Chapter 45 Release
The restaurant suddenly became chaotic, and the little wizards yelled in horror!
Neville, who was supporting Alan, put his hands on his head as soon as he heard the word troll, and cried out in horror.
Didn't even realize he was supporting a weak patient
Allen suddenly lost his support in this way, and he lost his balance all of a sudden.
Just when he thought he was about to fall hard on his buttocks, he didn't feel the pain of his buttocks hitting the solid floor, he felt himself sitting firmly on a soft thing
He looked back and realized immediately that he was sitting impartially on Professor Quirrell's large purple hood
However, his well-tested sphincter completely defied the commands of his brain under the impact of the external force of this slump.
Allen only felt that the gas produced by the violent chemical reaction in his intestines finally had a place to go
He just felt that he was extremely happy at this moment.
He felt that if he was still on the earth, this release would definitely be able to be awarded the Guinness World Records, maybe two awards, one for the amount of release and one for the time of release.
Because there were no outdoor activities today, and it was relatively warm in the castle, Allen was still wearing a relatively thin layer of trousers.
So he could feel the gas he released passed through his thin trousers easily and poured into the big purple hood on Professor Quirrell's head.
Allen feels that the material of Professor Quirrell's purple turban is really good, especially the breathability and absorbency:

The air permeability is good because Allen feels that the gas he releases basically does not receive much resistance during the process of pouring it in;
The absorption ability is good because Allen's buttocks did not feel the gas rebounding feeling, and it must have been absorbed by the big purple turban.

It's just that the shape of the back of Professor Quirrell's head is not very good, and it's a bit stuck in the buttocks. Could it be that he slept with his head crooked when he was a child?Allen thought silently in his heart.

I don't know how long it took, but the gas accumulated in Alan's intestines was finally emptied through the sphincter, but the reaction in his intestines continued, and he only felt like a motorcycle that had been parked in place with its ignition on. , the exhaust pipe has been discharging gas intermittently.
Allen suddenly felt rejoiced, and fortunately he used this time to release:
First, the terrified shouts of the little wizards covered his release;

Then Professor Quirrell is also unconscious, and the only person who may be aware of his behavior need not worry;

Finally, the absorption capacity of Professor Quirrell's purple turban is so good that it absorbs all the gas, and the exhaust gas does not overflow, which avoids the possibility of being exposed due to the smell in the end.

Otherwise, today is another social death, this time it is much more serious than last time.

At this time, Allen's brain finally regained control over his sphincter, and he suddenly realized how unreasonable it was for him to continue like this, so he quietly stopped his release behavior, and stood up with difficulty holding his stomach.

At this time, Professor Dumbledore made several harsh fireworks explosions with his wand, and everyone fell silent.

"Prefect," he said in a low voice, "lead the students of your college to the dormitory immediately!"

Percy, of course, was very familiar with it.

"Come with me! Don't stray, first-years! You don't have to fear any trolls as long as you do what I say! Now, stay close behind me. Get out of the way, first-years are passing! Excuse me, I'm a prefect!"

Neville didn't realize that he just got into trouble. He was terrified when he heard the prefect's call and rushed towards Percy, but he didn't notice that he bumped into Alan who had just struggled to get up.
Allen, who was already suffering from a bit of collapse, couldn't stand the impact at all, and sat back to his original place, and then history repeated itself again, his brain lost control of the sphincter again, and he had accumulated in his stomach for a while. The gas was poured into Professor Quirrell's purple hood
But this time, the absorption capacity of the purple turban seems to have reached its upper limit, and Allen has begun to smell some bad, very heady smells.

"Alan, are you okay!" Harry said with concern

At this time, Harry and Ron finally ran over. They wanted to help Alan up, but Alan struggled to stand up with his stomach covered, and pushed them away, for fear that they would smell something bad. .

"You don't have to worry about me, I guess I have to go to Madam Pomfrey today, and follow Percy back!" Allen said with difficulty, clutching his stomach.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and they made a quick decision - to find the first-year team led by Percy.

Alan's condition was not much better. He felt that the gas in his stomach was still being generated, and he wanted to go to the school hospital to continue looking for Madam Pomfrey.

He took the first step with difficulty.
But at this time, a little wizard pushed him when he passed by him, and Alan repeated the previous two encounters again, and sat on Professor Quirrell's big purple hood for the third time.

Then the gas accumulated in the stomach broke through the restriction of the sphincter for the third time.
Allen took a closer look, and it turned out to be Malfoy, who was smiling proudly at himself, his eyes revealing the light of revenge!
"This is the lesson that Lord Malfoy taught you!" Malfoy quickly ran into the crowd after speaking.

But Alan has no time to take care of these, he just wants to go to Madam Pomfrey to solve his problems now.

But Allen felt that Professor Quirrell's body was trembling this time, which surprised him.

Is Professor Quirrell waking up?
Or is it a bit unbearable to be smoked?
Just as Allen was thinking wildly, a familiar voice came from beside him: "Allen, why don't you leave?"

It turned out that Professor Dumbledore also discovered the abnormality here, so he came to check the situation.

Allen couldn't feel the trembling of Professor Quirrell's body immediately, and he couldn't help but suspect that he had hallucinated just now.
But he quickly put aside this question, and he talked about his situation with Professor Dumbledore with difficulty. Of course, he only said that his stomach was uncomfortable, but at this time, the reaction in his stomach gradually disappeared.

Professor Dumbledore's blue eyes stared deeply at Allen through the half-moon-shaped lenses. Allen lowered his head and dared not look at him.

Then he waved Hagrid over.

"Hagrid, take Mr. Phoenix to the school hospital!" Professor Dumbledore said to Hagrid.

"Okay, principal!" Hagrid stepped forward and hugged Alan.

But a stench made him frown, "What's the matter, why is this piece so smelly!" Hagrid muttered softly.

Allen said anxiously, "Maybe Professor Quirrell brought the smell of the troll over here."

"Damn!" Hagrid cursed softly, Hagrid had no doubts about this explanation at all, because Professor Quirrell usually had a strange smell.

"Alan, you should stay in the school hospital today! It's still very safe there! Remember not to run around!" This is Professor Dumbledore telling Allen.

Allen quickly nodded his promise, and then he was carried away by Hagrid.

The last thing he saw was Professor Dumbledore holding his nose to check on Professor Quirrell.
Hagrid quickly rushed him to the school hospital.

Alan was given another bottle of potion by Madam Pomfrey, and this time the potion was much better than last time, and his symptoms quickly alleviated.

After drinking the potion, Alan soon fell asleep.
In the dream he also dreamed of Professor Quirrell's big purple turban
 I think this is the most vulnerable time in Voldemort's whole book, so I made a whole job, I hope you have a good time reading it, and finally I wish you all a happy New Year's Day again!

(End of this chapter)

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