Chapter 14 Air Duel
The standoff in the air continued.

Malfoy stared cruelly at the three people across from him. Today's experience kept replaying in his mind, new hatred and old hatred welled up in his heart. The strong bodies of Crabbe and Goyle gave him a great sense of security. There was a pleasure of revenge, he felt his body trembling slightly with excitement, that feeling was so sweet.

Although Allen had slowed down, he still didn't feel very good. Without solid muscles as a buffer, he felt that the impact he had received had not subsided, and his bones were still aching. He only felt a rusty taste in his mouth. The taste was still a little sweet, and Alan knew where his mouth was bleeding, but he didn't dare to let Harry and Ron find out, so he just swallowed hard.

"Come down quickly!" Hermione shouted eagerly on the ground, "Mrs. Hooch said not to let us move around, you will cause us trouble!"

But these words did not touch the six boys in the sky at all. Although Ron was a little unconfident, he still didn't want to back down in such a situation.

Their gazes intertwined in the air, as if sparks were about to be produced.

"Bring it here!" Harry yelled again, "Don't think Crabbe and Goyle can protect you!"

The three of Malfoy seemed to see Alan's weakness and Ron's lack of confidence, so they didn't take Harry's words to heart, and their arrogance became more and more arrogant.

Malfoy licked his lips, and twitched his middle finger at the three of Harry arrogantly and contemptuously, "Come on! Don't just talk big!"

Harry looked back at Alan and Ron, the eyes of the three were intertwined, and Ron and Alan gave Harry a firm look.

Allen has never wanted to do something firmly like now. Maybe it is because of Dumbledore's guidance today; maybe it is the feeling of flying freely in the air that wiped away the shadow in his heart; maybe it is too much depression in his heart. Long.

Allen has no distracting thoughts and is extremely calm now. He knows that Malfoy's arrogance must be suppressed this time, otherwise Malfoy will start to establish a psychological advantage over himself, and he will never raise it again in Hogwarts. I can't start.

"Don't worry about me, Harry, you are the best flyer, you go to attack Malfoy, this kid is very arrogant on the surface, but he is bullying in his heart, you can actually threaten him a few times and he will be useless! Me and Luo Well, be your wingman! Help you lure Crabbe and Goyle away." Allen whispered a battle plan to Harry and Ron.

Ron looked blank, "What is a wingman?"

"It means assisting Harry." Allen explained helplessly, and then thought of some air combat documentaries he had seen before, regardless of whether it was useful or not, he said it together:
"We don't have the physical advantage, but we are much more flexible than them. Pay attention to maintain the altitude, dive and attack, if the attack fails, just touch and go, raise the altitude and find another opportunity, if the attack succeeds, bite their tails tightly and continue to output! If you are tail bitten, pay attention to making large maneuvers to get rid of tail biting!"

The two people who said these words looked confused. Although they both understood what they meant, why did it sound so strange?

The two quickly nodded and said yes, expressing that they had understood Allen's high-level instructions.

At this time, Crabbe and Goyle rushed towards the three of them with grimaces. The collision in the air just now made them realize the advantages of their bodies and built up their confidence in winning.

"You'll be in charge of Gore later!" Allen finally told Ron.

Then the three of them simultaneously pulled up the broom handles and began to climb the height.

Clark and Goyle followed them foolishly, but because they were lower in height than Alan and the others, and their bodies were heavy, they were pulled further and further away.

At this time, the three of Allen finally circled and climbed to a sufficient height, about as high as the Gryffindor tower, and Malfoy was still at the same height as a big tree, commanding the two followers to chase after the three of Allen , and by the way laughed loudly at their cowering.

At this time, Allen looked around and saw the majestic Hogwarts Castle; he saw the sparkling Black Lake; he saw the smoke from Hogsmeade; in the distance were green mountains and dense forests , and an infinitely beautiful sunset.
Allen squinted his eyes under the setting sun. At this moment, he only felt that his heart was extremely open. He felt that the heart was pumping blood to the whole body. He felt that every cell in his body was cheering. He locked down on Malfoy. position, shouted:
"The ace pilot applied for the battle!"

