The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 78 The Birth of the Young Dragon

Chapter 78 The Birth of the Young Dragon

After Allen returned to the dormitory, he thought about it again and thought of another way.

Since the unbreakable oath is judged by the subjective thinking of the oath-taker whether it is a violation of the oath, can he use this to pass the news out?

Allen first thought of hypnosis, as long as he can hypnotize himself, making himself think that his behavior of leaking secrets is not leaking secrets, but Alan has never been exposed to hypnosis in his previous life, so he can only give up this idea.

Then he thought about talking in sleep. The behavior of talking in sleep in sleep is not controlled by subjective consciousness. Could it be possible to bypass the restraint mechanism of the unbreakable oath?

As long as you think about it every day and dream at night, as long as you silently say "Professor Quirrell is going to steal the Philosopher's Stone" [-] times a day, then you are very likely to say this sentence when you are talking in your sleep. Then get the message out.Allen felt that there was something to be said for this approach.

The only troublesome thing is that his roommates are all growing up and sleep soundly every night. He has to remind them to wake up in the middle of the night to listen to his sleep talk, but his act of reminding his roommate to listen to his sleep talk is also very annoying. It may be judged as a leak by the binding force.

Allen felt dizzy by this logic.

At this time, Harry and Ron rushed into the dormitory in a hurry and pulled Allen out of bed.

"Do you know what we found?" Harry leaned closer and whispered to Allen, "We found that Hagrid was looking for information about dragons in the library. I always feel that he has something to hide from us! Let's go to his place Let's see!"

Allen said indifferently: "It's nothing. I just went to Hagrid on Friday, the day before yesterday. It's no different from usual! Besides, Hagrid has always liked fire dragons. It's normal to check the information about fire dragons." of."

"Let's go, this time I feel something is really wrong, and Hermione feels the same way, she is still waiting for us to visit Hagrid in the common room!" Ron whispered to Alan, his face hanging full of excitement.

Seeing their excited expressions, Allen couldn't refuse them, so he agreed to go together.

After meeting Hermione in the common room, the four of them embarked on the journey to Hagrid's cabin together.

Allen could see something was wrong in Hagrid's cabin from a distance, and the curtains were tightly drawn in broad daylight. Based on his understanding of Hagrid, this was the first time this had happened. It seemed that Harry and Ron said That's right.

They were soon at the door of Hagrid's cabin and knocked on the door.

"Here we come!" Hagrid yelled from inside the room, then opened the door and stretched out his big furry head. When he found the four of them, he let them into the room, and quickly locked the door behind them as soon as they entered the room.

Hagrid's action of locking the door surprised Allen. If he hadn't confirmed that the person in front of him was Hagrid, he would have pulled out his wand.

The cabin was suffocatingly hot, and although it was a fine day, there was still a strong fire burning in the fireplace.

Alan couldn't stand the temperature in the room a little, so he took off his coat.

Hagrid had also made tea by this time, and brought them a plate of rock cakes, and warmly invited them to eat.

The four of them had to take a piece each.

Then the topic Harry started asking Hagrid about the Sorcerer's Stone.

Hagrid hesitated to say more, but was caught by the four of them, and learned that the big three-headed dog named Lu Wei on the fourth floor was Hagrid's pet and was borrowed to guard the Sorcerer's Stone.

Then I also learned that the professors at Hogwarts built a trap to protect the Philosopher's Stone.

Hagrid also assured that only he and Dumbledore knew how to get past Fluffy.

This reassured the four of them a little.

But Harry soon couldn't stand the heat in the house.

"Hagrid, can you open the window?" Harry had already unbuttoned the two buttons of his shirt hotly.

"Sorry, no!" Hagrid said guiltily, then glanced at the fireplace involuntarily.

The four of them followed his gaze and found a black egg in the fireplace.

"Where did you get this?" Ron quickly recognized what it was. "It's a dragon's egg."

Ron's words surprised the three of Harry.

Hagrid explained that he won it by playing cards, and he was ready to hatch and raise the fire dragon well.

The four of Harry were shocked by Hagrid's thoughts, but they had nothing to say, they could only respect his decision and remind him to pay attention to fire prevention.

Then they were about to leave, because the temperature in the room was too high.

But before they left, they needed to destroy their respective rock cakes. After all, they had already held them in their hands, and it would be rude to put them back.

Hermione took two bites and didn't bite much, but turned around to find that Allen had finished eating, and Harry and Ron were still soaking the rock cakes in tea, hoping to soften the rock cakes.

"How do you eat so fast?" Hermione said to Alan in surprise.

Ellen looked at Hermione badly, then opened his mouth to show her his teeth.

It was only then that Hermione realized that what Alan randomly picked up today was the teeth of some kind of animal, but looking at the pair of huge front teeth, it must be the teeth of some kind of rodent.

Hermione soon realized what was happening, covered her mouth angrily, threw the rock pie into the fireplace, and decided not to talk to Allen for a week
They kept talking about it for the next few days, and the appearance of the young dragon also diluted Alan's mind a little.

Then, at breakfast one day, Hedwig brought Harry another note from Hagrid.There are only four words written on it: it is about to come out of the shell.

Ron didn't want to go to herbalism class and wanted to go straight to Hagrid's cabin.Allen also expressed his support, but Hermione firmly disagreed.

"Hermione, how many times in a lifetime can we see dragons hatch?"

"We've got to have lessons, or we'll get in trouble; if anyone finds out what Hagrid's doing, he'll be worse off than us—"

"Stop it." Harry warned softly.

Malfoy was just a few paces away from them, stopping to listen to them.How much had he heard it? Harry hated the look on Malfoy's face.

Finally they decided to go after class.

When get out of class was over, just as the bell rang in the castle, the four of them threw down their small shovels and hurried across the field towards the edge of the forbidden forest.Hagrid greeted them, flushed and excited.

"Come out soon." He let them into the cabin.The egg lay on the table, and there was already a deep crack in it.Something was moving inside, making a funny clicking sound.They all moved their chairs closer to the table and watched closely, holding their breath.

This is the first time Allen has seen a creature hatch from an egg with his own eyes.

Suddenly, with a harsh scraping sound, the egg cracked.The little dragon was waddling and thrashing on the table.Allen thought it looked like a crumpled black umbrella.Its spiny wings are very large compared to its thin black body.It also has a long, large nose with white nostrils, horned bumps on its head, and bulging orange eyes.

In this way, a living Western-style dragon cub appeared in reality.

It sneezed, and a few sparks spewed out of its nose. It looked very cute, and the movement of the little dragon caused a small exclamation from Allen and the others.

As a result, there was a messy sound outside the room.

Harry jumped to the door and looked out.Even at a distance, he would never admit his mistake.

Malfoy saw the dragon.

 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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