Chapter 77 Terrifying Woman
This is all delivered to the door by myself, don't let it go for nothing, what else can I say?
The fat man saw that he didn't have to pay back the money, so he almost exclaimed on the spot.

As long as the money is there, the rest is not important.

In the conference room of the School of Archeology, Professor Li did not expect Ye Xuan to refuse so simply, and his hanging heart was finally relieved, but seeing that the decree was still unrepentant, he began to have other worries in his heart.

"This decree is not a person who is willing to let it go. He gave Ye Xuan 300 million so generously. Could it be that there is someone behind?"

Professor Li frowned, looking puzzled at the other professors around him.

"This guy is doing whatever it takes to achieve his goal, and he will definitely not give up easily. He should be holding back."

Professor Lin also added on the side.

I began to guess what this guy would do?
"No matter what you do, this is Daxia's territory. Even if he wants to do something, it's not so easy."

"I can't help but the reputation of the dean is here. As long as the Academy of Archeology wants to protect someone, who dare not give face?"

Director Bai doesn't care about this, he won't worry if he is tough, but if he is soft...

That's up to Ye Xuan himself, but needless to say, Ye Xuan's attitude is definitely not going to work.

"Boss Director Bai is right. We will discuss this matter when the dean returns."

Professor Li nodded and kept looking at the big screen.

in the tomb.

Ye Xuan ignored the situation in the live broadcast room, but looked at the water pool opposite the stone tablet. There was a faint evil spirit in this water pool.

Ye Xuan walked towards the opposite pool.

"It's not normal inside."

The little brother said suddenly, his tone full of coldness.

"Normally, a stone monument would not be erected here, little brother, don't be so nervous, nothing will happen."

Ye Xuan looked at the cold appearance of the little brother, and smiled lightly to ease the atmosphere.

The little brother looked sideways at Ye Xuan, and finally walked to Ye Xuan's side first.

Fu Tianqi, the archaeological team behind him, and the mercenaries behind him followed closely behind.

Looking at the calm and unremarkable pool, the fat man took out a stone from his body. When he came here, he picked it up from the ground and it was useless to play with. Now it is coming in handy, so he threw it out.

Faint water splashes appeared in the pool, and the slightest ripples finally disappeared.

"Is this stele scaring people? Isn't there nothing?"

The fat man thought of offering the king's tomb. At that time, the egg appeared not long after he threw the stone.

It’s been nothing for so long now, there shouldn’t be a problem, right?

Fu Tianqi first glanced at Ye Xuan and his younger brother when he heard the words, and saw that their expressions were solemn.

Is there any danger here?

Fu Tianqi glanced at Fang Mingyu, who also looked confused. If it was a creature, he might be able to publish something, but he didn't understand this kind of thing.

"No movement does not mean there is no danger, it only proves that the danger here is more calm than before."

Ye Xuan took one last look at the little brother beside him, and the two looked at each other, as if they had made some kind of decision.

"Captain Zhao, please, lend me the rubber boat, my brother and I will go test the waters."

When Ye Xuan said this, not to mention Fu Tianqi was surprised, even Captain Zhao was also surprised.

What if there is danger?This is no joke.

"Otherwise, I'll go, in case..."

Captain Zhao looked worried, and he was still very worried.

"Captain Zhao, which one of my two brothers do you think you can beat with your skill?"

Although the fat man said he was worried, but thinking of Ye Xuan and his little brother's skills, he was relieved a lot.

Captain Zhao choked for a moment, and finally closed his mouth.

Indeed, neither of these two people can beat them.

"Brother Ye, Poker-Face, I'll go with you."

Fat people are not unkind people, there is no reason for them to take risks on their own.

"You are here, if there is danger, we can come back, you can't."

Ye Xuan couldn't let Fatty take risks, if he was in danger, he had to save him.

Captain Zhao asked his subordinates to prepare the rubber boat, and Xiaobai and Xiaoma also went to help.

Twenty minutes later, the little brother and Ye Xuan rowed the rubber boat and slowly rowed towards the middle of the pool.

Captain Zhao, Fu Tianqi and the others closely followed the figures of the two of them. The two of them rowed the rubber boat to the middle, obviously feeling that the evil spirit was the heaviest here.

"There's something in the water."

The little brother saw a black shadow suddenly flashing in the water.

Ye Xuan held the light and approached the water, just in time to see a black shadow flashing by, and two red dots approaching, gradually becoming clearer.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan and the little brother hurriedly hid back, and saw a black round thing emerging from the water, suddenly emerging from the water.

Immediately afterwards, a woman's head appeared, her mouth had reached to the base of her ears, her eyes were full of scarlet, she opened her mouth wide, staring at the two of them.

At this moment, the archaeological team and mercenaries who were paying attention to Ye Xuan's situation only saw a black thing emerging from the water, which was not very clear.

The fat man looked at them worriedly, and hurriedly looked at the live broadcast room.

What is this thing?

Fuck, is this a human?Whose family has such a big mouth?

Fuck, brother Ye and little brother are really awesome, so they didn't shout out.

"Fuck, what the fuck is this?"

The fat man really couldn't hold back, he looked at the electronic screen on his wrist in surprise, and he happened to be able to see the camera of Ye Xuan and the little brother.

Fu Tianqi, Fang Mingyu, Captain Zhao and others hurried over to watch.

When they saw the creatures in the water, their faces were full of panic.

There is only one thought in my mind, what is this one?
And why is the mouth so big?
Is this a creature of this world?
The shock in Fu Tianqi's eyes subsided slightly, and he looked sideways at Fang Mingyu.

"Aren't you a biologist? Do you know what this is?"

The expression on Fang Mingyu's face was the same as Fu Tianqi's, and he kept looking at the camera in the live broadcast room.

"Then you have to let me study it, otherwise where can I find out what this is?"

Fang Mingyu glanced at Fu Tianqi angrily.

"Are you a biologist? You don't even know this stuff. How did you get to be the dean? It's a shame."

Fu Tianqi remembered what he said before, and returned it intact.

Fang Mingyu only felt his face burning hot. He was the one who said this before. Who would have thought that the retribution would come back so quickly?

He wanted to talk back but he didn't have the confidence. Who told him that he really didn't know each other.

(End of this chapter)

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