The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 83 Summary of Deformation Laws

Chapter 83 Summary of Deformation Laws
During this period of time, he has been avoiding Professor Quirrell, and he sat in the corner of the classroom in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, far away from Professor Quirrell, and the two of them did not communicate with each other tacitly.

Allen didn't expect that he would meet Professor Quirrell just like this, he didn't have the slightest preparation.
And he was keenly aware that Professor Quirrell was staring greedily at his right hoof, that kind of eyes made Allen feel that Professor Quirrell would pounce on his right hoof for a few bites in the next moment
This gave Allen a warning sign.

The pressure forced Ai Lu's brain to work quickly, and Ai Lun quickly had an idea.

"Professor Quirrell! Are you looking for Professor McGonagall?" Allen said loudly deliberately, "Professor McGonagall is in the office!"

Then, without waiting for Professor Quirrell to react, he shouted at Professor McGonagall's office: "Professor McGonagall, Professor Quirrell has something to ask you!"

Professor McGonagall's voice came from the office, and she asked Professor Quirrell to sit in.

Professor Quirrell gave Allen a hard look, waved his sleeves and entered Professor McGonagall's office.

Allen took the opportunity to run back to the Gryffindor Tower, and returned to his four-poster bed again. The curtain had been repaired by Harry with a repair spell, and Allen also noticed something he had ignored at noon.

One of the few unicorn hairs wrapped around his fingers in the morning had turned a lifeless dull gray, which stood out in contrast to the other white, glowing unicorn hairs.

Allen confirmed again that the texture and length of the gray hair were similar to the rest of the unicorn hair.

This made Alan fall into contemplation. He finally had time to think about the cause of his transformation today, and the answer this time was so obvious.

When he transformed yesterday, all he could think about was the unicorn's hooves, and he didn't think about dragon claws at all. According to his previous experience, he wouldn't transform into dragon claws, but the dragon claws just appeared like this. The bite that Noble took had a huge impact on his talent deformation.

The other is the unicorn hooves. Judging from the dull unicorn hair, I must have absorbed the power of the unicorn hair when I was transformed into a talent, so I could transform into unicorn hooves so smoothly.

Combined with the previous example of deforming Thunderbird's eyes, Allen has some clues.

In order to deform the organs of magical animals, incentives are needed. Norbert bit him a few times as an incentive, unicorn hair is an incentive, and Professor Snape's potion is also an incentive. Judging from the first two incentives, Snape Something related to Thunderbird must have been added to the professor's potion.

Hope it's not Thunderbird droppings!Allen prayed silently in his heart.

To sum it up, it is necessary to deform the organs of magical animals, or it will suffer for people, or it will suffer for wallets. You must know that unicorn hair is not cheap!

If you think about it carefully, both of them can actually be classified as wallet suffering.

And combined with the economic situation of Allen, a pauper and a big loser, in the final analysis, people have to suffer.

Thinking of this Allen had another headache, and he once again realized what it means to be poor and short-sighted, while a horse is thin and long-haired.

Although talent is good, it is useless without money.

Having money is the real ability to make money.

Alan's heart was filled with a sense of bleakness.

But it seems that there is no way out. Hagrid seems to have collected a lot of magic materials, all of which were collected from the Forbidden Forest. He seems to be just hoarding them, neither selling nor using them. Maybe he can go there when he is really in a hurry. Ask Hagrid for backup.

However, it is not a problem to eat people with a short mouth and short hands, and it is not a problem to always get materials from him. After all, if I really want to explore the law of transformation of my talent, I don't know how many magic materials I will need!So Hagrid's direction is good for emergency, but it's not a long-term solution.

The second direction Allen thinks of is the research agreement signed with Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. Although he is being studied, since it is research, there must be consumables for the experiment, and the subject cannot be allowed to come out by himself. Consumables, Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore must provide experimental consumables!After all, the value of his research on transfiguration is immeasurable.

ε=(ο`*))) Alas!It's all for the development of the magic world!Allen sighed in his heart.

The more he thought about this direction, the more feasible he felt. It's hard to say how much Professor McGonagall's net worth is, but Professor Dumbledore's net worth is really rich!Some magic materials are really just a drizzle to him!
Moreover, Professor Dumbledore also has a phoenix pet, which will provide a more stable source of magic materials. We don't want more, as the Phoenix Feather provides one experimental consumable a day!

ε=(ο`*))) Alas!It's all for the development of the magic world!Allen continued to sigh in his heart.

Fox, who was dozing off in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, was suddenly awakened by a chill. He looked around suspiciously, but found nothing, and soon fell asleep again.It doesn't know that it has been enshrined by a little wizard.
After the analysis, Allen put the unicorn hair in the box and put it away. Now the unicorn hair has a lot more meaning to him, which makes him cherish it even more.

As soon as Allen made the bed, Harry and Ron came back, and they brought dinner for Allen, knowing that it was not suitable for Allen to go to the auditorium for dinner.

Allen was very satisfied with their carefulness, but after asking, he found out that it was Hermione who suggested it.

Harry, Hermione and Ron went to Hagrid after class in the afternoon, let Hagrid read Charlie's letter, and successfully persuaded Hagrid to agree to send Norbert away
This made Allen breathe a sigh of relief, but regretted that he had lost a stable source of directional deformation incentives.

But you can use the last day of tomorrow to collect some materials on Noble, even though he is still a child
But the idea was quickly dashed.

Alan woke up the next day and found that his hands had returned to their original shape. He didn't hold his wand before going to bed last night because he was afraid that he would break his wand with the dragon's claws in his sleep.

So he is still transformed today, but the organ he got randomly today is also amazing, and Alan happened to know that it is the ear of a Mawari horse. If you have one, please upload the picture!).

Allen looked at his ears in the mirror and felt much better. Then he found sadly that his hands were not completely healed. Although the surface was healed, his fingers were still aching.

So Alan lost the opportunity to send Noble away, because only the box containing Noble and two people could be put under the invisibility cloak, and Alan was directly excluded because his injury did not heal.

In the end they decided that Harry and Hermione would send Norbert, because Ron also made a mistake and Malfoy took his textbook, and that textbook contained Charlie's reply
But Harry decided to proceed as usual, because Malfoy didn't know they had the Invisibility Cloak.

Allen, who was excluded from the operation, began to transform his wand talent at night. He wanted to continue transforming into dragon claws to heal his right hand. Anyway, he was reluctant to use the unicorn hair.

As a result, he was woken up by Harry at one o'clock in the morning. Harry looked downcast, and Alan, who had completed the transformation of his wand talent, felt that something was wrong with his eyes.
He rushed to the bathroom, and saw his transformed eyes from the mirror in the bathroom, which happened to be familiar to him:
dragon's eyes
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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