Chapter 90
"Then will you arrest me when we meet?"

"I won't, but if it's someone else who meets you, they will definitely stop you."

"I know what you said in my heart, but you also know that since his current situation is so bad, shouldn't it be more up to me to catch him back?"


"Because I'm the one most likely to come back alive."

Then the US team also ended the communication with the widow, and then the US team came to a cafe alone.

Came to the bar, Sam, who was drinking coffee leisurely with sunglasses, put down the coffee cup in his hand when he saw Captain America's arrival, and asked calmly, "Does she disagree with your participation in this muddy water?"

In this regard, the US team did not respond aloud.

But in Sam's heart, he already got the answer from the expression of the US team.

"Actually, I also hope that you can stay away from this turmoil."

Sam turned around and said seriously to Captain America.

"No, if I switch identities with Bucky now, if I encounter the current situation, then I also believe that Bucky will definitely make the same choice as me."

Hearing what the US team said, Sam knew in his heart that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, he couldn't persuade the US team to return to the US team. However, when Sam first met the US team, he was deeply attracted Captivated by Cap's personality, Sam will choose to help Cap no matter what decision Cap makes.

"But it's a different time now. If you go back to [-], maybe it's not that difficult. People who shoot you when they see you now usually shoot me. Yes, so we must formulate a detailed strategy before we set off again."

While the two were still discussing the next battle plan in detail, a beautiful figure happened to appear beside them at this moment.

Sam turned his head and saw that it was Sharon Carter who came.

I only heard Sharon Carter say lightly: "As soon as we got the videos about the bombing, they were made headlines by various media, and there were also many onlookers around the conference. Video equipment captured the situation."

"At the same time, there are many witnesses claiming that they saw the Winter Soldier at the scene, but many of these reports and revelations are fictional, but except for this"

Speaking of which, Sharon Carter pushed a sealed file in front of the US team.

"When my boss saw this file, he immediately asked me to make a briefing, so there is not much time left for you."

"Thank you."

"By the way, we have also received an order to shoot and kill Bucky once we see him."

Saying that, Sharon Carter turned and left in a hurry.

At the same time, in a hotel not far from the previous address of the United Nations General Assembly, Zemo was sitting in the hotel room and constantly learning the words and characters in a red book.

But because the above text was written by the Hydra organization, the language used in it is still a bit obscure for Zemo.

Looking at the seemingly ordinary words written in the notebook, who would have thought that this is the voice command used by the Hydra organization to activate the super killing machine.

For a while, even Zemo couldn't help but be amazed.

While Zemo was still concentrating on studying the contents of the notebook, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, which made Zemo nervous subconsciously, and saw him hurriedly "噗" from the chair. Standing up, he put the red notepad in his hand into the desk beside him.

Then he took out the pistol from the other side of the desk, and moved it cautiously towards the door.

Just as the atmosphere in the room fell into a moment of extreme tension, a gentle female voice also came in from outside the door.

"Mr. Zemo, here comes your breakfast."

After hearing that the breakfast was served in the guest room, Zemo breathed a sigh of relief. After retracting the pistol in his hand to his waist, he also took off the anti-theft chain on the door.

After chatting casually with the room attendant, Zemo just found an excuse to quickly end the chat between the two.

But what the service staff didn't notice was that in the storage room on the other side of the door, there was a huge device surrounded by coils.

If T'Challa was here at the moment, he would definitely recognize at a glance that the huge and peculiar device in front of him was the giant bomb that was detonated at the conference venue before.

At this moment, on a street in Bucharest, a figure wrapped tightly in a heavy coat was picking things for tonight in a small shop on one side of the road.

After buying all the ingredients, when Bucky was about to go home, he noticed that the newspaper owner was looking at him with unusual eyes, which immediately made Bucky a little suspicious.

But when Bucky was about to go forward to investigate, the newspaper owner also immediately fled to the distance, leaving the newsstand standing still.

At this moment, Bucky also came to the front of the newspaper and casually picked up the newspaper placed at the front.

I saw a line of extremely eye-catching headlines being bolded and enlarged. Looking at the newspapers and magazines about his terrorist attack on the United Nations General Assembly, Bucky also fell into deep contemplation.

But soon Bucky also realized that you did something difficult, and immediately turned up his hoodie, and then quickly ran towards his residence.

At this moment, through the file provided by Sharon Carter, he also successfully arrived at Bucky's residence.

Looking at the narrow room in front of him, Captain America also searched around.

Just when the US team fell into the memories of being together with Bucky, Bucky outside the door rushed back home.

But before he opened the door and entered, he was keenly aware that someone had entered his room.

But Bucky calmed down quickly, and saw him slowly twist the doorknob, and then walked in calmly.

As soon as they entered the door, Captain America and Bucky had an eye contact in the air.

When he saw Captain America for the first time, Bucky didn't expect to see the former here.

But today's Bucky still only has a little vague memory of the US team, so he is still full of hostility towards the US team who suddenly appeared here.

(End of this chapter)

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