Chapter 81
Allen really froze now, but this toilet still needs to be used.

He looked at his left claw, the nail on the claw was very sharp, and this claw was not as flexible as a human hand at all. He stretched this dragon claw to make various movements, and he felt very awkward.

He looked at his right hoof again, and felt that this was even more unreliable, not as flexible as his left paw.

He carefully controlled his left paw to untie his belt, and he was sweating nervously, because he knew that if he accidentally cut the belt, he would not have to go out today.

Fortunately, the action of untying the belt was not very difficult. Allen quickly untied the belt, and then he began to face the next problem.

How to aim it?

He looked at his left claw again, there were sharp barbs on the back of the claw, the tip of the claw was extremely sharp, if he used his left claw to aim, he would be killed if he was not careful!
Alan didn't dare to take this risk. Although he felt that even if he accidentally left the palace today, the Hogwarts school hospital could help him heal, but it would still leave a shadow in the end!So Allen thought twice and decided not to take the risk.

Alan looked at his right hoof again, and this one felt much more pleasing to the eye. The hoof was smooth and round without any edges and corners, and the short white hair on it was very soft. Although Alan couldn't control his right hoof to make very precise operations, when A bracket is still possible, and the right hoof is also the most suitable thing to be a bracket now.

After some difficult operations, the right hoof finally achieved the goal of becoming a bracket
Alan slowly took aim with his right hoof, and then he began to shoot carefully
But things backfired. Aiming in this matter does not mean that you will be able to hit the target. Allen encountered such a situation.

He discovered something wrong with the trajectory right away, and quickly tried to adjust the trajectory by adjusting the bracket, but his right hoof was too inflexible, so he didn't adjust the trajectory right for a while, so he had to make a large adjustment again, and it was like this. In a vicious circle, he had to continuously adjust the trajectory, and for this he had to switch the shooting mode, from bursts to bursts
In the end, Allen still completed this matter, although the planned machine gun suppression turned into a sniper shot, his forehead was sweating after completing this matter.

The last thing is to wear pants. In his situation, it is much more difficult to wear than to untie.

Fortunately, Allen thought of the Transformation Curse. He carefully held the wand with his left paw and tried many times before he established a link with the pants and controlled it to put on automatically.

After doing all this, Alan felt that he was hungry, so he hurried downstairs to the auditorium.

It was lunch time now, and the three of Harry were eating at the long Gryffindor table. They had something on their minds, so their appetites were not very good.

"Do you think Ellen can make it?" said Harry, poking a sausage on his plate with his fork.

Hermione put down the book in her hand: "I think Alan will probably succeed"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Alan rushing into the auditorium. Alan no longer looked weak and sluggish in the morning, and then Hermione quickly waved to him.

As soon as Allen sat down, Ron hurriedly came up: "Did it work? Did it work?" He had already seen Allen covering his hands.

Allen stretched out his left paw and grabbed a chicken leg on the table. The shape of the paw made the three of Harry exclaim.

"You did it!" whispered Hermione excitedly, and she also recognized the Norway Ridgeback's claw.

Allen carefully stuffed the chicken legs into his mouth. The shape of his hands had already attracted the attention of other people at the table, and some little wizards had already started pointing at Allen.

"Very successful! Or too successful! I don't have any pain in my right hand now, and I feel that it is healing quickly." Alan swallowed a mouthful of chicken and said quickly.

"There are a lot of people here, let's talk about it later." Allen added in a low voice.

After a while of binge eating, Alan finally felt his stomach was full. He decided to drink a cup of pumpkin juice for the last time. He stretched out his claws to grab the cup containing pumpkin juice, and the cup creaked painfully under his paws. He still couldn't help it Control your left paw.

At the same time, Allen was still rejoicing that his left hand was a claw. If both hands were transformed into unicorn hooves, he could only drink with a cup in his mouth.

"Are you still going to class in the afternoon?" Harry stared at the cup in Alan's paw worriedly,

"Go! The final exam is coming soon, and you can't miss class now, or you won't get full marks!" Alan finally put down the poor cup, which had many claw marks on it.

Allen found an empty classroom and showed them his right hoof. This curious style of painting caused the three to exclaim, and Allen even saw a trace of envy in Ron's expression.

But it is worth mentioning that the healing ability of the unicorn's hoof is really strong, and now the bite marks on the hoof have faded a lot
Ron also told Ellen about his brother Charlie's reply, and Charlie asked them to take the baby dragon to the tallest tower in Hogwarts at midnight on Friday, when his friends would take Norbert away.
Allen also breathed a sigh of relief at this news.
In the afternoon there was Charms class, and Professor Flitwick led them to review the spells they had learned this school year.

"Now let's review the Levitating Curse, which is a compulsory part of the exam every year! Many students seldom use it and may be unfamiliar with it. Now everyone practice it quickly. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time! Let's start now!" Professor Levy stood on a pile of books and announced loudly.

As a result, he was hit by a spell as soon as he finished speaking.
He suddenly fell behind the pile of books, and there was a puff of black smoke from behind the pile of books.
The little wizards in the classroom suddenly became a mess.
"Quiet!" Professor Flitwick, whose face was blackened, climbed onto the pile of books at some point, and made a loud noise as he waved his wand.

The little wizards fell silent instantly.

"Who sneaked me?" Professor Flitwick glanced at the young wizards in the class, his expression was very angry, but it looked funny with his scorched face, "You know, I was a duel champion in the past, and I hated sneak attacks the most. Behavior, quickly stand up and aboveboard!"

"Professor, it's me! I didn't do it on purpose. I just had a problem with my wand movement." Allen bit the bullet and stood up.

Professor Flitwick saw that it was Allen, and his expression eased a little. He also noticed Allen's left paw.

In order to prevent Alan's claws from hurting herself and the wand, Hermione thoughtfully found some adhesive tape, and wrapped the sharp nails and barbs thickly for several layers. In addition, the dragon claws themselves were not suitable for holding the wand. As a result, Allen's wand movement deviated when he cast the floating spell, directly knocking down Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick instantly understood what was going on, but his anger hadn't subsided: "I know that your talent deformation today will make you cast spells in a wrong way, but I know that your wand's dominant hand has always been the right hand. Do you want to cast a spell with your left hand? Are you deliberately trying to sneak up on the teacher?"

Allen was a little confused by the charge, he and Hermione looked at each other, and Hermione nodded worriedly.

So Allen sighed, and slowly showed his white donkey's hoof to Professor Flitwick
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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