The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 85 The Journey to the Forbidden Forest

Chapter 85 The Journey to the Forbidden Forest
Harry brought back bad news. He saw Snape threatening Professor Quirrell in a classroom, and Professor Quirrell finally gave in to Snape. Harry thought it was Professor Quirrell who revealed the truth to Snape. Through the means of protection he set up.

Hermione and Ron also joined the discussion, both expressing concerns about the safety of the Philosopher's Stone.
Allen listened to them discussing the "poor" Professor Quirrell expressionlessly, while carefully soothing the chill in his heart. He still couldn't find a way to break through the unbreakable oath.

He once thought that transforming into a dragon's heart might be able to resist the power of the oath, but he only lives once, so he dared not gamble on the odds. After all, he is not at the end of his rope, and besides, are there still few fire dragons killed by the wizard's spell?So even if the fire dragon is a high-level creature, it may not be able to resist the power of the oath.

Allen watched Harry and the three of them run further and further away with bitterness in his heart. At the same time, he actually developed some inexplicable affection for Professor Snape, because Professor Snape was able to discover Professor Quirrell's abnormality.

Allen felt that he should get closer to Professor Snape, but in the eyes of Professor Snape, he might still be that little wizard with a sick mind!The more Alan thought about it, the more bitter he felt.

The three also asked Allen for his opinion, and Allen could only express cautious support for their views in the end.

In the end, they didn't discuss any results.

The pressure of the final exam forced them to put the matter to the back of their minds.

The next morning, which happened to be Friday, Harry, Hermione and Neville all got notes at the breakfast table.Three identical notes: Your detention begins at eleven o'clock tonight, find Mr. Filch in the foyer.

They collected the note in silence, and they also felt that they should be punished.

At eleven o'clock at night, they said goodbye to Ron in the common room. Alan hadn't come back from his work-study program in Hagner. He usually came back at this time, but they couldn't care less about Alan.

Then they went downstairs together to the foyer.Filch was already there - and Malfoy.

Seeing that everyone was here, Filch led the four of them out of the castle, striding across the pitch-dark grounds.

The moonlight was very bright, but clouds kept drifting over to cover the moon, making them plunge into darkness.

Then they heard a distant shout: "Is that you, Filch! Hurry up, I'm leaving!"

It was Hagrid's voice.

Harry and Hermione's hearts began to rejoice, and they suddenly felt that it would be very good to help him with Hagrid. After all, Alan would come here every week, and they knew the situation here very well.

Then they were told that they would enter the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night.

Malfoy lost his composure in an instant: "The Forbidden Forest? We can't go in in the middle of the night - there's everything in there - I heard there are werewolves."

"Coward!" A familiar voice suddenly came from next to Hagrid. It was Alan. He was supposed to go to work at Hagrid the night he transformed into dragon eyes, but he asked for leave to treat his hand injury, so he had to work overtime this time. Come late at night to deduct the last leave.

Malfoy looked at Alan suddenly. He didn't expect that he would meet the person he hated the most in this situation. He looked at Alan angrily.

"I didn't expect you to be so timid. So what you say every day is bragging!" Alan approached them with a huge lantern.

The light illuminated Alan's face. Today Alan picked up a dog's nose at random, and it felt a little scary under the flickering light.He had a straight face, looking worried.

Malfoy ignored Alan's taunt and still didn't want to enter the Forbidden Forest, but he reluctantly accepted his fate after being yelled at by Hagrid.

Hagrid finally started to announce today's mission after controlling the scene.

"Look over there," said Hagrid. "See that shiny thing on the ground? It's silvery white? That's unicorn blood. A unicorn in the Forbidden Forest was wounded by something. Very heavy. This is the second time in a week. I found one dead on Wednesday, and we will fight to find that poor unicorn and bring it out of its misery."

"What if the thing that hurt the unicorn finds us first?" Malfoy asked, with uncontrollable terror in his voice.

"As long as you're with me or Fangya, nothing in the Forbidden Forest will harm you," said Hagrid. "Don't leave the path. Well, now we're going to split up and follow the blood. Everywhere. It's all blood, apparently it's been stumbling around since at least last night."

In the end they divided into two teams, Hagrid with Harry and Hermione, Alan with Malfoy, Neville and Fang.

Although Malfoy was reluctant, he reluctantly agreed for the sake of his teeth.

And Alan didn't take the opportunity to taunt Malfoy, he squatted down and looked at the blood on the ground, his face was solemn, he had faintly realized who the person who hurt the unicorn was.

He lowered his body, dipped some unicorn blood with his hands, and sniffed gently at the tip of his nose. Instead of smelling fishy, ​​there was a smell of sunshine instead.

Yaya wagged his tail uneasily at Alan's feet, and Alan gently comforted Fangya. The nose he had transformed from his talent today began to work. He was not distracted by the messy blood on the ground, and he was sure at once. In which direction the smell of unicorn blood is strongest.
"This way!" Allen shouted at Malfoy and Neville, pointing in one direction.

Looking at the dark Forbidden Forest, Malfoy said reluctantly, "Why should I listen to you?"

"You don't have to listen to me, but Fangya will listen to me and follow me!" After speaking, he led Fangya to walk in that direction, and Neville followed closely behind.

Malfoy watched them go far away, finally let go of his last insistence, tightened his robes and followed.

Alan walked quickly through the Forbidden Forest. He was still very familiar with the periphery of the Forbidden Forest. Yaya bravely rushed to the front, followed by Neville and Malfoy running panting heavily.

Suddenly Allen stopped in his tracks, he pulled out his wand and released green sparks, which were particularly conspicuous in the night sky.

Neville and Malfoy sat down on the ground, never wanting to get up again.

Hagrid soon appeared with Harry and Hermione.

"Ellen, did you find the unicorn?" It was Harry's voice.

"No! But my nose tells me it's nearby!" Allen said firmly, his face becoming more serious, because he also smelled another familiar smell.

"Then Alan, you lead the way! We must find the unicorn quickly!" Hagrid trusted Alan very much, and he loaded his crossbow with an arrow.
 I decided to ask for leave today to code at home
(End of this chapter)

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