The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 96 Dumbledore and I Talk About Science?

Chapter 96 Dumbledore and I Talk About Science?
"The curse wizard sounds very powerful?" Allen continued to ask.

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Sorcerer of the Curse is just an honorary title, and has nothing to do with the strength of the power."

Alan duly showed great interest.

Dumbledore glanced at Allen and continued: "Although the spells we use now have been improved by generations of wizards, they still have great potential to be tapped. The honorary title of the wizard."

Allen asked thoughtfully: "Then are you a curse wizard?"

Professor Dumbledore blinked at Allen and said: "I am not. To become a wizard of extreme curse requires not only the spirit of hard work, but also some luck! My luck has never been very good!"

Allen suddenly thought of a question, and quickly said: "Then how can we verify that a person has really improved the spell to the extreme? You must know that I can also claim to the outside world that I have improved the illumination spell to the extreme!"

Dumbledore didn't answer Allen directly, he gently picked up a piece of parchment on the table, on which was written Allen's paper on improving the Illumination Charm.

He read the text above carefully, and praised, "It's really a very creative idea. I can't imagine this kind of idea anyway. How did you come up with it?"

Allen was suffocated by Dumbledore's breath, but soon returned to normal.

"I've always had better luck!" Allen replied briskly.

Dumbledore was amused by Allen, and his slender fingers folded together, and continued to ask: "Then did anything special happen when you released your improved Illuminating Charm?"

Allen looked into Professor Dumbledore's eyes full of wisdom. He knew that Professor Dumbledore would not ask useless questions. He frowned and tried to think about all the things that happened that day.
"I remember that for a moment I had the illusion that my soul left my body and flew into the sky, and then there was a huge will in the sky!" Allen said with some uncertainty.

Professor Dumbledore smiled more kindly, "Then congratulations on becoming a wizard of the curse!"

"Ah!?" Alan's mouth opened wide in surprise
"Many curse wizards have similar experiences, but the Ministry of Magic will not award this honorary title so hastily. If you want to get this honorary title, you need to prove yourself."

"The easiest way is to cast a spell. If you improve a spell to the extreme, you will get a gift from the source of magic in this world. To put it simply, if you improve a spell to the extreme, the effect of the spell you cast will be doubled. And this is hard to fake." After speaking, Dumbledore raised his hand gently and made a "please" gesture to Allen.

"Is it that simple and rude?" Allen understood what Professor Dumbledore meant, and he asked while pulling out his wand.

Dumbledore blinked at Allen again.

Since Allen mastered the Illumination Curse, his imagination of the size of the light ball summoned by the Illumination Mantra is a fixed size, but this time he cast the Illumination Mantra, he imagined the light ball to be three times as big as usual
Then he summoned a ball of light twice as big as usual.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Dumbledore applauded Allen slowly, "It seems that I witnessed the birth of a cursed wizard!" His blue eyes were full of relief.

There was a burst of ecstasy in Allen's heart, and he found another way to increase his own strength.

He looked into Professor Dumbledore's wise eyes, and he decided to take this rare opportunity to ask some questions that had troubled him for a long time.

"Professor, I don't understand why so many spells have the potential for improvement." Allen asked after taking a sip of tea.

"That's a good question!" Professor Dumbledore adjusted his sitting posture to make himself more comfortable, and then asked a question that was beyond Allen's expectations:

"Do you understand the science behind the rise of ordinary humans?"

Allen was stunned by this question. Professor Dumbledore actually talked to me about science?This style of painting is a bit weird!

However, he was keenly aware of the word "ordinary human" in Professor Dumbledore's question, and this was the first time he had seen a wizard call a Muggle that way.

"You know I'm ordinary human, but aren't we talking about the power of magic? How can we talk about science? But I do know a little bit about the power of science." Alan replied a little flustered, he Forget that "Muggle" is a discriminatory term.

Professor Dumbledore fell into the memory: "I have traveled to the world of ordinary human beings and have a deep understanding of the science of ordinary human beings. I feel that science and magic have something in common."

Allen was overwhelmed by Dumbledore's point of view.

"But I don't think science has ever been a power, it's a way of thinking."

"There is actually only one core of science: summarizing laws."

"There are only 5 steps to realize science: observe the phenomenon-propose a hypothesis-repeatedly verify-summarize the law-use it. As long as you are willing to use this set of processes, even if you only use part of it, then you are using science."

Dumbledore made his point softly.

Allen was completely overwhelmed at this moment, he suddenly began to admire Professor Dumbledore, he did not expect that he would be taught what science is by an indigenous wizard in this closed magical world!Moreover, what Dumbledore said was so reasonable, it was obviously a conclusion drawn after a long period of thinking and research.

Allen suddenly understood why Dumbledore was called the greatest wizard of the 20th century. Although he had ridiculed Dumbledore's research results in front of Voldemort, Professor Dumbledore showed a long-term vision and a strong thinking today. The height is worthy of this title.

"I think the invention of the magic spell is also in line with the scientific way of thinking. The ancient wizards observed some phenomena of magical power, and then tried repeatedly, summed up the rules, and finally used them."

"Just like the inventor of the Illumination Spell, he only saw white light spheres when he invented the Illumination Spell, so when the Illumination Spell was invented, he could only summon white light spheres, while others observed light spheres of other colors The Illumination Spell has been improved so that it can summon light balls of other colors."

"It is precisely because of this way of inventing spells that every spell is doomed to have great potential!" Professor Dumbledore finished all this.

And Allen fell into deep thought. He thought of the ancient rune key-value pairs he observed, and he suddenly felt that his understanding of magic in this world had deepened.

 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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