Chapter 44: Corpse Extermination Formula!

Seeing this, Ye Xuan and the younger brother rushed towards the zombie in unison.

But these zombies ignored the two men, but flashed their weapons.

He rushed straight in the direction of Captain Hua.

Captain Hua was not afraid, he raised his hand and shot.

It also hit the zombie's eyebrows.

Only this time the zombie reached out and grabbed the bullet.

Gently twisting it with your fingers, the bullet instantly turned into powder.

The slender nails stabbed Captain Hua.

As the leader of the mercenaries, Captain Hua is naturally very skilled.

Subconsciously pulled out the saber on his body, and fought with the zombies.

Every time the saber is stabbed between the eyebrows, it will be blocked by zombies.

And the sound of metal clashing.

The zombie's skill gradually accelerated, and Captain Hua began to struggle a little bit.

"Brother, go help the fat man."

Ye Xuan swung the magic whip in his hand, and lashed at one of the male corpses.

The male corpse was in pain, showing its sharp teeth, trying to bite on the back of one of the mercenaries' hands.

The mercenary's quick-sighted general knife was on the back of his hand.

The zombie's sharp teeth bit on the saber.

There are also two round tooth marks on the saber.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan put the whip on the zombie's neck with his backhand, and exerted a little force on his hand.

Pull the male corpse to the ground, and then drag it back a few meters away.

The mercenaries are safe for now.

Ye Xuan threw the male corpse out, just right on top of the coffin on the lower floor.

The male corpse seemed to have seen the god of plague.

There was a hint of panic in the green eyes, and he didn't even dare to stay too long, and hurriedly jumped up.

After Ye Xuan saw it, his heart sank.

He heard gunshots behind him.

The rest of the mercenaries used thermal weapons to prevent the zombies from approaching.

But these bullets were prevented from hitting the position between the eyebrows, and the bullets hit the body as if they hit the wall.

He just heard the sound of metal colliding, but there was no scar at all.

On the contrary, it aroused the anger of these zombies. ,

The speed is much faster than before.

The little brother watched a zombie appear in front of the fat man, and the ancient black gold knife pierced straight from the back of the head.

The fat man watched a blade appear between the eyebrows of the zombie in front of him, and finally the zombie lay on his body and did not move.

With a look of disgust, he threw the zombie to the next floor.

It just hit the coffin of one of the zombies, landing on the rune on it.

"Fuck, his grandpa's, almost became the rations of these zombies, uncle."

The fat man cursed angrily, and his hand holding the Luoyang shovel began to tremble.

Then do not understand.

"Boyyouping, why did Ye Xuan open the lids of these coffins? Can't it be dealt with one by one?"

Fatty is a person who can't hide things in his heart.

"Break the seal, the consequences will be more serious."

The little brother just responded to this sentence indifferently, and the unicorn aura suddenly appeared on his body.

Continue to clean up these zombies.

"team leader……"

One of the mercenaries had run out of bullets and was about to stab the zombie between the eyebrows with a saber, but was blocked by the zombie.

He was also restrained by the zombie's fingers, and his breathing was stagnant.

His face also turned red from being suppressed, and he struggled to call out the name of the Chinese team.

The photographer hid in the dark and recorded all this.

Team Hua watches as his brother is in danger.

Wanted to help, but was surrounded by two zombies.

"Black bear..."

Team Hua felt anxious when he saw that his brother was about to be strangled to death.

But he couldn't rush over to help him.

The black bear's tongue has been sticking out very long, and its fingers are groping back and forth on itself.

After touching a grenade.

Pull the ring without hesitation.

"I'm going to take you to be buried with me."

The black bear holds a grenade and sticks it in the zombie's clothes.

"don't want……"

Seeing this, Team Hua suddenly shouted.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were so excited that they couldn't sit still.

He stared fixedly at the big screen.

I can't help feeling sorry.

"This is Da Xia's Hao Erlang, he is so heroic, but why do I feel so worried when I see it?"

"It's not just you who are worried, but I am also worried. This way we will die together."

"Can you save me now, hurry up."

"It's going to die like this, can you save it?"

Netizens shot these barrages on the barrage with red eyes.

When everyone from the Academy of Archeology saw it, their eyes turned red unconsciously.

Especially Professor Li regretted it in his heart.

At that time, if Fu Tianqi was stopped and they were not allowed to move forward, would these things not have happened.

There will be no casualties.

The conference room of the entire college fell into a heavy state.

in the tomb.

Seeing the mercenary doing this, Ye Xuan appeared beside the black bear in a strange figure.

The magic whip is drawn between the eyebrows.

The whole zombie is falling backwards.

Ye Xuan quickly threw the zombie's body out.

In mid-air, the grenade on the zombie exploded instantly.

The black bear fell to the ground.

"Cough cough cough..."

The black bear wanted to cough out the lungs.

Ye Xuan thought of the corpse extermination formula in his mind.

Then he muttered words.

Take out the vajra from your body.

The skull eyes on the vajra glow with blue light.

Ye Xuan hit the back of the head of the zombie beside him.

The vajra just hit the back of the zombie's head.

The zombie twitched suddenly, and finally fell to the ground.

The body gradually shriveled and became a mummy.

The little brother just killed a zombie, and happened to see Ye Xuan's actions.

Doubt flashed across his cold face.

The photographer also specially gave a close-up, just to record Ye Xuan's actions, and the netizens in the live broadcast room saw this scene, and the photographer also specially gave a close-up.

It happened to record Ye Xuan's actions.

From being worried about the safety of the mercenaries before, now he is surprised.

"Damn it, how did the big brother do it? With just one click, he saved the mercenary and easily eliminated the zombies??"

"Did I not wake up? What is that thing? How can it be so powerful, sticking to death and meeting death?"

"What kind of weapon is this? It seems to be more effective than mercenary weapons."

"Holy shit, shit, shit, big brother is mighty, how come there are magical babies."


Netizens were shocked. After the barrage disappeared, it became a gift.

The entire live broadcast room was filled with refreshed gifts.

The Academy of Archeology saw that the mercenaries were temporarily fine, and there was a slack voice in the entire conference room.

"Fortunately, fortunately, Ye Xuan rescued him, otherwise we Daxia people would be here again."

Professor Li was covered in cold sweat, sticking to his body, very sticky.

"Ye Xuan's weapons are really multi-layered. This is very good, to prevent lethal weapons from destroying these coffins."

"In any case, these coffins are also cultural relics."

Professor Lin pondered for a while.

Human life is important, but it is best if people are fine and the ancient objects can be preserved well.

(End of this chapter)

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