Live broadcast of tomb robbery: barbecue in the tomb, real punishment for the anchor

Chapter 52 The king of the rainbow-footed centipede, the giant centipede

Chapter 52 The king of the rainbow-footed centipede, the giant centipede
Principal Bai rubbed his eyes uncertainly.

Didn't you say that obsession is very powerful?What happened just now?Where is the great point?

Because it was Ye Xuan who was too strong, so the power point disappeared?
Damn, is this still a human?
Professor Li turned his head slightly.

It took me a while to come back to my senses.

"If I'm not blind, Ye Xuan should have accepted this obsession."

Professor Li's incredible response.

The entire conference room fell into silence.

In any case, this obsession cannot be formed overnight.

In order to bring himself back to life, King Xian spared no effort to find someone from within his jurisdiction that met the requirements to complete the moon worship for him with a hundred coffins.

It can be seen how deep-rooted this idea is, and even an obsession has grown out of it.

Now Ye Xuan just accepts it like this, it's really too dreamy.

The entire meeting room fell into silence.

At this moment, Fu Tianqi was already sitting in the car after getting off from the airport, ready to find Ye Xuan and the others.

As soon as I got in the car, I saw various news headlines on the phone, as well as the video of Ye Xuan killing Obsession.

Unbelievable flashed across Fu Tianqi's cloudy eyes.

It's not like he doesn't know how powerful this obsession is.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Ye Xuan and Mr. Zhang could solve it so quickly.

It really does not disappoint.

Fu Tianqi put it away in surprise, and finally turned into a smile, looking at Xiaobai who was already stunned.

Fu Tianqi looked at the driver with a smile.

"Please hurry up."


The driver stepped on the accelerator and left in the dust.

in the tomb.

Michelle Ye didn't know that the outside world was already on the hot search because of her actions just now.

The little brother stood opposite Ye Xuan, looking at him coldly.

I'm still skeptical about his change.

"Can't go."

Seeing the younger brother turn around and leave, Ye Xuan hurriedly called out.

The younger brother's footsteps paused slightly.

Just as he was about to speak, he clearly felt a dangerous aura.

Suddenly, he looked at the jade coffin with cold eyes.

Fatty, Captain Hua, and professors Qian and Fang hurried down from above.

Immediately you can see the owner of the tomb owner, as well as this period of history and culture.

Professors Qian and Fang were very excited just thinking about it.

Fatty and the others had just come down from the top when they saw Ye Xuan and the little brother's faces were heavy.

"do not come."

Ye Xuan's voice just fell.

I saw a huge behemoth appearing under the jade coffin.

It has a black body, red legs, and black tentacles.

The joints of black joints are displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

It has a height of 20 meters.

A giant centipede of about two meters gushed out from under the jade coffin.

The headed centipede king was looking at the humans below with contemptuous eyes.

It seems that a king looks at a group of ants.

Fatty and Captain Hua were all looking up at the giant rainbow-footed centipede around them.

The already big eyes wanted to fall out at this moment.

The centipedes I saw before are already considered to be not small.

Now this is more ruthless.

It has a height of about 20 meters?
Damn, how about playing this TM?

Isn't this bloody?
Damn, what kind of plane are you doing?

"Damn it, what is his uncle's?"

"Whose centipede is 20 meters high?"

The fat man whispered in surprise.

When Professor Qian and Professor Fang saw this giant centipede, they didn't know why.

When the centipede looked at them, his legs felt weak unconsciously.

Very scary.

Captain Hua was stunned at first, horrified in his heart, and then reacted.


The Chinese team gave an order.

The mercenaries behind hurriedly protected the professor behind him.

The weapon in his hand is also horizontally in front of him.

The giant centipede suddenly screamed, and saw that the surrounding two-meter-high rainbow-footed centipedes had already made a move, and their wings had begun to show.

The two-meter-high centipede is slowly flying up.

"Fuck, Brother Ye, there are still these dog things here?"

The fat man asked hurriedly.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan stared at the giant rainbow-footed centipede 20 meters above.

There was even a hint of evil in those dark eyes.

Ye Xuan and his brother looked at each other.

This King Xian used sorcery to cultivate an evil thing out to guard his tomb.

It's too much.

"It was cultivated by sorcery in southern Yunnan. This centipede is the only one among the five poisons that survived, and its reproduction speed is extremely fast."

"The centipedes we saw before were only released to play by this giant centipede, and what we saw was only the tip of the iceberg."

Ye Xuan took back the vajra pestle, and took it out before hitting the magic whip.

After Fatty and the others heard it, their hearts sank.

He hurriedly turned around and borrowed a pistol from Captain Hua.

Captain Hua originally wanted to refuse, but at this time, he didn't care about those regulations.

The little brother narrowed his eyes, and his cold eyes fell on these two-meter centipedes that had already flown up.

They are all ready to go, but they have not really acted.

, as if waiting for the giant centipede behind him to issue orders.


The giant centipede suddenly screamed, and those two-meter-sized centipedes had already rushed towards Ye Xuan and the others on the opposite side.

What followed was the gunshots of Captain Hua and other mercenaries.

This is the situation.

Netizens in the live broadcast room just saw such an eye-catching scene after they finished swiping the gifts.

The netizens in the entire live broadcast room have been shocked.

The centipedes I saw before were just the smallest ones.

The medium size is two meters long, and the largest one is 20 meters long.

Is this the result of sorcery?

Are all the sorcerers in southern Yunnan so powerful?
"Fuck, shit, I used to think obsession was scary enough, now tell me there's a giant centipede practicing sorcery?"

"Damn, after I saw this huge centipede, I realized that the little centipede in my house is so cute."

"What did this come from? The joints on this body are really heading towards the train carriage. How do you hit this? If this huge centipede has a big mouth, wouldn't these people have enough to eat?"

"Upstairs, you better keep your mouth shut, brother Ye Xuan will be fine, what is not enough for one bite, you are not enough."

"What's the situation? What kind of place is this place in southern Yunnan? The magic here is all inherited from the ancestors?"


Netizens have been shocked by the huge centipede under this kind of magic.

In the conference room of the Academy of Archeology.

Professor Li did not expect that there was a huge centipede under the coffin.

There are so many centipedes about two meters in it.

This is not in line with common sense, absolutely not in line with common sense.

Before Professor Li recovered from the shock above, he was shocked by this bolt from the blue.

On the other hand, Professor Lin's face was solemn, and his eyes followed the huge centipede.

opened his mouth.

"It's not right, let's ignore a problem."

(End of this chapter)

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