Chapter 150 Bat Enraged, Fatal Blow

"You won't understand our feelings. You will sacrifice the other party at any time. You, a guy with only soul, can't understand. Even if you are a human being, you won't understand."

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, his eyes were like an ancient well, under the calm pupils, there was a stormy sea, but he was tightly controlled.

The sound wave of the soul-suppressing bat is powerful, and I don't know if Fatty's consciousness is firm enough.

Ye Xuan was most worried about this.

At this moment, the fat man was standing opposite the bat, put away his fear, and his eyes had changed from panic to sarcasm.

"You think you're awesome, don't you? Do you think you can do anything to us with this sound wave? Believe it or not, I can crush you to death with one finger?"

The fat man decided to use another method to provoke it, but the bat just looked at the fat man with gloomy eyes, and didn't intend to open its mouth.

Fatty felt that things were different from what he thought. Captain Zhao was ready at the moment, and he only had one thought in mind, which was to break the ball of light in the bat's mouth, and he didn't pay attention to what Fatty did.

"Don't you want to know how we got here? Are those little bats your descendants? Don't you worry about them?"

"Haha, let me tell you, we can come here because there is a zombie, and that zombie is joining forces with us at the moment, don't you want to know how the bats outside are doing now?"

Fatty's words successfully angered the bat.

The eyes of the giant soul-suppressing bat turned from deep red to bright red, and then from red to purple. Judging from the aura on its body, this bat is angry, or very angry.

The fat man swallowed hard, his legs were already trembling, but this level was not enough, he needed to add more firepower, the fat man's eyes fell on the Sanmai Zhenhuo in front of him.

"See this flame? That's how the bats outside were burned to death by the fire."

The fat man kept dying on the edge, and he only had one thought in his mind, which was to kill this bat...

The eyes are also more fierce than before, but in the eyes of giant bats, this is a kind of danger and provocation.

The netizens in the live broadcast room watched the bat hovering on the verge of anger, and they were all frightened by this momentum.

At this time-

A bullet screen flashed by.

"Turn off the sound..."

Netizens just woke up like a dream, and hastily turned off the sound of their speakers and headsets.

"Damn it, I've already forgotten it. I really don't want to experience the feeling I had before."

"I really hope that Fatty can succeed, at least he can protect the archaeological team. As long as he can survive this crisis, I will immediately offer him a gift of grace."

"And me, and me."

"Fatty come on."

Netizens in the entire live broadcast room looked at the fat man, and their hearts were already nervous to the limit.

In the conference room of the Academy of Archeology.

The professors and school directors clenched their fists unconsciously, staring at Fatty and Captain Zhao intently. At the same time, they were worried that this bat had reached the limit of fury, and they didn't know if they could bear it.

The assistant behind Professor Lin dropped the pen on the ground because of nervousness, and the sound of the pen falling on the ground resounded throughout the conference room.

The assistant behind Professor Li hurriedly raised his index finger to signal him to keep quiet.

in the tomb.

Fatty saw that the bat was on the verge of fury, and knew that his goal had been achieved.

Now there is only one thought, that is to kill it, the giant bat has already opened its mouth wide.


A sound wave began to appear from the giant bat's mouth, targeting Fatty and Captain Zhao.

At this moment, Captain Zhao had already seen the ball of light in the bat's mouth, and the sound wave rushed towards the two of them like a gust of wind.

boom! !

Captain Zhao saw the timing and shot at the throat of the giant bat. Then Captain Zhao clearly felt the sound waves rushing towards him, and his mind went blank instantly.


The surrounding sights and sounds were filled with this 'hum'.

Fatty and Captain Zhao looked at each other, then their eyes went dark, they passed out, and lay motionless on the ground.

At the moment Captain Zhao fired his gun, Captain Zhao shattered the ball of light in the bat's mouth, and then there was the roar of the giant bat, the sound was full of pain.

The archaeological team members and mercenaries who were rushing wildly stopped when they heard the sound, and suddenly turned around to look at the position behind them, and saw the giant bat beside the golden flame twisting its body, but While twisting the body, the body began to gradually shrink, and finally turned into a small bat.

When Bai Hu and Hei Xiong saw it, their expressions immediately brightened.

"Captain succeeded."

While speaking, he ran in the direction of going back.

With this sound, the mercenaries were happy, and the archaeological team was also filled with joy, and ran towards Captain Zhao and Fatty with a smile on their faces.

The netizens in the live broadcast room watched the red sound wave surround them, and they also touched their hearts in shock.

"Isn't the power just now very powerful? Fuck, you were stunned?"

"No, I was really scared to death when I saw it. Fortunately, Captain Zhao grasped the timing and his marksmanship is superb. Otherwise...otherwise they would not have dealt with this bat so easily."

"But the two of them fainted or died, what should we do? What if something happens?"

"Can you shut your crow's mouth, they will be fine."


The netizens in the live broadcast room have changed their prejudice against Fatty in the past, and now they just regard Fatty as a hero.

In the conference room of the Academy of Archeology.

Seeing that the giant bat had fallen down, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and all kinds of emotions rushed into their hearts for a while, nervousness, worry, and relaxation swept through their bodies in an instant.

Professor Li's body leaned towards the back, and he was already tired.

Such stimulation, sooner or later they will be greatly stimulated, and sooner or later they will be scared to death.

At the same time that Professor Lin was slackening, he was also worried. He didn't know how Captain Zhao and Fatty were doing now, and whether the sound wave would have any negative impact on them.

"I don't know what happened to Fatty and the others? These mercenaries don't have any medical skills."

This is what Professor Lin is most worried about now.

Board Manager Bai, Board Manager Su and others heard this and indeed thought of this issue, but now we can only see how the dean and the others explain it.

at the same time.

Ye Xuan looked at the two people in the live broadcast room, and saw a kind of luck from their faces.


(End of this chapter)

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