Chapter 30 Hatred (Modified)

"Impossible! I disagree!"

"Professor, why can he get the titles of three colleges at the same time? He is just a bitch! Are you comparing him with that adult by saying that? It's ridiculous! Don't you think so?!"


The Slytherins responded.

"There is no noble blood in his body at all, this name is also fake?"

"Maybe he doesn't know magic at all!"

"Hey boy! Show us a magic trick!"

A large group of senior students in Slytherin started to boo, but the strange thing was that Snape, the dean, just watched with cold eyes and didn't make a sound to stop it.

"Who is that guy?" Hermione sat on the seat, her two black eyebrows were frowning and almost squeezed together.

"It's that guy from the Mander family. They are all loyal to the mysterious man." Said a Ravenclaw senior next to him.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff should be the calmest. Of the two houses, one treats it calmly, and the other has nothing to do with it. Just looking at it like this, even if Pender is also a member of their house, they still haven't made their mark.

"It's too much to talk like that!"

Listening to the discussions around, Mande looked proud, his face didn't change because of other people's words, he just stared straight at Pender.

On the other hand, the Gryffindors next to him began to fight for Pendor in a down-to-earth manner.

"How do you talk? He is also your junior, you better keep your mouth clean!"

"That's right, we don't know what you guys are like? Are you going to fight me one-on-one this year?!" A senior Gryffindor senior stood on the table and said, pointing at the person who scolded him the most.

"Come here! What do you think you are!" The Slytherin opposite did not show any weakness, and stood on the table to confront him.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Mande spoke again, but this time, he went too far!

"Stop arguing, a Muggle is a Muggle, even if you learn magic, you're just a mudblood!" Mander looked so arrogant that even the professors didn't pay attention.

As soon as these words came out, even the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs who had been silent all this time couldn't help it.

All this happened so fast that the freshmen mixed in the crowd didn't know what was going on, and they looked at the intensifying scene blankly, not knowing what to do.

"It's too much——" Hermione's face changed. She had read the school textbooks. There was this word in a piece of Hogwarts school history, which was equivalent to calling someone a bastard!
Hermione stood up angrily, glaring at Mander.

"Pender, teach him a lesson!"

Harry saw Hermione yelling and reacted accordingly, "Teach him!"

"Yes, give him some color!"

The situation on the field intensified, and there was a look of fighting at any time.

"I originally thought that what my father said was all lies, and I couldn't find anything more serious than what he said..." Draco stared blankly at the scene, the aisle in the middle of the auditorium was full of people, all Gryffindors and Slytherins.

The two groups looked at each other, gnashing their teeth as if they wanted to peel each other alive.

Some people even couldn't bear it anymore.

"Why? Even pure-blood wizards shouldn't be hated like this." Ron didn't know why, so he didn't pay much attention to these things, so he didn't know much about it.

"That Mander belongs to the Cheliva family. His ancestors had a great magister, and now there are three old guys in the family, so he is not afraid of Principal Dumbledore."

"Their family is still a loyal supporter of the mysterious man, and has been preaching that the mysterious man will return. As for why these guys hate each other."

Draco hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and said to Ron, "Because of the battle with the mysterious man, many of them have blood feuds."

Ron understood that it was because he saw the enemy who killed his father and mother, no wonder he was so excited.

The situation on the field intensified, and some Gryffindors had already drawn their wands.


Dumbledore's voice echoed in the auditorium, suppressing everyone's voice.

After hearing Dumbledore's voice, both parties let go of each other although they were unwilling.

Dumbledore's words still hold true, Gryffindors respect him, Slytherins fear him.

"I know that everyone has a lot of questions. For example, why can he enter three colleges at the same time. Or whether he deserves the title of four colleges. You need to listen to him."

Dumbledore said it very cleverly. It was obvious that these people wanted to fight because of Mander's improper remarks and family feuds, but he didn't say that it was because everyone was dissatisfied with Pender, and the war was directed to Pender.

Pendor looked back at Dumbledore helplessly.

And the uncle who cheated on his nephew for the second time was already familiar with the road, so he just gave him a "come on" look, and began to watch.

Pendor knew it was time to act.

He stepped forward, cleared his throat, and faced everyone.

"Professors, seniors, and students, hello everyone." Pan De stepped forward to bow gracefully, his movements were perfect, which could be called a textbook example, causing some people to stand up and return the salute unconsciously.

"I'm very happy to meet you at Hogwarts, and I also like to get along well with you, study together, and work hard together in the days to come."

Pan De smiled, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, as if he didn't care about what Man De said just now, and how tense the situation on the field was.

"Boy! If you can only talk like this, take off the title of Slytherin yourself. Slytherin doesn't need people who can only talk big! You should go to Gryffindor, there is no need for brains."

A Slytherin couldn't help but sneered again, and it caused a burst of laughter among the others.

Pan De didn't care, but continued: "I have many shortcomings."

"I'm very self-righteous, I can't speak, I like to fight, I even look down on others, and I can't hear dogs barking. Of course, I have many advantages, the most important thing is that I hope to be very helpful and like to help others get rid of bad habits , so well—"

Speaking of this, Pan De narrowed his eyes, and a murderous look rose, looking at Mande like a beast ready to go.

"I ask Senior Mande to launch a wizard duel! Let me teach you how to control your mouth!"

There was an uproar.

This is the first time in the hundreds of years of Hogwarts that a first-year freshman challenges a fourth-year wizard?
How is that possible!
Leaving aside the amount of magic and spellcasting skills both sides know, the difference in magic power alone is a huge hurdle.

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all!

"Pender." Harry was a little worried, he didn't expect that Pendor would make such a decision.

"That's really brave, isn't this the real Gryffindor?" Ron stared blankly at Pender standing proudly on the stage. In his eyes, Pender was so radiant at the moment that it was beyond words.

"This is completely inconsistent with the way he just showed. Could it be that there is something behind him?" Malfoy pondered, even after coming to Gryffindor, his way of thinking has not changed much.

"Are you sure?" Dumbledore was also a little surprised at the moment, obviously he didn't expect Pendor to do this either.

Originally, he just thought that Pan De would cleverly show his weakness and defuse the situation, but he didn't expect that he would choose to be tough?This is very irrational.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore, I am here to solemnly initiate a wizard duel to Senior Mande!"

Pendor looked at Dumbledore with firm eyes.

I thought it was no longer a small matter of morale and face, but a major matter of completing the task!
The moment Pan De said this, the system that had been silent for more than a month finally responded again.

(End of this chapter)

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