Chapter 98
After asking T'Challa, Bucky also quickly came to a landing pad, and a helicopter happened to be parked not far away. Bucky directly tore the door of the helicopter open, and then It was immediately on the plane.

At the same time, Captain America struggled to climb up from the elevator shaft. Fortunately, Bucky's cell was not located on a high floor. Otherwise, even with Captain America's physical fitness, he might have been seriously injured.

As soon as he came out of the elevator shaft, the US team saw the tragedy along the way. Basically, all the agents in the building who went to stop Bucky were overturned and unconscious without exception.

Seeing this scene, the US team also fell into deep thinking. Right now, Bucky is just going berserk alone, and he can defeat so many agents in front of him. If a few more super fighters like this appear The outside world, then the losses caused will be difficult to predict.

For a while, the US team began to understand the meaning of the Sokovia agreement. Perhaps for ordinary people, their existence is indeed a major factor causing trouble. It's just too powerful.

But right now, the US team knew it was not the time to worry about this. At the same time, the US team also received a subpoena from the central control room, and rushed to the tarmac upon hearing the sound.

When the US team just arrived on the tarmac, they saw that Bucky had already turned on the propeller of the helicopter and started to take off.

"Bucky, don't go!"

Captain America shouted to Bucky, but the latter just glanced at him and then pulled the joystick to drive the helicopter into the air.

Seeing this, the US team had no choice but to rush there. The moment the helicopter was about to leave the apron, the US team appeared at the lower part of the helicopter with one stride, and then grabbed the helicopter's support frame with all its strength.

Captain America's biceps bulged, and he was in a stalemate with the helicopter for a moment.

But soon as Bucky's force on the joystick gradually increased, the power of the helicopter's engine also increased sharply, and the US team gradually became exhausted. As the height of the helicopter climbed little by little, the US team had already It was gradually pulled to the edge of the platform on the apron.

In desperation, Captain America had no choice but to free up one hand and firmly grasp the side railing.

The two fell into a stalemate for a while.

With the passage of time, Bucky also realized that such a stalemate would be more and more unfavorable to him, and at this moment the agents downstairs were also aware of the situation here, and began to gradually surround him here.

In desperation, Bucky had no choice but to control the helicopter and suddenly attacked the US team.

Seeing this, the US team also hurriedly lowered his body, so that he narrowly escaped the fate of being crushed by the propeller from the angle formed by the ground and the helicopter propeller.

However, due to the impact of the helicopter, the tarmac was immediately shattered, and then the US team was crushed under the helicopter and fell straight into the lake below.

As he got deeper and deeper, Captain America also gradually felt that his consciousness became more and more blurred. Just when Captain America was about to suffocate, a figure with vibrating golden arms jumped into the lake and was able to kill Captain America. It was pulled out.

At this moment, Zemo, who had just escaped from his birth day, also learned from Bucky where the remaining super soldiers of the Hydra organization were hidden, and immediately decided to take the earliest flight to Moscow.

After Bucky fished Captain America out of the water, just when he was about to leave, Sam came from nowhere and hit Bucky hard on the back of the head, knocking Bucky unconscious.

After Bucky woke up, he found that he was actually in an empty warehouse at the moment, and his arm was pressed under the hydraulic machine, unable to move.

Sensing the movement here, Captain America and Sam also walked slowly in front of Bucky.

"Which Bucky are you now?"

Hearing what Captain America said, Bucky didn't answer directly, but smiled and said: "When you didn't participate in the super soldier experiment before, you always liked to stuff newspapers in your insoles when you went out."

Hearing this, the tight-faced US team relaxed and said, "These things are not introduced in the museum."

Seeing this, Sam on the side was also surprised: "Is this the end of the matter?"

At this moment, Bucky only felt a pain all over his body, and the memories in his mind were all messed up, and then he asked with difficulty, "What have I been doing during this time?"


"I knew it was going to turn out like this, but the thing that Hydra left in my head is still there, as long as that person says those damn words at me, I will become uncontrollable and let it go At the mercy of."

"who's that person?"

"I do not know."

"A lot of people died, exploded, framed, all of these were done by that doctor. He did so much just to be alone with you for 10 minutes. At this time, you must not say that you don't know."

Hearing Captain America's words, Bucky fell into deep thought for a while, and then tried to recall: "He wants to know about Siberia from me, that's where I was imprisoned."

Hearing this, the US team also showed a puzzled look and said, "Why does he need to know this?"

Immediately, Bucky said something that was absolutely bad news for the US team.

"Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier."

Immediately, Captain America and Sam looked at each other, and both of them could feel the shock in each other's pupils.

Immediately, Bucky fell back into his own memories. In [-], Bucky was ordered by the HYDRA organization to seize from a scientist a super super soldier capable of creating a super soldier like Bucky. Serum, and then selected five death squads from his own team as experimental subjects. After being injected with super serum, they all successfully adapted to the serum and became Winter Soldier. Hydra uproots some thorns in the side.

"How do they fare compared to you?"


"Then, can that doctor control them perfectly?"

"It's absolutely possible. They are proficient in more than 30 languages. They are good at assassination, infiltration, intelligence theft, and destabilization of the government under various circumstances. They are almost pervasive."

(End of this chapter)

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