The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 9 After Class

Chapter 9 After Class
After class, the little wizards walked out of the Transfiguration classroom one after another, and Allen finally made up his mind to ask Professor McGonagall about his doubts about the principles of magic.

After all, he was just an 11-year-old little wizard, and it was childish to ask innocent questions. Besides, among so many professors, he was more familiar with Professor McGonagall.

And Allen also vaguely feels that Professor McGonagall is a cold-faced and warm-hearted person. He looks very strict on the surface, but he is very soft in his heart, so it is most appropriate to ask Professor McGonagall.

So he sat in his seat and watched Professor McGonagall tidy up the documents on the table. During the period, he made eye contact with Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall also realized that he had a question to ask.

At this time, Harry and Ron, who hadn't left yet, pushed Alan, "Alan, why don't you leave after class? Let's go back to the dormitory together, let's play wizard chess together." Ron said.

"Yeah, let's go together, we are in the same dormitory, let's go together!" Harry also said to Alan.

Alan was a little surprised, but said politely: "Ah, thank you, I have some questions to ask Professor McGonagall, you go back first, don't wait for me."

Harry and Ron looked at Professor McGonagall behind the desk. They were a little intimidated by Professor McGonagall's majesty, and they didn't dare to stay in the classroom alone. They were probably afraid that Professor McGonagall would ask about Transfiguration alone, so they briskly said to Allen: "Then let's go first, we will wait for you in the dormitory to have dinner together."

After finishing speaking, he took the textbook and ran away in a hurry.

Looking at the backs of the two of them leaving, Alan felt a warm current gushing out in his heart. It was such a familiar feeling!

It seems that when I went back to college, I went to class with my roommates. Counting the days, I have been away from college for 6 years. I didn’t expect to relive this feeling here.

I don’t know how my roommate on earth will feel when he receives the news of his untimely death. I hope you don’t feel too sad for me.
After all the people in the classroom had left, Allen walked from his seat to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall, who was sitting behind the desk, raised his head and stared at Alan with stern eyes through his glasses, "Mr. Phoenix, do you have any questions to ask? Is it about your work-study program? Or is there something new about your body? Questions to tell me?"

Allen bowed: "I have some magical questions I want to ask you recently?"

Professor McGonagall stopped what she was doing with dignity, and waved her wand to create a chair across the table: "Sit down and talk."

Allen sat down obediently: "I want to ask, why are all the textbooks in our first grade only the use of spells, but not the essence of magic?"

Professor McGonagall seemed surprised to hear this question, looked at Alan in amazement, and said after a while: "Mr. Phoenix, this is the first time I have seen a student ask such a question in so many years. What I can tell you now Yes, magic not only has a gentle side, but also a cruel and violent side. The spells in the textbooks are all carefully selected by us over the years. They are the most commonly used magic that is safe and not prone to problems. At your age Learning these magics is enough for working and living in the future, don’t think about the others.”

Alan was a little reconciled, and asked: "You know that I come from a Muggle orphanage. I have seen Muggles bind electricity with wires and gunpowder with steel, and do things beyond imagination. The essence is Energy conversion, what about magic, I didn’t feel my power decrease when I released magic, but I released magic beyond imagination, how did we wizards do all this?”

Professor McGonagall sat up straight, examining Alan as if he was meeting him for the first time.

Facing Professor McGonagall's stern gaze, Alan felt nothing in his heart, and bravely looked at Professor McGonagall, thinking to himself: "Even the Sorting Hat can't see my thoughts, so I'm not afraid of other wizards You can see my thoughts clearly, as long as I don't panic, you can't see anything from me."

After a while, Professor McGonagall withdrew his gaze and snorted slightly: "I didn't expect you to think so far!"

Facing Allen's probing eyes, Professor McGonagall said hesitantly: "I can only tell you that magic is a gift from this world to wizards. We can release magic because wizards themselves resonate with this world."

Seeing that Allen wanted to ask questions, Professor McGonagall twitched the corner of his mouth, and quickly said: "You are only in the first grade now, and knowing too much about this aspect in advance is not conducive to your future development, so it is better to learn what the school has arranged for you first. Lesson, you can trust Hogwarts on this."

Seeing this, Allen had no choice but to give up, and said goodbye to Professor McGonagall politely: "Thank you, Professor, for helping me clear up my confusion, then I will go back first."

Professor McGonagall nodded.

But when Allen was about to go out, he stopped him: "When you choose the direction of employment in six or seven years, you can consider the direction of the spell breaker, and many of your doubts in that direction can be explained."

Allen bowed again, opened the door and walked out of the classroom.

When Allen returned to the Gryffindor common room, he found a notice posted there that flying lessons would start on Thursday, that is, tomorrow—Gryffindor students will be with Slytherin students Attend class.

Allen found his roommates in the common room discussing flying lessons.

But Harry and they all sighed.

"Unlucky," said Harry despondently, "it did exactly what I expected. Making a fool of myself in front of Malfoy on a broomstick."

He hated Malfoy now.

He has been looking forward to learning to fly, more than anything else.

"I don't know if you're going to make a fool of yourself," said Ron rationally. "I know Malfoy always brags that he's a great Quidditch player, but I bet he's just talking big."

Malfoy talks about flying all day.He complained loudly that freshmen were ineligible for the House Quidditch team, and he told many lengthy, brag tales that always ended with his narrow escape from a Muggle helicopter.

But he wasn't alone in his big talk: from Seamus Finnigan's tone, it seemed he spent most of his childhood flying around the fields on a broomstick.

Even Ron, if anyone would listen, would tell of the time when he almost ran into a hang glider on Charlie's battered broom.Everyone from the wizarding family babbled about Quidditch.

Neville had never ridden a broomstick before in his life, because his grandma never let him near one.Everyone privately felt that his grandma was very reasonable. Even if Neville kept both feet on the ground, he could always create endless accidents.

Allen also participated in the discussion enthusiastically. Although he has taken a plane many times in his previous life, how is flying locked in a small seat more interesting than flying on a broomstick, and flying is something everyone has experienced before. My dream, when this dream is about to come true, is so exciting.

Allen listened carefully and participated in every topic about playing Quidditch, and also listened to a lot of flying suggestions that he didn't know were useful.

This is the first time that Allen has had something to make him feel so excited after crossing. Thinking of riding a broomstick and flying around freely tomorrow, Allen began to feel a little nervous.

When everyone was lying in bed at night, they were still exchanging enthusiastically about various things about Quidditch.

And Allen felt more and more confused the more he listened. The 11-year-old body couldn't stay up all night, and he fell asleep at some point.

What he didn't notice was that his wand, which he had carefully put away before sleeping, was casually thrown by the bedside this time.

Alan in his sleep was talking about flying in his dreams, turned over and put his hand on the magic wand beside the bed
 The ten-year-old bookworm finally couldn't help writing a book by himself, hoping to get everyone's favorites and recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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