The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 48 Quidditch Competition

Chapter 48 Quidditch Competition

The game has been going on for a while.

Alan watched in horror as Harry's broom twitched and twisted wildly all the way, slowly, higher and higher, taking Harry away from the field.

Hermione, who was still by his side just now, seemed to have noticed something unusual about Professor Snape, and it had disappeared.

Harry's broom lost control even more.

The people in the stands were very strange to Harry.

His broomstick began to roll and roll, and Harry could barely hold it together.Suddenly, there was another frantic twist on the broomstick, and Harry was thrown off by it.He now hangs in the air with only one hand on the handle of the broom.

The Weasley twins flew up and tried to pull Harry safely onto one of their brooms, but failed, and they hovered below Harry, ready to catch him if he fell.

Allen also hated himself a little bit for not getting the wings of that day today, so that he might be able to fly up and save Harry.

But he also saw that someone was casting a spell on Harry's broom and trying to kill Harry through it.

"Come on, Hermione," Ron whispered hopelessly.

Alan couldn't find Hermione, so he turned his gaze back to Harry anxiously, praying for him in his heart.

High in the air, Harry was suddenly able to climb back on the broom handle, and he dived so fast towards the ground that he was seen putting his hand over his mouth as if about to vomit - he landed on all fours - coughed - — something golden fell into his palm
In the end, Gryffindor won by 170 points to [-] points.

At this time, Allen didn't care about the final victory, because he saw that Professor Snape had left the field expressionlessly in the opposite stand, and Professor Quirrell behind him looked at Harry thoughtfully. The direction of interest.

Allen suddenly remembered that when Harry's broom was out of control, Hagrid said that only extremely strong black magic could interfere with the broomstick.

Professor Quirrell sure knows something!His cold personality seems to have a deep understanding of black magic, and he seems to have seen something today.Allen thought silently in his heart.

He decided to take advantage of Professor Quirrell's one-on-one instruction at night to find out some information about black magic.

After the race was over, the four of them followed Hagrid to his hut, where Hagrid made them a large pot of tea.

Hermione shares how she saved Harry this afternoon.

Her opinion of Snape had changed drastically.

Even Allen began to wonder if his previous memory of Snape being a positive character was wrong.

Maybe the short video I watched at the beginning was wrong.He finally concluded in his mind.

Today's incident also made Allen realize that his previous speculation that the threat came from outside Hogwarts was wrong. It seems that the source of the turmoil has already lurked in Hogwarts.

He couldn't help but think of Professor Quirrell's behavior before, a little suspicious that he was the villain who lurked in, but according to the information he has so far, Snape is the most suspicious, and if Professor Quirrell is the villain, he doesn't need to be there at all. Act like a villain in front of yourself.

Allen was also a little uncertain.

In the end, he felt that it was more likely that Snape was the villain, because Professor Quirrell only acted like a villain in front of himself, but Professor Snape acted like a villain in front of everyone every day.

But Hagrid couldn't believe that Snape did it.

In the following conversation, Hagrid inadvertently revealed a key name-Nicole Flamel.

Then the four of them bid farewell and returned to Hogwarts Castle.

Allen also began to prepare some questions he would ask Professor Quirrell at night.

The time soon came to night.

Allen arrived at Professor Quirrell's office on time.

Professor Quirrell's attitude was a bit cold this time, and the look in his eyes was not quite right, which made Allen's heart rise - he was afraid that Professor Quirrell's attitude would change because of the events on Halloween.

But as the guidance progressed, Alan's heart gradually relaxed, because he felt that Professor Quirrell's teaching today is still so serious and responsible.

After teaching some spellcasting skills and ancient runes, the light in the office dimmed again, and Allen knew that this was a way for Professor Quirrell to chase away guests.

But Allen still has questions to ask today, and he doesn't want to leave like this.

"Professor, you were also present at the Quidditch match today. Do you know what spell is affecting Harry's broom?" Allen asked carefully, observing Professor Quirrell's expression.

Professor Quirrell's hand flipping through the book paused, but he quickly returned to normal. He took a deep look at Allen, and said nonchalantly, "I don't know!" Then the door of the office opened automatically.

Allen had no choice but to pack up his things and walk towards the door. When he was about to reach the door, the door slammed shut. Just when Allen was at a loss, a deep voice came from behind:

"It's a powerful black magic!"

Allen turned around sharply, seeing Professor Quirrell return to the shadows in the room, he felt ecstasy: Professor Quirrell has now switched to a cold personality, and this personality seems to have a deep research on black magic.

He said eagerly: "Professor, please give me more advice!"

Professor Quirrell snorted coldly in the shadows, and said coldly: "The broomstick is a relatively powerful magic item, and that kind of black magic can confuse the ability of the broomstick to receive instructions, and then send it wrong instructions. The reason why Potter's broom is out of control today is that the caster has a deep research on black magic!"

After listening to Professor Quirrell's answer, Allen remembered Hermione's guess again. After hesitating for a while, he decided to tell Professor Quirrell: "We suspect that Professor Snape did it!"

"Snape!" Professor Quirrell's gloomy voice became a little excited. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was him. His research on black magic was very deep back then!"

"Then why did he do it to Harry? It doesn't make sense!" Allen was troubled by this question all the time.

"Hmph! Snape hates Potter's father! And Snape is also a loyal follower of the Dark Lord! But I can't be sure what the reason is!" Professor Quirrell seemed very interested in this topic, he His tone became excited.

Allen tried to see Professor Quirrell's expression clearly in the shadows, but his efforts were in vain. At the same time, a question suddenly appeared in his mind, and he said it without hesitation:
"Why would Hogwarts hire Snape, who has mastered so much black magic and once followed the mysterious man?"

The question seemed to scratch Professor Quirrell's itch, and he stood up and walked out of the shadows, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"This topic is very interesting. Dumbledore recruited Snape into Hogwarts, and it was Dumbledore's guarantee for Snape that saved him from trial." Professor Quirrell's mood become hyperactive.

Allen was shocked by these secrets. He didn't expect Snape to have such a past. This is obviously a template for a big villain. He couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of the short video he saw before. Could it be that Snape Pucai is the final big devil in the first grade?
Allen's face was cloudy and uncertain, and his heart was full of turmoil.

Professor Quirrell admired Allen's expression and asked the next question:
"Why do you think mastering the black arts is a bad thing?"

 Ask for collection, ask for various tickets

(End of this chapter)

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