Live broadcast of tomb robbery: barbecue in the tomb, real punishment for the anchor

Chapter 185 The Divine Soldier That Shocked the Internet Comes From Heaven

Chapter 185 The Divine Soldier That Shocked the Internet Comes From Heaven

"I just attracted my parents because of my screaming. Now in order to prove my innocence, I can only show my parents the situation in the live broadcast room. Now they are screaming louder than me."

"Damn, my God, this is the man I want, I really want to take some medicine and forget him..."

"Upstairs, you have to take me with you and don't take it for yourself. I also think it's a good idea."

"Damn, shut up, the Great God is mine, no one is allowed to take it away, or I will be rude."

"These pussies are crazy again, you don't see if you are worthy."


In the conference room of the Academy of Archeology.

Professor Li and the others looked at the 'helpers' that Ye Xuan called, their eyes were already wide open...

Breathing became rapid, and they all stared at the big screen opposite them.

This is……

What's this?Fairy?Or magic?
Professor Li's mind is already down, so what can he say now?
Isn't this just the apparition of the gods?

Directors Bai and Director Su, as well as other professors and directors, are in a state of lost souls.

This look can see a hole coming out, and that mouth can put two eggs into it.

There is only one sentence in their mind.

I'm not dreaming, am I?

Is this a dream?

Only Professor Lin looked at these mighty soldiers in shock at first, and finally became excited, and finally very excited...

It's true, it's all true...

What the book says is true, Zhenwu Zao Diao Banner can really summon magic soldiers and generals.

Professor Lin's eyes became moist.



All kinds of emotions are sweeping through...

Now the dean is saved, and they are all saved, which is really great...

Professor Lin sat on the chair and even had the urge to jump up.

No one in the conference room dared to speak, fearing that they would destroy the scene in front of them that so many people would never see in their lifetime.

Just this is enough for them to show off for a lifetime.

The outside world at this moment.

Just when Ye Xuan summoned all kinds of magic soldiers out of thin air, the major networks have already started to go crazy.

Can't wait to edit this video and spread it on the Internet.

The top three websites in Daxia were the first to announce the news.

Doudou Video: The gourmet host took out his lore weapon at the moment of crisis. What kind of relationship do these magical soldiers have with the gourmet host?
Encyclopedias: The gourmet host reveals a shocking secret, what is his identity? ?

Pheasant Platform: The archaeological team is in danger again, who will win the contest between justice and evil?The host rescued the archaeological team again, which shocked Daxia! ! ! !

The rest of the small websites released news one after another after the announcement of the big website.

But in just a short moment, the comments on small websites have already tens of thousands, and the comments on large websites have now turned into a waterfall.

There is almost no news of various comments.

"Damn, my ancestors have accumulated virtue, and I actually saw a fairy?"

"My god, I just pinched myself, this is not a dream, this is definitely not a dream..."

"I just told my teacher that our teacher said I was dreaming, so I showed him this video, but because my heart couldn't bear it, I went to the hospital. Excuse me, should I be responsible for this matter?"

"But I really want to know, what kind of skill is this, and how did the Great God do it? Is this also a Taoist inheritance?"

"It should be. I'm waiting at the door of the Taoist inheritance now. I don't believe it. I can't learn this skill. I'm dead to the end."


at the same time.

The little Taoist who tried his best blocked the door just now, and just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard a knock on the door again.

Now the little Taoist is like a frightened bird, hastily looking at the gate behind him.

"I said, we have already refused to see guests, so stop knocking on the door."

As soon as the little Taoist's voice fell, the knocking on the door had stopped.

The curiosity of the little Taoist priest has been aroused, and a crack in the door was gently exposed, and he saw that the slender stone steps were full of people sitting on the stone with sweat profusely, panting heavily. .

The little Taoist feels that the world is illusory, what's going on?

There were very few pilgrims before, so why are they all here again, because what are you ordering?

Fa Ding Ke, who was far away abroad, watched Ye Xuan's actions, his eyes bulged, and he looked at the big screen opposite him in surprise.

Is this a divine soldier descending from heaven?Or was it summoned by Ye Xuan?

Is this not a dream?

This command flag can actually summon magic soldiers. Could it be that with this, you can walk sideways into Kunlun Mountains and find the mysterious tomb?
Thinking of this, he hurriedly looked at his assistant.

"Swipe gifts immediately, the more the better, make sure Ye Xuan sees it, seek a chance to meet alone, hurry up."

Fa Ling said with joy when he saw the divine soldiers descending from the sky.

The excitement in the eyes could not be concealed.

It would be good if you can borrow this command flag.

But this idea was canceled in an instant, the decree looked at Ye Xuan, this man is much more useful than Lingqi...


In the tomb at this moment.

Ye Xuan's face was stern, and he looked at the ghost tide opposite him with a majestic expression.

Immediately, the command flag in his hand was waved lightly, and the last movement fell.

There was a chirping sound from inside the command flag.

Just as the sound of Diao Ming fell, the spears in the hands of the magic soldiers behind them stood on the opposite side.

A deafening roar attacked the ghost tide on the opposite side.

Samurai Soul looked at the Divine Soldier on the opposite side, a trace of astonishment appeared in his scarlet eyes, and then it turned into determination, and the command flag in his hand was also quickly waved.

It is the ghosts of the ghost tide who are very afraid of these magical soldiers. Now that the command flag has been lowered, they can't even run away. They can only bite the bullet. Death is the best relief.

Immediately, Fatty, the archaeological team and others saw these magical soldiers rushing towards the position of the ghost tide.

When weapons met, they were extremely jealous. The magic soldiers never show mercy to evil spirits. The white magic soldiers approached the position of the ghost tide. Wherever they went, there was almost no chance for the ghost tide to survive.

Fatty looked at the magic soldiers, all of them were very excited.

"Come on, kill them, the victory belongs to you..."

Fatty watched the magic soldiers attack, the excitement in his heart was beyond words, he could only watch excitedly as these magic soldiers chopped off the ghosts of Guichao like they were chopping vegetables.

The little brother glanced at Ye Xuan coldly, and finally became gentle.



When Bai He came back to his senses, he glanced at the fat man beside him...

"Fatty, am I not dazzled? Are you telling me?"

(End of this chapter)

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