Conquering the Heavens: Beginning at Hogwarts

Chapter 26 The Journey (Modified)

Chapter 26 The Journey (Modified)
It was a kind of fire magic, but the difference was that it was a kind of purple flame, completely different from the flame released by the blazing flame, and it was a new kind of magic.

Under the burning of the flames, this thing was quickly burned to ashes.

The moment it turned into ashes, everyone present, including Pan De, felt their spirits relax, and a sense of relief hit, making people feel relaxed and happy.

The feeling came and went quickly.

Only one click.

"This is, purification magic?" Pan De tilted his head and looked forward. Although he was blocked by the crowd, he could still feel the purification breath, which was very similar to some spells in Mammy's notebook.

After the three were purified, the patrolling Aurors also came back to report the situation.

After repeatedly confirming that the danger was dispatched, Arthur and Lucius ordered the disarmament and broadcasted a broadcast to notify everyone.

"Okay everyone! Now you can start boarding! Sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone!"

A man in a suit yelled through a loudspeaker in front of him.

"We will give each parent a small souvenir gift, which will be delivered directly to the home by the owl, please pay attention to check it! This gift is sponsored by Malfoy Pharmaceuticals, Potter Shampoo, and Weasley Muggle Appliances, thank you Everyone's support!"

Pan De stood there with a confused expression on his face.

Malfoy Pharmaceuticals?Porter shampoo?Weasley Muggle paraphernalia?
Are there any of these things in the original book?

The closer he got to the magical world, the more at a loss Pender felt.

"Pender? We should get in the car."

"Oh good." Pan De came back to his senses and responded, "Here we are."

Pender and Harry found an empty seat first, then Pender stayed where he was, and Harry went to find his little friend.

After a while, Harry came back with three people, still holding a small gift box in his hand.

A little fat guy who looks honest, a short guy with blond hair who looks submissive, and a guy who is a bit arrogant.

"Hey, the compensation gift, because you don't have a guardian, I got it from Sirius." Harry handed the gift box to Pender, "Open it and have a look."

"Thank you." Pender took it with a smile, opened the box, and there was a card inside.

"Oh my god! It's the limited collection card of Sword of Kings, which I've always wanted." Said the short boy with blond hair next to him.

Pendor gave him a suspicious look, then looked at Harry.

"Oh, right!"

Harry reacted, "Let me introduce you, this is Pendor, he is the successor of the ancient family, Augustus!"

"Hi Pande, my name is Neville Longbottom, you can call me Neville, my parents have mentioned you." The little fat man was naturally Neville, he was the first to come in, so he talked to Pan first. De said hello.

Unlike his simple and honest appearance, he looks very sunny and lively.

"Hi, my name is Ron Weasley." Ron still had that bad look, but the difference was that although he was a little shorter, he seemed to have grown a lot, and he seemed to have practiced.He was the one who exclaimed just now.

"My name is Draco Malfoy. Nice to meet you, Pendor." Malfoy is much more elegant. Compared with the domineering in the original book, this Malfoy has obviously been trained, and he doesn't do anything in every move. It is also in place.

"Hello." Pender shook hands with the three of them in turn, and then introduced himself: "My name is Pender Augustus."

"Ron, if you like it, I'll give you this card. I don't play this either." Pender stuffed the card into Ron's hand.

"That's not good..." Ron hesitated, but looking at the card in his hand, he looked a little difficult, and it was obvious that he really liked it.

"It's okay, you can take it." Pender smiled, "It's a big deal, you can give me a gift in the future."

"Okay, thank you Pender." Ron happily accepted the card.

Perhaps because of Pan De's friendly attitude, the few of them quickly chatted together and began chatting happily in the box.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang

The train moves.

Although the temporary accident made the little wizards feel a little heavy, but they were all children, and they were all forgotten in a blink of an eye.

The whole train was full of laughter and laughter, and every little wizard was enjoying his new magical life.

Pendor is no exception.

He is planning his school life.

According to his past habits, it is impossible to plan, and it would be good if there is no extraordinary breakthrough.

But it's different now, the warning from the black tower, and the monster seen at the train station.

These all show that this wizarding world is not simple.

At least there are guys who summoned evil gods, and there is a possibility of World Cup pollution!

Coupled with the reincarnation that may appear in six years, he needs to speed up.

Inside the box.

Compared to Pan De who bowed his head and wrote, the people next to him were much happier.

The four little guys were discussing the rumors in Hogwarts.

"I heard from Sirius that when they were in school, the branch had to defeat a troll first! I don't know if it's true, but my levitation spell is not very good yet." Harry said worriedly.

"Isn't it? My father said to go past a dragon to avoid the dragon's attack." Neville hugged his toad with a troubled expression on his face.

"But what my father said was to challenge a senior wizard, as long as you survive for 5 minutes, you will pass the level." Malfoy said confidently, and waved his wand.

"Neither, it is said that they want to break through the maze and find a way out in it. They said that they saw a dementor in the maze once!"

Several people were chattering, which made Pan De unable to calm down to read the book.

"By the way, Harry." Pender interrupted them, "Did Sirius tell you what that thing in the station was?"

"That thing..." A disgusting thing appeared in Harry's mind instantly, his face immediately changed, and he lay down in front of the trash can and began to vomit.


"That thing is a monster." Malfoy took the words and said.

"They were summoned by the group of strange people who accompanied the mysterious person 30 years ago. It is said that they are evil gods from outside the territory. Anyway, they are not good things. Once you see them, you must get rid of them as soon as possible."

Malfoy shrugged, looking very indifferent, "I know what you're worried about, that thing will pollute the spirit, the Ministry of Magic has already promulgated it.

But they are actually very weak, and they will be detected as soon as they appear, so they are not a big threat, so don't worry about them. "

"That's it, I understand." Pan De nodded, it seems that they have the means to monitor the monsters, which is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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