Chapter 68 Pattern
Alan is naturally very satisfied with this transaction. He did not expect to earn 500 Galleons so easily, and the 500 Galleons will be directly in his hands in the form of cash. The Ministry of Magic can't monitor it. Of course, the debt will not be taken away, and even the money does not need to pay personal income tax, if the Ministry of Magic has this tax.

I finally have money that I can freely dispose of in my hands, and I will finally not be bullied and looked down upon by owls because I can't pay the owl usage fee of five copper knuts.

Thinking of this Allen felt very excited.

Especially when Professor Quirrell said that Allen was used to write the whole book, and he only needed to come up with ideas and provide ideas.

This emotion reached its peak and completely ignited his enthusiasm for writing books.

As for the bad influence that this book will bring to the magic world after its publication, he can't control it. Anyway, he is not the author of the book.

And Allen feels that those remarks will not have any impact on the magic world. After all, few pure-blood wizards have the patience to understand the Muggle world, so they will not be the main readers. People of insight in the magic world may be able to prevent this from happening in advance.

Allen kept building himself up in his heart, and Gallon was really very important to himself at this stage.

Next, Professor Quirrell took the opportunity to ask a lot about the details of the conversation that day and the specific implementation plan.

Allen naturally knows everything and can talk endlessly. After all, he has always been very interested in this kind of knowledge in his previous life. He has read a lot of things in this area in B, and he has also confronted people on the Internet several times because of this, so Know more about this kind of stuff.

Not to mention that a few years before his time travel, Europe and the United States also had a lot of amazing news because of political correctness, which impressed him even more.

He was very relieved to tell Professor Quirrell all the knowledge he knew about this aspect without reservation, and then enjoyed the face-changing performance of Professor Quirrell several times.

Professor Quirrell even has a shorthand quill that can automatically write down what Allen said.

Today, the roles of making up lessons were reversed. Although the result was a bit unprepared, Allen still enjoyed the process very much.

Finally, after some answers, Professor Quirrell finally had fewer questions, and the shorthand quill also wrote down a thick book.

Allen tasted the slightly cold tea, and was happy for his results.

At this moment, Professor Quirrell seemed to think of something.

"I remember the last time we talked, you said that the Dark Lord's talent is too small, and the structure is too small. Now I understand that Zhida's talent is sparse, but the structure is too small and I haven't figured it out yet." Professor Quirrell asked softly.

Allen was taken aback by the question, he didn't expect Professor Quirrell to still remember this matter.

Professor Quirrell gently filled up Allen's teacup, and said lightly: "I'm also very curious about this, and I want to know what kind of pattern is considered big!"

Professor Quirrell's attitude and actions made Allen very useful, and he said that Voldemort's structure was too small that day, and it was not a momentary hilarity.

Allen read a lot of books on history in order to learn ancient runes and look for Nicole Flamel, and the experience of coming to the magic world made him feel something, so he said that point of view.

Allen stood up gently, walked to the window in the room, and gently opened the window. Outside the window was the sparkling Black Lake and the dark Forbidden Forest, and the lights of Hogwarts also came from the window at night. One side of the light shines into this dark room, making the room come alive.

Allen stood facing the window with his hands behind his hands, and remained silent for a long time. The night wind blew in from the window, blowing the corners of his clothes.

While Professor Quirrell was waiting a little impatiently, Allen looked out the window and suddenly said, "Professor, what do you think is the most important thing in the world to wizards?"

Professor Quirrell also walked to the window, and after a while he said doubtfully, "Power?"

Allen turned his head slightly, squinted at Professor Quirrell, and shook his head at him.

Professor Quirrell thought for a while before hesitatingly said: "Right?"

Allen didn't turn his head this time, but said lightly: "Think again!"

Professor Quirrell didn't know what medicine Alan was selling, so he thought patiently for a while, and said a little impatiently, "It can't be money, right?"

Allen sighed, and without looking at Professor Quirrell, he just said lightly: "The most important thing for wizards in this world is the essence of spellcasting, the original mystery of magic."

