Chapter 68 The Sacrifice of the Archaeological Team
The ant turned its head and continued on its way.

The footsteps were getting farther and farther away, there was a broken sound, and the sound of sea water, and finally calmed down, and it was confirmed that there was no danger. Everyone hid in the grass and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking about the scene just now, I was trembling all over. Even some young assistants and students of the archaeological team sat on the ground, their faces were pale, they were all trembling, and their eyes were rosy.

Xiaobai and Xiaoma were also very frightened as they followed their dean.

Seeing that neither of the two deans showed timid expressions, they couldn't help but sigh, after all, they are people who have seen the world, such courage...

"Fuck, I was really scared to death. I thought I was going to return to my hometown with you, an old bastard."

Fang Mingyu sat down on the ground and took a deep breath.

"I don't want to go back to my hometown with you."

Fu Tianqi also breathed a sigh of relief. If you look closely, his fists are trembling slightly, and he has already betrayed his emotions.

Xiaobai and Xiaoma watched the two professors struggling, neither of them wanted to lose to the other.

The two looked at each other and smiled without speaking.

At this moment, the little brother had already put his hand down from the ancient black gold knife, and withdrew his hand covering the fat man's mouth, his palm was wet, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Oh my god, the fat man was scared to death, he was about to piss out of fear, if this bitch came over, we'd be a piece of cake."

When the fat man said this, he sat down on the grass roots and made his own remarks. His weak legs reminded him, what happened just now?But at this moment, Fatty still misses the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Everyone, let's focus on the thrilling moment just now, my dears, throw up the presents..."

At any time, as long as the fat man has the breath, he will never give up the opportunity to collect money.

Seeing Fatty's actions, Ye Xuan gave him a thumbs up, then got up and walked out of the grass. With Ye Xuan, all the people hiding in the grass came out.

The netizens in the live broadcast room saw that they were safe and kept collecting gifts, and the professors and school directors who followed the live broadcast room all breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they were still alive.

In the jungle, Ye Xuan turned around and saw that the boat had sunk when he came, and smiled helplessly.

This guy really doesn't leave any room for it.

Ye Xuan led the crowd towards the inside.

As Fu Tianqi walked, he carefully looked at the surrounding environment, still curious about the ants just now.

"Ye Xuan, that ant just now..."

Before Fu Tianqi could finish speaking, Ye Xuan paused slightly.

"There are two possibilities. The evil spirit from the tomb has leaked out, and the creatures here have been eroded and affected. There is also a possibility that the island has been set up to mutate the creatures here."

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, briefly inspected the surrounding trees, and finally explained.

When the people behind heard the words, they suddenly realized.

An hour later, in the middle of the mountain, giant insect eggs appeared one after another, lying across the road of everyone, at least two meters high.

Around the eggs, there are tens of centimeters the size of ants, which are climbing back and forth, as if they are guarding, guarding this giant egg. There are five eggs in total.

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes as he looked at the five giant insect eggs that appeared in front of him.

The little brother and Ye Xuan's eyesight was far superior to that of ordinary people, and they could clearly see a figure appearing in the eggs.

The two looked at each other, Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and saw the little brother suddenly pulled out the black gold ancient knife, split the eggs, and then saw a figure appearing inside, and finally fell to the ground.

Ye Xuan flicked the magic whip in his hand, entangled the corpse, and with a little force, pulled the corpse two meters away.

When Fu Tianqi and Xiaobai saw the person in front of them, their eyes were full of surprise.

"Professor Hu? Why is he here?"

Xiaobai looked at the dying professor in disbelief.

Are they missing?How come here?

Or disappeared into the sea, how could it be on an island?
Fu Tianqi looked at the professor in front of him with mixed feelings.

Professor Hu has worked with him for so many years, and now he died tragically here...

How can you not be sad?I spent my entire life on archeology, never married, just worried that I would not be able to come back one day, but I didn't expect to die on the road of archaeology in the end.

Fu Tianqi took a deep breath and tried to calm down his tone.

"Ye Xuan, can you bring back the other eggs as well?"

Fu Tianqi asked in grief and indignation, and there was some scarlet color in his eyes.

Ye Xuan and the little brother didn't hesitate, but within a few minutes they pulled over the other eggs, all of whom were professors and assistants from the School of Archeology.


Fang Mingyu looked very uncomfortable, after all, they were all professors who worked together.

Captain Zhao and the others were shocked and regretful when they saw the members of the archaeological team die here.

Then he saluted these professors as a show of respect, all for the honor and history of Great Xia.

At this moment, the netizens who just bought the gift saw that someone died here, and they were shocked, horrified, and more regretful and speculative.

"Fuck, this is a professor of archeology, why did he die here? What's going on here?"

"I'm going, this situation is not right, why did the professor appear here?"

"I seem to have heard some news, but I don't know if it is true. It is said that the black water problem in the East China Sea has affected the lives of fishermen, because there are graves here. I heard that several professors have come to the East China Sea, but there is no Heard about coming back."

"Fuck, you can know that this matter is so hidden, so don't these professors die here?"

"The grave is one thing. Dean Fu and the others brought mercenaries here to rescue these professors. Is that what you mean?"

"If it's true, it shows how dangerous this place is. The professor died here. It's really scary."


A professor in the School of Archeology watched his colleague die tragically.

"Professor Hu, Professor Han, and their assistants... They actually died here?"

Professor Lin's face changed, and he looked at the big screen with great heartache.

The faces of the other professors and school managers were not looking good either.

Although I have made good preparations in this regard, after seeing the corpse with my own eyes, I still cannot stop my heartache and regret.

The emotions I saw with my own eyes were different from those I imagined, and the uncontrollable grief still filled my whole body.

Director Bai secretly wiped away his tears and kept looking at the big screen.

"You see... something seems wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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