the opening left by the first emperors was too difficult. Liu Bian, the young emperor of the Han Dynasty, was just a mistake. Liu Xie, on the contrary, became the last emperor of the 400-year-old Han Dynasty.

But Zhang Ming didn't dare to speak ill of the late emperors in front of the four big men and old officials. He was well aware of the feelings of these old officials for the late emperors.

His face is full of piety, and the movements of offering sacrifices in his hands are quite ceremonial.

Li Jue at the gate of the imperial mausoleum saw that the little emperor and several senior ministers had not yet appeared, so he was a little impatient waiting.

In fact, an hour is not considered long. It is about 1 miles from Luoyang to Chang'an, but now it has only traveled more than a dozen miles.

Even if they ran all night, it would take more than ten days to travel to and from Chang'an, Luoyang, and the journey was very dangerous.

In troubled times, even with military guards, it is still unavoidable to be harassed by bandits everywhere, and these bandits were only farmers when the world was stable, but now they are looting houses everywhere.

Of course, the number of Xiliang soldiers led by Li Jue was not less than 1, and the Xiliang soldiers themselves fought bravely and were famous far and wide. Therefore, ordinary bandits heard that the Xiliang soldiers passed by, and they hid in fright.

Xiliang soldiers are not afraid of bandits, and bandits are afraid of Xiliang soldiers, but Li Jue is still waiting impatiently.

Even if the little emperor and the veterans entered the imperial mausoleum, it has not been an hour.

Li Jue didn't care, even if it was the imperial tomb of the first emperor, even without the emperor's permission, he could not enter the imperial tomb without authorization.

But you must know that when Luoyang was burned before, Li Jue and Dong Zhuo's men had already dug up Luoyang's mausoleum. If they hadn't wanted to take care of the face of the Han emperor, they might have dug up the late emperor's mausoleum.

It's just how the dead can stop the living.

The guards who guarded the imperial tomb naturally did not dare to stop them, and they couldn't stop Li Jue. Li Jue led his personal guards and broke into the tomb of the first emperor.

When Li Jue reached the depths of the imperial mausoleum, he saw that the little emperor was being led by four veterans to worship the late emperor devoutly.

This situation highlights that Li Jue is even more unreasonable and unreasonable.

Under Li Jue's eyes, Zhang Ming completed the process of offering sacrifices to the late emperor without being humble or overbearing.

After the sacrifice was completed, Zhang Ming discovered that the time to enter the imperial mausoleum had exceeded Dong Zhuo's one hour limit.

After Zhang Ming finished offering sacrifices to the late emperor, he followed Li Jue's personal guards out of the imperial tomb.

The reason why Zhang Ming started talking about the plan as soon as he entered the imperial tomb was because he was worried that Li Jue's entry into the imperial tomb would disrupt his arrangements.

After the plan was finished, the reason why Zhang Ming wanted to offer sacrifices to the late emperor was not because he had such deep affection for the late emperor, but because he understood Li Jue's character.

Historically, Li Jue was also good at planning, brave and treacherous, and eloquent. He was Dong Zhuo's capable general. After Dong Zhuo's death, he and Guo Si took control of the court.

And Zhang Ming was waiting for Li Jue to enter the imperial mausoleum, saw his devotion to the late emperors, saw that he had no plans, but was really just offering sacrifices to the late emperors, and even exceeded the one hour stipulated by Dong Zhuo because of the sacrifices to the late emperors .

Zhang Ming, who was sitting in the emperor's car, also suffered a lot from his ass.

There was no asphalt or cement on the roads in ancient times, so there were potholes everywhere. Even though this road was the official road from Luoyang to Chang'an, the ground was seriously damaged due to too many vehicles and horses trampling on it.

Although Tianzi's car has a soft cushion, due to the high speed, there are not a few bumps along the way.

Not only are they on the road during the day, but they are still on the road at night. In short, Li Jue's troops are always on the road except when they are sleeping.

Ten days passed like this. According to the words of the guards around him, Zhang Ming guessed that this was going to Chang'an. Once he entered Chang'an, the next time he left the palace, either Dong Zhuo would die or he would die.

Two days later, Zhang Ming finally saw Chang An.

Seeing that the scale of Chang'an City is not inferior to Luoyang City, it is no wonder that people in the world call Luoyang, and Chang'an is called the Eastern Capital, the Western Capital, and the Second Capital.

The guards of Chang'an City are also Dong Zhuo's people, so after seeing Li Jue's token, they put his troops and emperor chariots into the city.

After entering the city of Chang'an, the accompanying officials went to the gates of their mansions. Of course, the emperor had no choice, and the emperor's chariot could only drive towards the Chang'an palace under the supervision of Li Jue.

The only people who accompanied the emperor along the way were some eunuchs and court ladies who were used to serve. Like some eunuchs with important positions such as Cui Ming, the emperor arrived at the Chang'an Palace in one step and continued to do the same official position as before in the Luoyang Palace. .

Compared with the palace in Luoyang, Chang'an's palace is much smaller in size, and because it has been abandoned for a long time, it seems to have a lot of historical atmosphere.

Chang'an was originally the capital of the Western Han Dynasty.

Later, after Emperor Guangwu re-established the Han Dynasty regime, he set the country's capital in Luoyang. Since then, the Han Dynasty has been in Luoyang for more than 200 years.

For more than 200 years, the Luoyang Palace has always been the residence of the emperor and the harem beauties. After more than 200 years of continuous repairs and expansions, the area of ​​the Luoyang Palace today has already exceeded the area of ​​​​the Luoyang Palace during Emperor Guangwu.

However, Chang'an was the old capital of the Han Dynasty. Although there were no people living in the palace, it was always guarded by special guards and cleaned by special people.

The residence of the emperor is in the Weiyang Palace of the Chang'an Palace.

After Zhang Ming arrived at Weiyang Palace in the emperor's car, Li Jue's guard was completed.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhang Ming is free, but that the servant of the Yellow Gate in the palace has been replaced to monitor him.

However, Zhang Ming's first feeling when he got off the emperor's car was that he would rather ride a horse than take a carriage in the future. Although he had only ridden a horse a few times in the previous Luoyang Palace, after getting used to it, he felt that riding a horse was still possible.

Of course, he wondered if it was because the officialdom was so bad that it made him feel uncomfortable sitting in the carriage.

He suddenly had a feeling that he wanted to build roads. No wonder the people in the previous life had a famous saying when they were developing, that is, "If you want to get rich, build roads first."

This is still the official way, Zhang Ming dare not imagine how bad those unofficial ways are.

If there is a chance in the future, Zhang Ming, he must repair the road of the Three Kingdoms.

During this period of time, being forced by Li Jue to drive tens of miles every day, Zhang Ming's spirit was about to collapse. The only thing he wanted to do now was to quickly find a big bed to sleep in.

(End of this chapter)

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