Professor Quirrell: "."

"This is the pattern!" Allen said proudly.

Professor Quirrell now has black lines on his face, and he has something to vomit in his heart, but he doesn't know how to vomit.

"What does this have to do with the Dark Lord?" Professor Quirrell took a while to calm down.

"What Voldemort is most passionate about in history is nothing but power and power!" Allen decided not to keep it secret.

Professor Quirrell stared at the mountains in the distance.

"I recently looked through the history books and found that wizards have not figured out the nature of the magic they rely on for thousands of years!" Allen continued.

"Professor, what you said before is very correct." Allen turned to look at Professor Quirrell and said.

Professor Quirrell asked a little flustered: "What?"

Allen turned his head and continued to look at the scenery outside the window, and said with a long sigh: "Modern wizards have forgotten the glory of their ancestors!"

"However, the glory of the ancestors is not the magic spells they used, but their pioneering spirit and courage to explore!"

He suddenly opened his arms, and said in a sonorous tone: "In that era, wizards chased giants in the north, horsemen in the south, fairies in the east, and elves in the west. Werewolves and Veela all surrendered to the feet of wizards. Clan, dare not speak but dare to be angry!"

"How heroic and heroic the wizards of that era were, they opened up a huge living space for their descendants."

"In the magic research of that era, a hundred flowers bloomed, a hundred schools of thought contended, capable people emerged in large numbers, and new spells were invented and improved every moment. Wizards never lost their self-esteem, and their knowledge of magic was shared, which promoted the entire world. The magic world is developing rapidly."

"If this momentum is maintained, the original mysteries of magic will definitely be discovered!"

"But!" Allen's voice suddenly became deep and sad, "In recent hundreds of years, wizards have been corrupted and degenerated under the shadow of their ancestors. They thought they were invincible, and gradually lost the precious spirit of their ancestors. Start enjoying life."

"I once checked the records of the Ministry of Magic's rewards for inventing and transforming spell wizards, and found that the last time rewards were issued was 53 years ago."

"Fewer and fewer people are willing to invest in magic research, and no one is delving into the essence of magic. This kind of social atmosphere has caused wizards to tinker with the foundation left by their ancestors, let alone pioneering and innovating!"

"Dumbledore, as one of the greatest wizards of the 20th century, is also a wizard who is famous for his magic research. What is the first research result under his resume?"

"Discover 12 uses of dragon's blood!" Professor Quirrell's voice also became low, and he was already immersed in Allen's words.

"Yes! Discovered 12 uses of fire dragon blood! You taste it! You taste it carefully! The research results of the most outstanding person in modern times are only to discover 12 uses of fire dragon blood!"

"I didn't intend to attack and humiliate Principal Dumbledore. I personally respect him and recognize his research results. But what is revealed behind this makes people feel infinitely sad. Magic research has withered to such an extent!"

"If the ancestors knew the current situation, it is estimated that their coffin boards would not be able to hold it down!" Allen had already entered the scene deeply, and he said sadly with red eyes.

Professor Quirrell was also stunned, but seeing Alan's appearance, it was hard to say anything.

"What's more terrible is that Muggles, which have been looked down upon by wizards before, have developed rapidly in the past few hundred years. They have developed by leaps and bounds. They are full of vitality, brave and fearless, and they have developed to an unimaginable level in just a few hundred years. .”

"As for the wizards, hundreds of years ago, they were forced to establish the "International Statute of Secrecy" because of the continuous development of Muggles, but they still didn't learn from the lesson, still didn't want to make progress, and even became more closed and despised The Muggles are up."

"One is full of vitality and keeps making progress; the other is corrupt and degenerate and does not think about making progress; if things go on like this, one will ebb and flow, so what will happen after decades or hundreds of years?"

Allen opened his arms violently, as if to embrace the starry sky and mountains outside the window, he said loudly: "Let's see who owns the world in the Realm of the Future!"

After speaking, I was horrified to find that I had just entered the drama too deeply. The last sentence was shouted in Chinese, my mother tongue. I quickly translated the meaning in English, but the momentum of shouting in Chinese was gone.

