Conquering the Heavens: Beginning at Hogwarts

Chapter 14 The Leaky Cauldron (Modified)

Chapter 14 The Leaky Cauldron (Modified)

Pendor looked at the notebook in his hand.

Regardless of whether Mammy has sealed her memory or not, one thing is certain, she is doing it for my own good.

Maybe it was because of some accidents when I was young.

Pender had a hunch that he would know what happened, but not now.

He opened the second page of his notebook.

There is a sentence recorded on the second page, and the following seems to be a formula for a potion.

'I have nothing left for you, my child.This is a successful research of mine. If you are interested, you can try to develop it. I believe it will be helpful to you. '—Nurse who loves you
When Pan De saw this sentence, he couldn't help smiling, you left me a lot.

He looked at the formula for the potion.

This is a permanent potion called 'shielding belief'.

Its main function is to enhance the spiritual power of the wizard, and if it is used for a long time, it can enhance the willpower of the wizard and enable the user to obtain a certain degree of spiritual immunity.

"My nanny is really not simple."

Pan De glanced at the formula, then put away the diary.

What, you ask, why don't you introduce the content of the recipe?
It's funny, I don't understand it at all, how can I introduce it?

When Pan De just put away the diary, the middle-aged woman came back again, holding a plate in her hand.

"Unfortunately, Professor McGonagall just went out, but I informed Hagrid." She walked to Pender with a smile, put away the cup on the table, and put down the food on the plate.

"Have something to eat first, Hagrid will be here soon."

"Oh, it seems that I came just in time."

As soon as she finished speaking, a hearty and loud voice came from the door, and then a man of ridiculously tall stature and a beard walked in.

"Hey, good afternoon Madam Pomfrey."

"Good afternoon, Hagrid."

Hagrid said hello to Madam Pomfrey, and then came to the hospital bed and asked, "How are you feeling, Pender, all right?"

Hagrid came over and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Yes, I feel better."

"Oh, that's right! I have to introduce myself."

Hagrid patted his head, smiled and held out his hand to Pender,

"Hello Pender, my name is Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts. After you enter school, you can come to the hut by the river to find me, and I will definitely prepare an unforgettable afternoon tea for you."

Pendor also extended his hand, and shook Hagrid lightly.

"My name is Pendor, Pendor Lee. Nice to meet you, Hagrid. I will definitely look for you when the time comes. I heard that you have a lot of research on magical animals. I happen to like these too."

"Oh ho ho ho, really? That's great, I can show you those cuties, you don't know"

When it came to Fantastic Beasts, Hagrid started talking straight away, and kept talking to Pendor about a lot of things.

And Pender didn't get impatient, instead he took out a new notebook and recorded Hagrid's words intently.

This moved Hagrid a lot. What could be more gratifying than having a friend who can concentrate on listening to him explaining his hobbies?

Seeing the two chatting, Madam Pomfrey was not dissatisfied with being ignored, but smiled, and quietly backed out with a plate.

Pendor chatted with Hagrid for a long time, asking Hagrid questions while eating, and even had his hands free to record.

"According to this, the lifespan of the arachnids is very short? And their poison sacs are very expensive in the market. They are famous potion materials, but they are restricted by the Ministry of Magic?"

Pan De asked while writing this down.

"Shh, be quiet."

Hagrid whispered, looking back at the door from time to time.

"That's right. The poison sacs of giant spiders are indeed very expensive, but their lifespan is relatively long. It's just that they will eat themselves when food is insufficient."

"Well, this kind of animal is very cruel and aggressive, and it will destroy the environment of a place. Do they have natural enemies?"


Hagrid was about to speak, but something popped out of his arms, cutting him off.

"Oh my God, look what I forgot!"

Hagrid picked it up. It was a crystal ball.

The moment he got it in his hand, a layer of red mist rolled out of the crystal ball.

"what is this?"

Pendor looked at the whole ball very familiarly, but just couldn't remember what it was.

He has only seen the movie version of Harry Potter, and it has been too long, so he can't remember most of the details.

"This is a memory ball, and when it turns red, it means you forgot something important," Hagrid said.

"So you remember, Hagrid?"

"Of course." Hagrid put away the crystal ball and stood up.

"I'm here to look for you, to take you to Diagon Alley for shopping, and Dumbledore personally ordered me."

"What did uncle say? Where did he go?"

"I don't know." Hagrid shrugged. "Dumbledore is very busy. He always has a lot to deal with. Get up, we're in a hurry."

"it is good."

"Oh, by the way, if you don't want to be treated differently, you'd better not tell others that Dumbledore is your uncle after school starts."

Hagrid winked back at Pendor.

Pender nodded, "I know."

"Okay, let's go."

Hagrid led Pendor out of the infirmary.

Pendor saw the Hogwarts campus for the first time,
It has to be said that even Hogwarts has changed a lot in this strange world.

Much bigger than in the original movie.

The inner courtyard of the campus alone is as big as three or four football fields, and those stairs are even more outrageous than those shown in the movie, and even the entire castle is more than two or three times larger.

If I can't find my way to this class, I'm afraid I'm going to die here.

"Come on, let's fly over."

Pender rode on Hagrid's motorcycle, not to mention, this thing is really novel, a combination of magic and technology.

This reminded Pendor of the Weasley family's car, and I have to say that the Weasley family are all geniuses.

Even Ron, the most broken-down, is a Quidditch talent, well, that's against his will.
"Sit tight, let's go!"

Hagrid yelled, kicked his foot up, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rose straight up from the ground and rushed into the sky quickly.


Pan De subconsciously grabbed the sides of the car, and in all three lifetimes, he really had never flown in the sky.

"Hagrid! Where did you get that car from? It's so cool!"

Pan De yelled, facing the strong wind, you can't do without yelling.

"It was Arthur who modified it for me, isn't it handsome!"

"Can you ask him to modify one for me too!"

"Hey, that will have to wait until you graduate!"

Hagrid let out a laugh, and sped off towards London.

The motorcycle was speeding through the air, and it crossed half of the UK in one fell swoop and came to London.

The Leaky Cauldron, a place where many travellers.Pan De complained in his heart.

On the other hand, Hagrid, after parking the car, said to Pender: "Pender, wait for me here first, and I have to pick someone up, because his godfather doesn't have time, so I have to send him Take it too."

"it is good."

"Don't run around, just tell the boss what you want to eat and drink, and I'll pay when I come back."

After Hagrid greeted him, he went straight out, started his motorcycle, and flew towards the sky.

Pan De asked for a glass of milk at the front desk, then found a corner and sat down.

It is still night, so there are not many people.

London nights are always cool and windy.

Fortunately, Pan De has a good physique. If he was someone else, he might catch a cold if he blows the wind all night.

After taking a sip of hot milk, Pan De looked at the system idly.

He noticed a blind spot.

His name has changed.

From [Pender Lee] to [Pender Lee Augustus]

There is an extra surname, why the system has such a judgment, is it because of the bronze door?
It's amazing that even the recognized name can be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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