Chapter 75 It's All For Ye Xuan
"Upstairs, I agree with your words, I believe in the Great God."


The netizens in the live broadcast room immediately took the initiative to brush up the gifts.

In the conference room of the School of Archeology, after hearing Ye Xuan's words, Professor Li and Professor Lin began to worry about them, and at the same time they were a little entangled.

Just like netizens said, I know it is dangerous, but I just want to know what the danger is, but I am still worried, what should I do if I encounter danger?
This is really...

"With Ye Xuan's ability, don't worry about it."

Director Bai looked at Ye Xuan's firm expression, and felt relieved about it.

When everyone heard the sound, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

at this time--

Professor Li's cell phone rang just now.

Looking at the caller ID on the phone, he frowned.

When Professor Lin saw this, he also took a look, but Professor Li had no intention of answering at all.

"Decree Dean, why are you calling at this time?"

Professor Lin was puzzled.

"What else can it be for, of course it is for the tombs in the border areas."

Professor Li couldn't help being angry when he said this.

Before presenting the king's tomb, a tomb appeared in the frontier, but the location of the tomb appeared on the other side of Kunlun. It involved many countries, but there were historical texts of Daxia on it.

Originally, people from other countries didn't want to participate, but this Curry country has been messing around here, thinking that if their territory is involved, this tomb should also have a part of them.

I heard that for this tomb, the technology of the Eagle Kingdom was specially called to help.

Finally, I heard that these people didn't even go up to the top of the mountain, and there were countless casualties. As for the cause of death, they themselves didn't know.

Calling now at this time, could it be...

Professor Li's heart tightened, looking at Ye Xuan on the big screen, it couldn't be what he thought, could it?
"Is it for Ye Xuan?"

Professor Li suddenly spoke up.

When Professor Lin and other school managers heard the news, they immediately realized that this possibility is not impossible.

Dean Fu had already said before that this Ye Xuan did not join the School of Archeology, nor did he join the School of International Biology, so he called at this time to win over Ye Xuan.

In the entire meeting room, everyone fell into silence again.

In the tomb, Ye Xuan and others were in the passage, and saw two huge stone tablets in front of them, and there was a huge pool of water behind the stone tablets.

There was a ticking sound from time to time.

Everyone walked to the edge of the stele, and there was still a smell of blood on it, and from time to time, red liquid dripped down on the stele platform from above.

Fu Tianqi and the other two professors of the archaeological team behind him walked to the bottom of the stele, and looked up at the four words on it.

Fu Tianqi looked at the writing on it, but he didn't recognize it at all. Then he looked at the two archeology professors behind him, and they both shook their heads.

They also read a lot of ancient books, but they had never seen this kind of writing.

Fang Mingyu on the side looked at Fu Tianqi's embarrassed face, and wrapped his arms indifferently.

"Old man, you are still the dean, and you don't know such words, what a shame."

Most of Fang Mingyu's words were ridicule.

Fu Tianqi was not angry when he heard the sound, but looked shyly at the stone tablet in front of him.

For this kind of text, it is indeed the first time I see it.

This text is not like the text of the late Han Dynasty, but the text before the Han Dynasty.


Fu Tianqi looked at the calm Ye Xuan, and suddenly had an idea.

No one can explain the origin of Qimen Dunjia, they just know that it is a long time ago, but to be able to learn Qimen Dunjia so thoroughly must have read many kinds of books.

Will there be books in ancient characters?
With this thought in mind, he walked up to Ye Xuan.

"Ye Xuan, do you know the four characters on it?"

Fu Tianqi held the attitude of giving it a try.

"It says 'Trespasser dies.'"

Ye Xuan recalled the books he read in his previous life, as if he said so.

As described above, these four words mean the death of trespassers. At that time, I thought these four words were really domineering, so I wrote them down curiously.

Now seeing that this is a four-character technique, I secretly wrote down the technique.

Fu Tianqi couldn't help being surprised after hearing this.

He really knows?
The other professors behind him also looked at Ye Xuan in surprise, and one of them, Professor Zhao, finally couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"How do you know?"

Professor Zhao hurriedly asked.

"That's because I saw this character when I was studying Qimen Dunjia. I don't know many characters of this type, but I still know these four characters."

Ye Xuan froze, and then hurriedly explained.

In order not to let them continue to ask, he hurriedly looked at the live broadcast room on his wrist.

"Everyone, let me give you a close-up close-up..."

Then Ye Xuan pointed the video head on his wrist to the opposite stone wall, so that these netizens could see it more clearly.

Fu Tianqi, Professor Zhao and the others knew that Ye Xuan didn't want to continue talking, so no one asked any more questions, but asked the assistant to take a photo of the writing on the stone tablet and record it.

Netizens in the live broadcast room saw the scene in front of them and felt very intrusive.

"The Great God still did it on purpose, it was on purpose, it's too scary."

"Haha, don't say it, the Great God is really caring, but this caring is a bit scary."

"Haha, I have to say, the Great Master is really well-informed, so he didn't say anything, and just gave the Great Master a thumbs-up. I want to send a lot of wind and snow to the Great Master."

"Just brag, the wind and snow in the sky are worth 3 yuan in discount, how many do you have?"

Immediately, I saw the wind and snow surging in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, upstairs, are you serious? Are you serious?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I haven't brushed it yet, it's not me."

"Who is that?"

Immediately afterwards, I saw a user named Faling Ke swiping a hundred Blizzards.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were boiling.

"Fuck, who is it? You're so awesome, 300 million will be swiped right away? Could it be a hall-level fan?"

"The Great God is the Great God, so many people can tip so much in one live broadcast room, and it's still 300 million. Fuck me, I'm fucking kneeling."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Law... isn't the person I thought it was?"

"Damn, I've thought of it when you say it, can't it just be coaxing with that awesome decree with sparks?"

"My god... it can't be him?"

When the fat man saw the snowstorm in the live broadcast room, it was still 300 million, and his eyes were almost straight.


"Ye... Ye Xuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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