Live broadcast of tomb robbery: barbecue in the tomb, real punishment for the anchor

Chapter 144 Giant Bat, The Archaeological Team is in Danger

Chapter 144 Giant Bat, The Archaeological Team is in Danger
"Damn it, you dare to bully my brother, sir, do you really think my fat master is dead?"

As the fat man said, he was about to get up with his Luoyang shovel, trying to help them.

Fu Tianqi and Fang Mingyu hadn't opened their mouths to stop them when they heard a roar, which was right above them.

When everyone looked at the one above, they saw two big red dots, especially the voice above...

Ask them to think of a familiar experience that was not good.

"Fuck, what is this? Are these eyes? Why do they look so familiar?"

The fat man raised his eyes, first swallowed with difficulty, and then blurted out.

"Does it look familiar? Isn't this the red-eyed bat we saw just now?"

Fang Mingyu has a photographic memory for creatures, as long as he is interested, he will remember them in his mind. The voice of this bat is still the voice of the previous ones.

Now that he saw it again, it was still bigger than the previous ones, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

The other archeology professors and the mercenaries made a unified movement, that is, raised their eyes, and stood up carefully from the ground. The students of the archaeological team had already turned pale, their legs were weak, and beads of sweat were facing towards them as if they didn't want money. Under the corners of the temples.

"What... what shall we do?"

The pony's voice was trembling, and his breathing began to be rapid, but the sound was not very loud, for fear of startling the bats above.

"What else... what else can we do? Let's get out of here now."

Xiaobai was also terrified, and Zhiyoubao now had an idea in his mind, that is to run quickly, and he was really worried that the bat would eat them in one bite, and there was no need to drink blood.

Captain Zhao and the other mercenaries were equally prepared. Although they were afraid, they still held the weapons tightly.

"Professor, dean, let's get out of here quickly, I'll count to one, two, three, you guys run quickly..."

Captain Zhao finally glanced sideways at the two deans, Fu Tianqi and Fang Mingyu, who were beside him.

"it is good."

Hearing the sound, the two took a deep breath, ready to rush forward at any time.




Captain Zhao took out a flashlight from his body and popped it out. As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Mingyu, Fu Tianqi and a group of mercenaries ran forward.

The fat man was the last one and could only run behind.

Xu Shi watched his prey start to run away, and the giant bat above became angry, and was about to roar when Captain Zhao hurriedly threw out the flash bomb on his body.

Captain Zhao watched the two huge red eyes disappear suddenly, knowing that they had already closed them.


He started running wildly with the mercenaries.

When the bat opened its eyes again, it found that its prey had already run away. The bat became angry with embarrassment, roared, and began to flap its wings. Black figures began to appear behind the mercenary and the fat man.

The fat man obviously heard the sound of hurried footsteps, and looked back while running.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you immediately feel that your vision has been greatly impacted.

Behind him, he saw two paws and a furry belly, appearing behind him from time to time.

"Fuck, how big is this bat?"

The fat man said while running, and when will this run?

Everyone has curiosity, even mercenaries. Captain Zhao turned around while running, and saw the huge bat behind him, at least 50 meters away.

Captain Zhao didn't know what to do for a while?This is really too big, it's really hard to hit the ground.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also surprised when they saw what happened to Fatty and the others.

"Fuck, is this a bat? Why is it so big? Is this the head of the bat?"

"Where is this a bat? Is this a big Godzilla dinosaur? Why is it so big?"

"I'm thinking now, what are the professors going to do? Can they beat this guy?"

"What can you fight? It's good to escape alive. What kind of fate are the dean and the others? Out of the wolf's den, into the tiger's mouth."


Netizens were worried about Ye Xuan at first, but now they have turned into an archaeological team.

In the conference room of the Academy of Archeology.

Professor Li looked at the bat in surprise. Was the previous guess true?Those bats attacked the dean before, could it be because of this bat?
"This is too bad, this bat... how to fight it? Even if you send someone to help, you may not be able to bring it back completely."

Professor Lin couldn't sit still anymore, and he would be caught sooner or later.

When the time comes, the dean and the others...

Even if he is not exhausted, he will be trampled to death by this huge bat.

"Can you find a weakness? In the end, if they are exhausted, there is only one possibility."

Director Bai hurriedly asked.

"The only way to find weaknesses now is to look at them, we simply can't see them."

Professor Lin felt a sense of powerlessness, and could only watch the dean and the others sink into nothingness, but there was nothing he could do.


There were only regrets and sighs in the entire conference room.

in the tomb.

Ye Xuan also cut his finger, and the phoenix's blood dripped on the whip.

A breath of ancient beasts came towards him, Ye Xuan raised the whip in his hand and rushed towards Ah Fang.

A Fangzui sticks out his tongue again, this time the color of the tongue is still green.

"Haven't you suffered enough?"

As Ah Fang spoke, he greeted Ye Xuan's face with his tongue.

There was a sneer on Ye Xuan's face, and the whip in his hand pulled out a whip flower, and the faint phoenix aura suddenly rose.

In the next second, Ah Fang's tongue was severed by Ye Xuan's whip.

The moment the tongue fell, there was still green mucus inside...


Ah Fang looked at Ye Xuan in surprise, Ye Xuan had already fallen at this moment.

That demeanor all over her body, and the sneer hanging from the corner of her mouth...

A different idea appeared in Ah Fang's heart.

he is not he...

"Ye Fangshi told you, don't be complacent, it's just a thunder disaster that you broke up, what can you be proud of?"

Just when Ah Fang lost his mind, the whip in Ye Xuan's hand was whipped again.

This time, Ah Fang instinctively flashed backwards, and the resentful soul and the puppet united again.

"Ye Xuan... I won't let you go."

Ah Fang's voice was full of anger, but because of the tongue falling off, he couldn't speak clearly, and then he saw branches spreading from the puppet's body, rushing towards all directions.

"Ye Xuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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