Chapter 95 Break up
So considering Bucky's safety, Captain America slowly put the pen back into the gift box.

Seeing this, Tony's complexion also sank suddenly.

Then the two started arguing again in the conference room.

After a while, if the widow hadn't come to call Tony away, I don't know how this quarrel would end.

"Hey, the two of them are about to start."

With that said, the widow called Tony out of the conference room, leaving Captain America alone in the conference room.

Although the widow didn't say what it was, Captain America also knew that this was a key part of sending Bucky to a mental hospital and imprisoning him.

But right now, because the US team has not signed the Sokovia Agreement for the time being, the US team’s previous action to capture Bucky is regarded as a crime in a strict sense. The current identity of the US team is the Tianjian Bureau. criminal.

Therefore, some of the review process about Bucky is regarded as the secret of Tianjian Bureau, and the US team has no right to check it now.

And the meeting room at this moment is also built with explosion-proof glass with strong sound insulation, so the US team can only see the image on the screen, but can't hear what everyone is saying.

At this moment, Sharon Carter walked in.

"Captain, here is your equipment receipt."

"OK, thanks."

Seeing that Captain America was staring intently at the screen outside at this time, it was also extremely distressing.

Although Captain America is an old lover of her aunt, but because she grew up with Peggy Carter since she was a child, Sharon still has a certain admiration for Captain America in her heart.

Seeing that the American team, who was originally loved by the conservative people, is now under house arrest, and seeing her best brother's trial scene with her own eyes, Sharon felt a pang of distress in her heart for a while.

I saw that Sharon moved to the controller of the group without expression, and connected the scene of Bucky's interrogation to the TV screen in the conference room with one operation.

Facing this scene, Captain America also glanced at Sharon gratefully.

At the same time, the change in the meeting room was also noticed by the widow who was outside, but after a moment of hesitation in her heart, the widow decided not to expose the small actions of the two.

"Mr. Barnes, I am an expert who was invited to give you a psychological assessment. Do you mind if I sit here?"

In an electric discharge plant not far from the cell where Bucky was interrogated, a freight truck also came to the gate of the power plant at this moment.


"anyone there?"

"What are you?"

"I don't know, anyway, the address says here."

As they said that, the two unloaded the items carried on the truck in a daze.

It was a huge log box. The consignee of the power plant looked at the box in front of him with doubts, but instinctively picked up the crowbar in his hand and inserted it into the wooden box.


After the sound, the wooden box was also knocked open, and then a huge strange device appeared in the field of vision.

Looking at the huge device in front of me, it is the giant explosive that appeared in Zemo's guest room before, but this explosive is different from the giant explosive placed under the United Nations General Assembly.

The purpose of this explosive is not to blow up the power plant here, but to temporarily paralyze the discharge plant here.

At the same time, the US team in the meeting room also took the photos brought by Sharon Carter.

Looking at the surveillance photo of Bucky in his hand, Captain America couldn't help but frowned.

Seeing this, Sharon Carter also instinctively sensed that Captain America might have discovered something unusual, and immediately asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Looking at the photo in his hand, Captain America quickly remembered what Bucky said when he first met him.

"Why did the Anti-Terrorism Working Group distribute this group of photos?"

Facing Captain America's doubts, Sharon Carter replied: "I probably want to spread the photos, and then use the power of the public to find them together."

"This is indeed an excellent way to improve the efficiency of work, allowing more than 70 billion people in the world to help find the Winter Soldier, but why did they deliberately expose their faces under surveillance after placing explosives? What about your own evidence?"

Speaking of this, Sharon Carter seemed to be awakened, and then exclaimed: "You mean someone is deliberately trying to push this explosion attack on the Winter Soldier."

"But we've been looking for him for two years and we still haven't found anything."

"That's because we didn't detonate the UN General Assembly, and failed to attract all the eyes of the world to ourselves."

"Then how is the person behind it sure that we can arrest Bucky and bring him to justice?"

As soon as Sharon Carter finished speaking, the two suddenly thought of something, and for a moment they all looked at the psychiatrist who was interrogating Bucky in the special cell.

In the special cell at this time, Zemo is also conscientiously playing his role as a psychological assessor under surveillance.

"Tell me, Bucky, you must have encountered many unusual things after you joined Hydra."

Regarding this, Bucky, who was deeply trapped in the cell, just said coldly: "I don't really want to talk about these things with you."

Seeing this, Zemo, who was sitting opposite Bucky, was not annoyed at all. He calmly checked the delivery process of his mailbox, then raised his head and smiled faintly at Bucky: "Aren't you Worried that once you start talking about these things, you won't be able to stop, but now we don't have to worry about that, because we only need to remember one thing."

As soon as the words fell, the giant electromagnetic pulse explosive far away in the power plant was detonated, and then an extremely powerful electromagnetic pulse wave swept across the entire power plant in an instant.

All the facilities within a radius of hundreds of kilometers were paralyzed for a while, and even the special cell where Bucky was held was caught in a brief power outage.

Seeing the picture on the screen disappear suddenly, Everett Ross also hurriedly ordered his subordinates to go to the cell as soon as possible to firmly control Bucky.

Tony on the sidelines is also the reason why Friday went to do a quick check of the outage.

At this moment, due to the power outage, Zemo no longer needs to worry about the monitoring behind him. I saw that Zemo took off his disguise, walked straight to Bucky's side, and then said quietly: "Next, let's Come talk about your hometown, not in Romania, not in Brooklyn"

(End of this chapter)

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