The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 75 Concentrated Chapter 1 Answers to various questions raised by readers in the book review

Chapter 75 focuses on answering various questions raised by readers in the book review area
First of all, thank you readers for being here.

Recently, many readers have asked me a lot of questions in the book review area. The most common ones are the childishness of the protagonist and the heavy line of Professor Quirrell.

The protagonist is naive. I sum up the mistakes I made in character creation every day. I believe this aspect will improve in the future.

As for Professor Quirrell, this line was not very important in my outline, but when the book reached 10 words, I was overwhelmed by a few comments and the problem of losing favorites (in fact, only a few favorites were lost. ), in short, it collapsed completely.

Then I started to re-examine my outline, and suddenly felt that the story I was going to write was not attractive (now that I think about it, it was because the author was too familiar with the story to be written and made a misjudgment), and I wrote 10 words. It is still very weak, there is no growth in all aspects, there is no excitement, readers have no sense of expectation for the story, and even feel that random deformation of some things will make readers lose their sense of substitution.In short, I think nothing of what I wrote.

So I made the decision to strengthen Quirrell's line in that anxious mood, to enhance the strength of the protagonist.I think the protagonist approaching the big devil without knowing the plot is like a blind man riding a blind horse, facing a deep pool in the middle of the night, which will produce a strong dramatic conflict and increase the readers' sense of expectation.

Regardless of whether these ideas are right or wrong, anyway, I thought that way at the time, and then I did it, and the result is today's situation - the story has a different style before and after.
In fact, the behavior of the protagonist in the book is also a reflection of the author's mentality in reality.

But when the author got out of anxiety, he found that this line has already dug a lot of holes. How to reasonably recover this line has become the problem I have to face. It is not my style to dig holes and not fill them. The irresponsibility of the readers of this thread, so I am now in the state of digging a hole for a while and filling a crematorium.

But now this line is finally coming to an end, and I will be more cautious in the design of the plot in the future, so as to avoid the situation of making decisions on the head.

In fact, when I think about it carefully, my pain at that time was essentially caused by the mismatch between my personal ability and unrealistic expectations.

So I have been learning various web writing experiences on various platforms, and even bought some paid tutorials to improve my ability in web writing.

Finally, thanks again to all the readers who can see here, you can see here is already the greatest encouragement to me as a newcomer author, I will continue to work hard to write better stories!
(End of this chapter)

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