Professor Quirrell said softly that he understands some Chinese and can understand the meaning of the sentence Allen just yelled in Chinese. The shock on his face has not faded.

Allen expressed surprise at this, and began to blame himself for being too complacent.

However, being interrupted by such an interruption, Allen also found that he was a little off topic, but seeing Professor Quirrell still wanted to listen, he continued to talk.

"Voldemort himself can be regarded as the proud son of a generation. The so-called greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. He should have taken on the important task of clearing up the decline of the wizarding world and leading the wizarding world forward. In the end, he actually started a historical war for his personal rights and interests. Backing up, isn't his layout too small?" Allen began to bring the topic back.

"Then how do you know that the Dark Lord will not lead the magic world forward to pursue the essence of magic after taking control of the magic world?" Professor Quirrell suddenly began to refute Allen.

Allen glanced at Professor Quirrell and said: "When the ancestors pursued the essence of magic, they were united as one and communicated with each other. But what did Voldemort do?"

"The population of wizards is small. The more wizards there are, the faster the progress of the entire wizarding world will be. Voldemort persecuted non-pure blood wizards, deprived them of the right to use magic, and caused many wizards to die. This is leading Is it the way the wizarding world moves forward? What kind of unity is this talking about?"

"His followers are all pure-blooded families. Each of them has a surname that is extremely glorious in the history of magic. Each of them has the blood of a hero, and it is these people who have become the most corrupt!"

"They are in high positions and have the most abundant resources in the magic world! They have a huge influence on the Ministry of Magic! They don't do things themselves, but they are afraid that others will do things to affect their status!"

"Each of their families has a vast array of magic books, but they all treasure them and keep them on the shelf. They don't study them and let others study them. They devote all their energy to fighting for power and profit. What's the point of communicating with each other? "

"As the saying goes, the ass decides the head. Voldemort's followers help Voldemort hold the highest power, and Voldemort will reward his supporters, allowing the pure-blood family to continue to control the wizarding world, and most pure-blood families will only maintain their own family. interests, in the end they will only drag the entire magic world to death!" Allen made his final conclusion.

After hearing this, Professor Quirrell's face was cloudy and uncertain. He looked at the thin Allen quietly, and felt that his figure was extremely tall for a while.

Then he looked at the scenery outside the window for a long time without saying a word.

a long time.

"What is your ideal?" Professor Quirrell suddenly asked an unexpected question.

Allen, who was still standing with his hands behind his back and pretending to be aggressive, was taken aback when he heard it. He didn't expect Professor Quirrell to ask such a question. It happened that the bell of the Hogwarts clock tower rang.

So he turned and walked to the desk in the room, picked up his teacup and drank the cold tea in it, then picked up a piece of parchment on the table and wrote a sentence, saying to Professor Quirrell: " I had a great time chatting today, but I should go back, please allow me to say goodbye, and my ideal is on this piece of paper!"

After speaking, he put the paper on the desk.

Professor Quirrell agreed to his farewell, and he has a lot to digest today.
After Allen left, the room returned to tranquility.

After a long time, that young voice appeared again: "Master, this person, Phoenix, can't stay for long! He is not willing to be inferior to others!"

"This kid is getting more and more interesting, and I can't wait to tame him!" The cold and sharp voice was full of excitement.

"Master, our body is deteriorating faster and faster, do you still have the energy to tame him?" The young voice continued to persuade.

"Don't worry, I still have the strength." The cold and sharp voice continued.

"Yes Master!"

The two voices stopped talking, and the room fell silent again.

After a long time, a gust of night wind blew in from the window, blowing away the parchment on the table, and the parchment flew around the room. A pale and slender hand caught the paper, and saw the words on it:

"The wizarding class of the world unite!"

 Today's update is 4000 words.

  This chapter is just to expand the world view and add a branch line to the main line of confrontation between good and evil.

  In addition, the author didn't mean to black Dumbledore. It was actually written like that in the original book. It is estimated that JK Rowling didn't think so much at that time.
  Still looking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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