The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 65 Voldemort's Defeat Theory

Chapter 65 Voldemort's Defeat Theory
Allen was taken aback by this question. His first reaction was that Voldemort was a man without a nose, but he quickly realized that what Professor Quirrell was asking was definitely not this.

Is Professor Quirrell going to talk to me about the history and politics of the wizarding world?This is the first time he talked about this kind of topic with himself!Allen thought secretly in his heart.

But Allen thinks this is a good thing, because he has not brought back any useful news to Professor Quirrell, and Professor Quirrell is paying unilaterally.

Allen feels that the relationship between him and Professor Quirrell is unequal, which will lead to a deterioration of their relationship, which is something he doesn't want to see.

Today, Professor Quirrell took the initiative to chat with him about history and politics, and Allen immediately felt that he could get closer to Professor Quirrell through this.

And before the time travel, Allen was a history buff and keyboard politician, often online and online. After time travel, in order to learn ancient runes and find Nicole Flamel, he passively read a lot of magic History books, so he was not at all timid about this topic, but started to get excited.

And as a person who has been washed away by various shocking bodies in the Internet age, he understands that when talking about this kind of topic, he must be the first to talk about it.

So he thought for a while, then solemnly said:

"I think the mysterious man is a person with great ambition but little talent!"

As a result, as soon as he said these words, he felt that the room suddenly became a little colder, and he felt a lot of pressure inexplicably. He felt goose bumps on his body, and his hairs stood up one by one. There was a warning sign of danger, and he felt as if he was being stared at by a snake with cold eyes.
This feeling came and went quickly, so fast that he thought he had an illusion.

Allen glanced at Professor Quirrell suspiciously, but found that he was still turning the pages of the book calmly, as if he didn't feel anything about the changes in the room just now, which made Allen more convinced that he had just had an illusion.

Professor Quirrell also noticed that Alan was looking at him, and glanced at Alan coldly, and said with disdain: "You are not very young, but you have a big tone!"

Allen was instantly unconvinced when he heard it: "Professor, these are the conclusions I have drawn after careful consideration."

After hearing this, Professor Quirrell felt a little funny: "Then you can talk about why the Dark Lord has great ambitions and few talents, and the structure is narrow!"

Allen was keenly aware that his words had aroused Professor Quirrell's interest, so he became more serious in his heart. As a keyboard politician from 2021, he did seriously analyze Voldemort's deeds and political ideas.

"Voldemort's great talent is mainly reflected in his political methods." Allen first made a conclusion. He directly said the name of the mysterious man this time. He knew that the aboriginal wizards had a fearful stress response to Voldemort's name. , which can further attract Professor Quirrell's attention and allow him to take what he said seriously.

Sure enough, after Professor Quirrell heard the name of "Voldemort", his body paused, but he quickly returned to normal.

"Interesting," Professor Quirrell stopped flipping through the book, squinted at Allen again, and said slowly, "You continue—"

Allen looked at Professor Quirrell's disdainful look, and secretly made up his mind: He wants to make Professor Quirrell look at him with admiration today!

"If Voldemort's act of seizing the highest power in the wizarding world is regarded as a revolution, then his revolutionary program is undoubtedly the lowest! He even used bloodline theory, which has been swept into the dustbin of history, as his own Revolutionary program, and then he wants to use this political program to rule the magic world, which is doomed to fail!" Allen calmly stated his first argument.

"Hehehe! Interesting idea!" Professor Quirrell looked at Allen with a sneer, noncommittal to this passage, and motioned him to continue.

"The bloodline theory can certainly attract some pure-blood wizards, but this kind of program that turns back history is bound to arouse the disgust of most wizards." Allen quietly observed Professor Quirrell's expression, and said softly, "Who Who is the enemy of the revolution? Who is the friend of the revolution? This issue is the primary issue of the revolution, and the blood theory will damage the interests of most wizards, and the wizards whose interests are damaged will become Voldemort's enemies or remain neutral."

"So Voldemort has far more enemies than friends. Even though Voldemort's personal ability is very strong, he still can't change the balance of power!"

"If it was just this, Voldemort would not have failed so quickly, because his personal combat power is still unparalleled in the world, and his enemies are still scattered, and they did not fight against Voldemort under the guidance of a unified political program."

"But at this time Voldemort made a serious mistake. He even started a reign of terror, killing people and setting fires everywhere, trying to deter everyone with violence."

"This has led many neutral people to fall to Voldemort's opponents. Under Voldemort's high-handed rule, they suddenly figured out a truth-money is not important to them, blood is not important to them, but there is no Voldemort. It was important to them! So they began to unite against Voldemort."

"In addition, Voldemort's followers are pure-blood wizards with families and businesses, and most of them have a kind of bourgeois weakness, so it is even more impossible to risk their lives to fight against non-blood wizards who are driven to a dead end After all, bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes!"

"So Voldemort's failure was doomed from the very beginning, even without the appearance of Harry Potter, he would still fail in the end! Can such a Voldemort be called ambitious and talented?"

Allen said a lot in one breath, without giving the audience a chance to breathe. He clearly knew the lethality of his remarks in this closed magical world.

During the process of speaking, Allen also paid attention to the expressions of the audience. It took less than a minute to watch his expressions go from disdain, to shock, to seriousness.

Watching Professor Quirrell, who was usually unsmiling in front of him, perform a face-changing performance, Allen felt fulfilled and gratified.

well!The life of a keyboard politician is so unpretentious and boring——!
After speaking, he only felt that his mouth was dry, so he quickly picked up his water glass and took a few sips.

After he finished drinking the water, he found that Professor Quirrell was sitting there motionless like a statue, with a dull expression and a blank expression.

He decided to wake up Professor Quirrell.

"Professor! Professor! What's wrong with you?" Allen called Professor Quirrell in a low voice.

Professor Quirrell woke up from his thoughts, and then stared at Allen with red eyes.

Allen felt a little hairy after being stared at by him. He didn't understand why the professor had such a big reaction.

"Who told you all this?" Professor Quirrell suddenly asked in a questioning tone.

Allen looked at Professor Quirrell suspiciously, and replied in a natural tone: "Is this still taught by others? I summed it up after reading a few history of magic myself!"

Professor Quirrell looked at Allen with suspicious eyes, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

And Allen was still immersed in the joy of Jianzheng, and he didn't care much about Professor Quirrell's eyes.

Professor Quirrell suddenly became silent again, and began to immerse himself in his own world again.

After a long time, he spoke again: "Is the Dark Lord doomed to fail? Is there no room for salvation?"

The voice became extremely hoarse, and the tone seemed to be asking himself.

But Allen was completely unaware of this. He thought it was Professor Quirrell who was discussing this issue with him.

But he didn't expect that Professor Quirrell would ask such a question, but it can't be helped that it comes from the keyboard politician in 2021. He has participated in the discussion of this kind of hindsight question before. With inspiration, he replied casually:

"Yes, I have!"

 When I was a child, I didn’t feel anything when I read the original book. When I grew up, I revisited the original book and found that Voldemort’s political program was too low and his ruling methods were too rough, so I planned to let the protagonist inadvertently instill some “advanced” political ideas in Voldemort.

  Still looking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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