Live broadcast of tomb robbery: barbecue in the tomb, real punishment for the anchor

Chapter 117 Worried about the whole network, the despair of the archaeological team

Chapter 117 Worried about the whole network, the despair of the archaeological team
If they have any regrets, it is that they did not dig out more history, did not see the complete splicing of Daxia's historical faults, and there is still a lot of knowledge that they did not tell the students.

Thinking of this, Fu Tianqi and Fang Mingyu couldn't help feeling sorry.

Captain Zhao is ready to sacrifice at this moment. Even in the face of these gnats, they will guard the professors tightly behind them, and all the mercenaries have a look of determination in their eyes.

"Professor, I don't want to die...I want to get out of here, professor..."

"Dean, I don't want to die either, I want to go back and meet my mother."

"Professor, let's find a way to get out, shall we?"

The students of the archaeological team began to cry in despair. They grabbed the professors around them one by one, as if they were grabbing straws. Their cries were the loudest when the gunshots came out.

The professors of the archaeological team were also powerless, and in the end they could only turn all comforting words into regrets.But the hands that hold the students tightly are also trembling. Even professors will sacrifice for archaeology at any time, but it does not mean that they are not afraid of death.

The netizens in the live broadcast room saw that the professor was ready to die, and the crying of the students made everyone feel even more unhappy.

"I want to cry. Will all these people die here? No, those are all students, so young."

"No, the Great God will be fine, and they will be safe, trust them."

"But when I look at these people, I really feel distressed. If this happens, they will die. What should I do?"

"Wuuu, great god, hurry up."


Netizens began to pray continuously, praying that Ye Xuan could hurry up.

Just when everyone was ready to wait for death, they saw a huge ball of light flying from the position directly in front.

When the light appeared in front of everyone's eyes, it began to release a huge light. As the light became bigger and bigger, Fatty and the others saw the powerful light and hurriedly closed their eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the gnats around him had died tragically on the ground, motionless.

"Fuck, my eyes, what just popped out?"

It took a while for the fat man to get used to it, but there was still a layer of black air in front of him, misty.

When the fat man came back to his senses, he saw that the ground was already covered with corpses of gnats, and he was stunned again.

The fat man's eyes were wide open, his mouth became O-shaped, and he kept patting Captain Zhao, who was adapting to the light, with his hands in surprise.

The plump figure was still trembling, unable to say a word from the excitement...


The fat man was shocked, and he didn't make a sound after talking for a while.

"Fatty, what are you talking about..."

Captain Zhao was in pain from being photographed, and opened his eyes in displeasure. When he saw it clearly, he saw that the gnats on the ground that were still alive and well were motionless at the moment.

Captain Zhao's face was almost exactly the same as Fatty's.

How is this going?How did these gnats die?
How did you die?

Captain Zhao still has a lot of questions in his mind.

After Fu Tianqi and Fang Mingyu got used to the light, they were equally surprised when they saw the gnats on the ground. This is not right.

Fu Tianqi recalled carefully, remembering that there was a light at that time, but that light... Where did it come from?Since when have these gnats been afraid of light?

At this moment, Fu Tianqi felt that his brain capacity was not enough. This happened so suddenly that there was no time to think about it.

Fang Mingyu looked down at these gnats. There seemed to be scorched marks on their bodies, but these marks were different from those burned by the fire...

"How is this going?"

Fang Mingyu muttered in a low voice, then took out a box and put these gnats in the box, ready to take them back for research.

It's so strange that this gnat dies.

The archaeological team and the mercenaries didn't think so much. Now that these gnats are dead, they can live.

The members of the archaeological team raised their arms and shouted, happy for the rest of their lives.

Seeing everyone's happy faces, Black Bear passed out when his eyes darkened, and fell on White Bear's body.

"Black bear, black bear?"

The white bear looked at the blood stains on the black bear's neck, and immediately understood why he cursed angrily at that time, because he had already been bitten at that time.

Bai Xiong hurriedly called Captain Zhao and began to treat him.

Seeing that some of the mercenaries were injured, Fu Tianqi hurried up to help.

It took a while for the fat man to come to his senses, could it be Ye Xuan who could do such a thing?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly looked towards the back, and then saw two figures disappearing at the corner?

"Ye Xuan, Poker Bottle..."

The fat man was about to turn around and call out, but he had disappeared without a trace after walking a few steps.

Netizens saw that the archaeological team was fine, and their hearts settled down a lot, and then they saw Ye Xuan's sharp camera began to brighten, but only half of it...

"Fuck, God, what's going on with you, why is there still half of it?"

"Yeah, what happened just now? We didn't see anything, it was just pitch black."

"Master, why didn't you show up just now? The professor is worried about you."

"Yeah, fortunately you arrived in time, otherwise they would have died collectively."


When netizens saw Ye Xuan, a bunch of questions came one after another.

Seeing the concern of the netizens, Ye Xuan felt warm in his heart.

"That's because the gnat's head accidentally hit the camera on the arm, and now you only see half of it. As for the reason why I can't show up, it's because I want to clean up the back road for them, and there is little brother there. Somewhat dangerous."

Ye Xuan really wanted to find Fatty when he fired the flash bomb, but at that moment, he felt the Qilin's aura, which was very strong.

It means that the little brother may be in distress.

It's not very convenient for Ye Xuan to take them with him, so it's safer to clean them up first.

Netizens think it makes sense, after all, they have never experienced some scenes.

Conference room of the School of Archeology.

Professor Li knew that Ye Xuan had already made a move, and was ready to deal with the road ahead, so he was relieved for the time being.

Instead, he looked at the camera of Dean Fu and the others with concern. Fortunately, the mercenary was not very serious and could not move for the time being. He was carried by the mercenary and walked inside.

Now that the dean and the others are all safe, everyone's previous worries have disappeared.

"Dean, Ye Xuan just came here, he will lead the way for you, don't worry about him."

Professor Li turned on the microphone and explained the matter.

Fu Tianqi knew that it was made by Ye Xuan, and he was suddenly filled with surprise. He made that ball of light just now?

(End of this chapter)

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