Then he took the lead and swooped down like an arrow, followed by Harry and Ron.

Malfoy finally realized the purpose of the trio at this time, but it was already too late. He wanted height but no height, speed but no speed, so he had to watch helplessly as the trio approached him quickly, and at the same time tried to avoid it. .

Malfoy's evasive action was still effective. None of Harry's trio hit Malfoy, but the purpose of the trio itself was not to hit him—hitting them at such a high speed would kill both of them!
Their purpose is to get close to Malfoy quickly, and then create a situation where there are more hits and fewer hits.

This strategy succeeded, the trio pulled away the distance from Crabbe and Goyle, and approached Malfoy with lightning speed.

Now, they have enough time to siege and output Malfoy.

Harry and Ron rushed past Malfoy due to inertia.

However, Allen quickly spread his wings and slowed down. The wind and waves created by the wings made Malfoy unable to control the broom. Allen took the opportunity to turn the broom, bit Malfoy's tail tightly, and pulled Malfoy's robe, preventing him from speeding up. run away.

At this time, Harry and Ron also turned their brooms to catch up with Malfoy. Ron flew over Malfoy to prevent him from getting out of the high altitude. Harry and Alan clamped Malfoy from left to right, and then continued to use one free hand on Malfoy. The fist was output, and Malfoy cried out for a while.

Allen listened carefully and found that the one who yelled the most was "my dad".

The good times are always so short, and Crabbe and Goyle quickly approached the battle group. The three had to let Malfoy go, and re-raised to look for the next opportunity to attack.

The little wizard on the ground kept screaming, everyone was stunned by this wonderful air duel, only Hermione was shouting anxiously, and Allen found that her voice was hoarse.

But then Malfoy learned his lesson not to let the two followers get too far away from him. Harry's trio circled around, but they couldn't find a good opportunity to attack.

Minutes passed by.

In the end, it was Malfoy who couldn't stand it first. The arrogance and hostility in his eyes disappeared, leaving only weakness and grievance. He raised the memory ball in his hand high.

"Here, let's see if you can catch it!" He yelled, throwing the glass ball high into the air, "That's it for today! I'll let you go!" Then he quickly landed on the ground.

Harry saw the glass ball rise into the sky in what seemed to be slow motion, and then began to fall.Leaning forward, pointing his broomstick down—in the blink of an eye, he was speeding down, chasing the glass ball—and the wind howled in his ears, mixed with the screams of the audience below, and he stretched out his hand Go, catch the glass ball a foot off the ground.

He straightened the broomstick just in time, and he fell softly onto the grass, clutching the memory ball firmly in his hand.

Harry excitedly raised the memory ball in his hand, and turned his head to show his victory to his friends, but he heard a horrified cry from the little wizards.

He looked up at the direction of the setting sun, and saw a young man with huge white wings riding a broom towards the setting sun. The tail of the broom seemed to be incomplete, and it kept dropping branches.
And the broom seemed to be out of the boy's control, and it kept accelerating towards the sunset. The boy tried his best to spread his wings and slow down, but it was of no avail.

Everyone watched the young man fly higher and higher, farther and farther away, and watched him turn into a small black spot, disappearing into the afterglow of the setting sun, like a big bird chasing the sun melting into the setting sun.

The next scene made everyone's heart rise to their throats. The black spot fell from the setting sun, and the falling broom continued to fall.
Everyone could clearly see the boy struggling to flap his wings to maintain his balance;

Everyone is looking forward to a miracle happening!
But everything is so cruel, the cold wind in the sky is constantly impacting on the boy's body, making him roll in the air continuously, the golden sunset shines on the boy's white wings, casting a layer of tragic color on him
The teenager still can't keep his balance!

Everyone can feel the teenager's effort to survive, but he is still falling at an accelerated rate
Many little wizards couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and closed their eyes in pain.

The miracle did not happen until the end, and the black dot just fell into the forbidden forest in the distance
disappear from everyone's sight
"Bang!" The memory ball fell from Harry's hands onto the grass.

Harry's heart sank as well.
 The ten-year-old bookworm finally couldn't help writing a book by himself, hoping to get everyone's favorites and recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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