The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 52 The Unbreakable Oath

Chapter 52 The Unbreakable Oath
Soon it was Saturday again, and Allen arrived at Professor Quirrell's office on time.

"How are you thinking? My boy?" Professor Quirrell, still hiding in the shadows, asked Allen in a low voice.

"I've thought about it, and I understand the role of the unbreakable oath." Allen said calmly, looking at Professor Quirrell in the shadows.

"Then what is your choice?" Professor Quirrell's tone was still so low, without any change.

Allen pondered for a while, and still expressed his decision: "I need stronger power now, I am too weak now!" Allen's tone was full of desire for power.

"Okay, my boy, you made the right decision, now hold out your hand!" Professor Quirrell said in a low voice in the shadows.

Allen was stunned for a while, and he asked a little blankly: "Don't you need a witness to make an unbreakable oath? It's just the two of us here. Where is our witness?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I have a solution, make your choice now!" Professor Quirrell was still shrouded in shadow, his voice was still as low as ever.

Allen hesitated. He didn't know if he could trust Professor Quirrell, but he read in the book that the final oath still needs to be confirmed by the swearer, so he decided to try it first. Anyway, he ran away immediately if the oath was wrong.

So he slowly stretched out his right hand.

Professor Quirrell laughed sullenly in the dark.

In the next second, Allen felt the chair under his butt rush forward, and quickly slid to the opposite of Professor Quirrell. The two of them were basically knee to knee, but Allen was still under the light, and Professor Quirrell was still shrouded in shadow.

The light clearly demarcates the boundary between the two, one bright and one dark.

A pale and slender hand stretched out from the darkness, tightly holding Allen's right wrist.

Allen only felt that the hand was cold and slippery, like holding a snake.
Allen tried hard to get this thought out of his mind, trying to divert his attention away from the opponent's hand.

"It's about to start! Get ready!" Professor Quirrell ordered.

Allen quickly grasped the wrist of Professor Quirrell's right hand.

I saw Professor Quirrell's left hand holding the wand stick out from the darkness, and waved the wand at their clenched right hand.

A sparse network of light immediately appeared where their right hands were clenched, connecting them tightly. Allen knew that this was the beginning of the unbreakable oath. He tried to calm down his mood, because he knew that the next Every sentence you say must be carefully thought out, and you must think it through before you say it.

Allen tried hard to look at Professor Quirrell in the shadows, trying to see the expression on his face clearly, but it was doomed to be futile, but it was face to face after all. Although Allen couldn't see his expression clearly, he found Professor Quirrell Not wearing his big purple turban today.

It was the same gloomy voice at this time, but now it was a little shrill: "Are you, Alan Phoenix, willing to keep Quirinus Quirrell's secret?"

Allen breathed a sigh of relief, this oath was much better than imagined, but he didn't dare to show it at all, and he didn't dare to relax.

"No, this oath is too broad, I need to narrow it down!" Allen said quickly.

Professor Quirrell snorted gloomyly in the dark.

"as you wish!"

The optical nets on the wrists of the two remained unchanged, and Professor Quirrell said gloomyly again: "Are you, Alan Phoenix, willing to keep the secret between Quirinus Quirrell and you?"

Allen's brain was running rapidly: this oath seems to have nothing against him. Although the scope is still a bit large, he is also a person with quite a lot of secrets.

But he is still a little worried, it's better to be cautious when it's about his own life.

"I need you to make an oath of reciprocity!" Allen said firmly, looking at Professor Quirrell in the dark.

"You stand first!" Allen quickly added

Professor Quirrell was silent. When Allen thought that Professor Quirrell was angry, he spoke:

"as you wish!"

"You, Quirinus Quirrell, are you willing to keep a secret between Aaron Phoenix and you?" The gloomy sharp voice appeared again.

"I will!" It was a young voice, with a bit of reluctance in its tone.

Allen was stunned. Could it be that this witness is the cold personality of Professor Quirrell?And it was another personality who made the oath with him?Professor Quirrell is switching personalities back and forth?Can you still play like this?
Allen was a little worried that the oath he made with Professor Quirrell was only binding on one of his personalities, but after thinking about it, the oath works on the body, and multiple personalities are useless, and now this oath does not seem to be binding on him. It's hard to do it, because I want to ask others, how can I not pay a little price, besides, Professor Quirrell has backed down twice, if I continue to do it, I think it will anger him.

Thinking of this, Allen suppressed his urge to interrupt the ceremony again.

"Are you, Alan Phoenix, willing to keep the secret between Quirinus Quirrell and you?" The voice of Professor Quirrell's cold personality became more and more sharp.

Allen hesitated for a moment, chewed the sentence carefully again, and found that there was no trap, so he said solemnly: "I will!"

Then Allen was surprised to find that the light nets on the wrists of the two disappeared, and a cold current flowed down his arms to his heart and disappeared, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

He knew that the Unbreakable Vow had been established.

"Okay, now the oath has been fulfilled, I'm very tired now, you go back first, next week I will start teaching you to master real power!" Professor Quirrell's voice was a little tired, but he was obviously in a good mood.

Allen said goodbye a little nervously and left.

Professor Quirrell's office began to fall into silence again.

a long time.

The young voice appeared again: "Master, why did you only make such a loose oath with him, so that we can't control him!"

The cold and sharp voice appeared again, and the owner of the voice let out a terrible sneer: "Stupid! That kid Phoenix is ​​shrewd, and he won't let you easily control him, rash actions will only be counterproductive."

"It was a bit too hasty to attack Harry Potter last time, and Snape and Dumbledore have already started to be vigilant, so we have to lie dormant for a while, and the line of Phoenix is ​​even more important!" Cold There was a trace of fatigue in the shrill voice.

"Master, it's all my fault that I don't have a deep grasp of the Confusion Curse, which is why Snape succeeded in interfering and saved that kid Potter's life!" There was some panic in the young voice.

"The matter is over, so don't mention it again. Our ultimate goal is to get the Philosopher's Stone. I'm not in a hurry to kill Potter."

"I made an unbreakable oath with that boy, Phoenix, just to prevent him from denouncing us. We didn't care about his denunciation before, because they wouldn't investigate us because of what an 11-year-old wizard said, but now Dumbledore and the others have raised Be vigilant, I don't want to spoil my plan because of Phoenix!" The cold and sharp voice paused for a while before continuing to add.

"What's more, I still need him to do things for me. It's not good to cause his rebellious psychology!"

"Master is wise!"

 Ask for various tickets

(End of this chapter)

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