The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 50 A New Application of the Transformation Spell

Chapter 50 A New Application of the Transformation Spell

Allen was kicked out of Professor Quirrell's office in this way.

Professor Quirrell had given him homework for the first time today - find out what an Unbreakable Vow is before you come to study next time.

Allen was very confused about this unbreakable oath. He had only heard of the unbreakable alliance before, although that alliance was broken in the end, so this unbreakable oath sounds like a flag.

But complaints are complaints, but this thing still needs to be figured out.

Allen went to the library the next day, and to his surprise, he found the introduction to the Unbreakable Vow in a book called "Studies on Vow Spells" without much effort.

The Unbreakable Vow is a magical ritual used to form vows between wizards.If the oath is broken, the person who took the initiative to break it will die.If the party who made the oath dies, the oath ends immediately.

Seeing that the consequence of breaking the oath is death, Allen was taken aback. He didn't expect the spell to be so binding. He couldn't help but began to doubt Professor Quirrell's intentions, and he began to hesitate again whether to learn black magic Well, to learn black magic, one must make this oath and bet one's own life on it.

Maybe you can look at the specific content of the oath next week before making a decision. If the oath is very detrimental to you, then turn around and leave. If the scope of the oath is not very restrictive, then you can really think about it.

And Allen felt that those words were right: "There is no right or wrong in power itself, and those who have right and wrong are those who control power!"

As long as you stick to your heart and don't do evil, what if you learn black magic?
Moreover, the troll and Quidditch incidents brought him tremendous pressure. He didn't expect the black hand lurking in Hogwarts to be so arrogant and launch an attack in full view.

This made him feel panicked, but he couldn't find someone to talk to. If he went to the professors for help, he would probably be regarded as crazy!And even the very powerful Professor Quirrell was attacked by the troll and fainted from fright.

He also has no way of predicting when the next attack will occur, so what he can do now is to constantly strengthen himself, so as not to die inexplicably, then black magic is his best choice now.

Besides, the black hand lurking in Hogwarts was probably Snape, and Snape had always disliked him. If he accidentally blocked his way, he would be gone with a single spell.

Moreover, Professor Quirrell said that Snape was proficient in black magic, and the man behind the scenes was obviously also proficient in black magic. Even if the man behind the scene was not Snape, the more he knew about black magic, the higher his chance of surviving.

After some deliberation, Allen finally made up his mind.

It's another new week, and this afternoon is Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class.

After two months of study, the little wizards have mastered the transformation spell, although there are always some strange things happening when transforming objects
During class today, Professor McGonagall gave everyone a handkerchief.

Hermione guessed that today's Transfiguration class must be turning handkerchiefs into parchment.

But what Professor McGonagall said next made the little wizards suddenly interested.

"Students have mastered the object transformation technique faster than I expected, so we are going to learn new content today. This part of the content is also a pre-content for turning objects into animals. I believe those who have previewed the textbook already know that it is What's up!" Professor McGonagall glanced at the class.

The little wizards cheered loudly. After learning the transfiguration for so long, they finally stopped changing one object into another, and started to learn new things.

Professor McGonagall waited for the little wizards to calm down before continuing: "We will learn to transform objects into animals later, but it is not enough to transform objects into animals. If we only transform into animals, even No matter how realistic the appearance is, animals will not move, so there is our practice content today - to give action logic to deformed objects!"

The little wizards seemed to half understand, but Allen's eyes lit up. He had already previewed this part, and he was looking forward to this part.

Then Professor McGonagall began to demonstrate, but in order to let the students see more clearly, what she used for the demonstration was not a handkerchief, but a red cloak.

I saw that she cast the Transformation Curse on the cloak, but the cloak did not change in any way. When the little wizards were all suspecting that Professor McGonagall had failed to cast the spell, the cloak suddenly moved by itself!
I saw that the cloak flew into the air by itself, and then folded itself into the shape of a butterfly, fluttering over the classroom
After flying around a few times, Professor McGonagall waved his magic wand, and the cloak flew towards her quickly, draped it on her back, and then tied a bow tie intimately, and then turned up a corner of the collar on the cloak, anthropomorphic Rubbing Professor McGonagall's face affectionately, Professor McGonagall reached out and gently stroked the collar that rubbed against her face, and the collar of the cloak immediately made a look of enjoying Professor McGonagall's touch.
The little wizards were all stunned by this wonderful transformation, and gave Professor McGonagall the warmest applause. Although I have seen Professor McGonagall show many wonderful transformations, but every time I saw it, I was so excited. Shocking.

Professor McGonagall admired the stunned appearance of the little wizards with satisfaction, and also enjoyed the applause of the little wizards.

Allen was also shocked, isn't this the cloak of Doctor Strange?Although it doesn't have all the magical abilities of the cloak, the anthropomorphic movements are [-]% like it.

Although Allen had seen this application of the Transfiguration Mantra when he was previewing the textbook, he was still very shocked when he actually saw the Transfiguration Master use it.

"Everyone has seen that I cast the Transformation Curse on the cloak, but the cloak has not changed in any way, but has its own action logic. This is one of the many applications of the Transformation Curse." Professor McGonagall said for the little wizard they answered.

There was a rustling recording sound in the classroom, and the little wizards were all very interested in this.

"I said in the first Transfiguration class that mastering Transfiguration will be of great help to your future work and life, and the application of Transfiguration can make your work and life better. Just imagine it! If you are proficient in this application, you don’t have to struggle so much when you put on clothes every day. You only need to wave the magic wand, and your clothes will automatically wear on you. You don’t have to organize your clothes and quilts at ordinary times , as long as you wave the wand, they will automatically fold neatly." Professor McGonagall has rich teaching experience, and she knows how to mobilize the interest of little wizards.

The little wizards were indeed attracted by the bright prospect described by Professor McGonagall, especially now that it is winter, and it is a troublesome thing for the little wizards to wear clothes every day, so they all whispered excitedly.

Professor McGonagall rarely went to maintain classroom order immediately, but smiled and watched the little wizards discussing enthusiastically.

After the little wizards gradually calmed down, Professor McGonagall continued.

"There are actually two ways to give an action logic to an item. One is to directly give an action logic to the deformation target and let it execute this logic by itself. It will be more rigid; the second is that the spell caster will directly establish a link with the deformed target, which can control the action of the deformed target more precisely, but the disadvantage is that the wizard must be distracted to control the deformed target. Too busy."

The little wizards became even more interested when they heard that it could be controlled in real time, and continued to listen carefully to Professor McGonagall's explanation.

"In fact, I used two methods at the same time during the demonstration just now. In most cases, we will also use these two methods at the same time, which ensures that the deformed items can act more accurately according to the wizard's intention!" Professor McGonagall Continue to strike while the iron is hot, instilling knowledge into the minds of the little wizards.

 Ask for various tickets

(End of this chapter)

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