Live broadcast of tomb robbery: barbecue in the tomb, real punishment for the anchor

Chapter 71 Behind the bronze door, there are piles of zombies

Chapter 71 Behind the bronze door, there are piles of zombies

Ye Xuan watched them ponder, and smiled slightly.

"Huh? Why?"

Fu Tianqi didn't quite understand why they should be kept away.

"It may be dangerous to wait."

Ye Xuan explained again.

It happened that Captain Zhao came back with someone, still holding a bunch of peach branches in his hands.

"Mr. Ye Xuan, the peach branch has been brought back, what should I do next?"

Captain Zhao put down the branch and asked puzzledly.

"Sharpened, the sharper the better."

The smile on Ye Xuan's face faded, and he looked at Captain Zhao very seriously.

Captain Zhao didn't hesitate, and ordered the mercenaries to take out their sabers and sharpen the peach branches.

Half an hour later, Captain Zhao and the mercenaries held several peach branches in their hands.

Fu Tianqi and other members of the archaeological team stood aside, waiting for what was behind the bronze door.

Ye Xuan, brother and Fatty were standing in front of the bronze door.

"Dear audience, we will be able to enter soon. Before entering, the presents are thrown up..."

After the fat man finished speaking, he looked at the electronic page on his wrist and followed the audience to ask for gifts.

Ye Xuan looked at the little brother and patted him on the shoulder.

"Heir of Faqiu, you should be able to solve this door."

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, he took a look at the little brother's hairy fingers.

When he was reading, he envied this skill the most.

The little brother looked at the bronze door in front of him with a cold face, and walked straight to the side of the stone wall.

He tapped the stone wall with his finger, and then stabbed hard with his finger, a hole was pierced out of the stone wall. With a little force in his hand, he pulled a thread and pulled it hard.


Suddenly there was a roaring sound from the bronze door, and dust fell from above, and then the bronze door became bigger and bigger, and a strange noise was heard from inside.

When the bronze door opened, the expressions of Fu Tianqi, Fang Mingyu, and the mercenaries behind them suddenly changed, and they looked in the direction of the bronze door full of trepidation.

Captain Zhao and the others looked at the scene in front of them with surprise in their eyes, and tightened their hands holding the peach branches.

Fatty's face changed when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Fuck, what is this?"

Fatty blurted out subconsciously, and almost threw the Luoyang shovel in his hand.

Behind the bronze door are zombies, or a group of zombies.

These zombies are constantly sniffing, as if they are looking for something.

These zombies suddenly appeared, let alone the fat man was startled, even the mercenaries behind him and everyone in the archaeological team were numb.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were still lamenting the cold-faced little brother's ability just now, but now their scalps are numb. These zombies are really terrifying.

Whose tomb will be guarded by zombies as soon as the door is opened.

"Fuck, what is this, zombies, how many zombies are there?"

"Fuck, shit, I was scared to death. What's going on? Why are these zombies all of a sudden? There are hundreds of them at least? Shit."

"Is this the legendary wave of zombies? Who the fuck is going to drown."

"What should I do now? Is it to run or not to run, God, come to a conclusion quickly."


Netizens can't sit still at this moment. There are more zombie waves than the last time the king's tomb was dedicated. This number is scary enough.

In the conference room of the School of Archeology, Professor Li and the others felt a little bit in their hearts when they saw these zombies.

These zombies began to look for people by smell, and the faces of these professors were not very good-looking.

"My mother, why are there so many zombies here?"

Professor Lin's eyes almost popped out, he hesitated for a long time before uttering a complete sentence.

"How do we know that the most important thing is to keep these people safe."

Professor Li was shocked. He thought that this tomb would be difficult, but he never thought that there would be so many zombies here, and it was at the moment of opening the door...

This is really scary and weird.

"Did Ye Xuan know it a long time ago? When I saw this calm look, did I know it already?"

Director Bai glanced at Ye Xuan in surprise, and then saw him standing there with a calm expression.

I always feel that something is wrong, very wrong.


At the entrance of the tomb, these zombies were dressed in ragged clothes, their exposed skin was shriveled, and the skin on their bodies looked like dead branches.

After smelling the scent, he wanted to rush towards Ye Fei and the others.

When they just stepped out of the door, because of the sunlight, these zombies were emitting green smoke.

No one dared to come out, but stood at the door and yelled at them.


Seeing this, the employees and the archaeological team secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost forgot, these zombies are afraid of the sun.

Fu Tianqi walked to Ye Xuan's side, keeping his eyes on the zombie opposite him.

"Ye Xuan, what shall we do? This tomb..."

This tomb must be entered, but these zombies...

Fu Tianqi was caught in a dilemma for a while.

"The tomb must be entered, Captain Zhao, take care."

Ye Xuan took out a peach branch from Captain Zhao's hand, and then rushed to the door of the tomb in a flash. The younger brother followed with a black gold ancient knife.

Fatty saw that the two brothers had already made a move, so he wouldn't just stand and watch, holding the Luoyang shovel in his hand.


As the fatty said, he rushed towards the pile of zombies on the opposite side.

Captain Zhao watched as Ye Xuan stabbed one of the zombies in the heart, and the zombie instantly fell to the ground, motionless.

Holding the ancient black gold knife in his hand, the little brother stabbed slightly towards the zombie's heart, piercing through the two zombies with one knife, and the zombies fell to the ground motionless.

The fat man picked up the Luoyang shovel and shoveled it where the zombie's heart was.

The zombie took a few steps back and roared at the fat man.

Upon seeing this, Captain Zhao held a peach branch in his hand.

"Stab in the heart, charge."

Captain Zhao put away the hot weapon in his hand, picked up the peach branch in his hand, and headed forward.

With the addition of Captain Zhao, the three of Ye Xuan relaxed a lot.

Captain Zhao saw that one of the zombies was making a sneak attack in the fat man's direction, he hurriedly raised his leg and kicked, blocking the fat man's back, and pierced the zombie's heart with the peach branch in his hand.

When the fat man felt it, he turned and glanced at Team Zhao.


The fat man felt a burning pain on his face, and he swore he would say no before, but he was slapped in the face in a second.

Fuck, that fucking hurts.

The zombies looked at these people suddenly appearing, each of them was menacing, and fear was generated in their hearts, and they wanted to run towards the inside.

Ye Xuan took out the whip in his hand, wrapped it around the zombie's waist, and then passed the whip around another zombie's body.

With a slight flick of the hand...

(End of this chapter)

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