Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 87 United Nations General Assembly

Chapter 87 United Nations General Assembly

For a long time, the widow was busy arranging the speech scene.

Due to the pressure of public opinion brought about by the previous battle of Sokovia, this time the king of Wakanda's speech on what he did to the Avengers superheroes has also become the focus of worldwide attention.

For a while, the attention of countless media people was all focused on Vienna.

This change has also increased the workload of Widow Sister and Tianjian Bureau. Facing the surge in the number of people entering the country, even with the careful review by the Immigration Department, it is inevitable that criminals will take advantage of the situation.

And without the support of the US team and others, Widow Sister and Tianjianju are also unable to support themselves at the moment.

Tony and others were also powerless to deal with the chaotic situation in front of them because they did not obtain the instruction of the Minister of Defense.

For a moment, Tony felt a little bit of regret, but soon someone appeared that completely made Tony firm up his determination to maintain the Sokovia system.

With nothing to do, Tony returned to his alma mater, MIT, to give a speech, and at the same time set up a foundation to fund student inventions and creations.

Looking at the countless pairs of hopeful eyes in the audience, Tony also felt the joy that he would never feel when he was selling arms.

Looking at the vivid lives in front of him, in front of him, they were like flowers longing for dew, waiting to bloom, Tony also decided to give them a stable world.

Just when Tony finished his speech perfectly with a burst of cheers, Tony was also waiting for the elevator to leave when he met a college teacher who was also waiting for the elevator.

Seeing Tony walking towards him, the teacher didn't ask for his autograph like other teachers and students on campus. Instead, he glanced at Tony and said.

"You really did a great thing for the students."

"Yes, these are all as they should be."

As he spoke, a complacent smile appeared on Tony's face.

On the other hand, when the teacher heard Tony's words at this moment, his expression was still solemn.

"Did you know that a person's generosity is often directly proportional to the guilt in his heart. As long as you have money, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake. You will soon be forgiven by the person who accepts your generosity, right?"

Hearing this, the corner of Tony's mouth twitched slightly, and then he pressed the button to wait for the elevator calmly.

Tony also knew that the other party was obviously waiting for him here on purpose, and the words just now were also specifically for himself.

Just as he fell into a brief silence, the teacher also plunged his hand deep into his handbag in front of Tony and searched for a while.

Seeing this, Tony also quickly reached out his hand, and firmly held down the hand that the other party wanted to stretch out from the handbag.

But soon Tony realized that he was thinking too much, and the other party didn't mean to hurt him.

"I'm sorry, it's all my occupational disease."

With that said, Tony withdrew his hand resentfully.

"I'm not a teacher in this college. I work in the Human Resources Department of the State Council. In your opinion, such a job must be very boring."

"Yeah, I know it's boring, but I'm able to support my son with this job and I'm very proud that I have a son like that."

"However, all this is because you no longer exist."

As he spoke, he took out a photo of her son and pressed it heavily on Tony's chest.

"It was you who killed him. In Sokovia, your battle killed him, but these are nothing to you at all. You think you are fighting for us, don't you Just fight for yourself."

Hearing everything the woman in front of him complained, Tony also fell into a burst of self-blame. Indeed, the reason why Sokovia disappeared was because Tony himself was too self-willed and created a man like Ultron. exist.

Just when Tony was about to say something, a familiar voice sounded from the other end of the corridor.

"You can't say that, lady."

The two heard the sound and looked, and found that the person who spoke was Gu Xuan.

After seeing Gu Xuan's appearance clearly, the woman also sneered.

"In the eyes of people like you, the lives of us civilians are not worth mentioning!"

Seeing that the woman became more emotional as she spoke, Tony also hurriedly pulled the woman out.

Regarding this, Gu Xuan continued: "Ma'am, I sympathize with your experience, but you cannot blame us for all your faults. Since you work in the State Council, you should be aware that in order to maintain peace, sometimes we have to Do not make some drastic actions, such as war!"

"Is there any war in the world without casualties! Have you ever thought that in the New York incident, we are also relying on flesh and blood to face the steel army from the depths of outer space!"

"Didn't you think about why you can still stand here after experiencing the New York incident, the rise of Hydra, and the Sokovia incident before you can stand here and yell at us!"

Even Tony did not expect that the usually gentle and refined Gu Xuan would say such harsh words at this moment.

But obviously, Gu Xuan's words also gave the woman a blow to the head, and she couldn't say a word for a while.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan also sighed slightly, and then he directly pulled Tony away, leaving the woman standing there alone.

"What's wrong with you?"

Facing Gu Xuan's unusual behavior, Tony also frowned and asked.

Hearing Tony's question, Gu Xuan also shook his head.

Seeing Gu Xuan's appearance, Tony had no choice but to put his doubts back in his heart.

After all, Gu Xuan has matured a lot now, although sometimes he will still make some outrageous actions, but he also knows that Gu Xuan definitely has his reasons for doing so.

And Gu Xuan didn't pay attention to Tony any more, he turned around and walked directly into the distance.

Soon the two returned to the Stark Industrial Building. At this moment, everyone in the reunion except Thor and Hulk has arrived.

After seeing the arrival of Tony and Gu Xuan, Vision on the side said: "According to official statistics, since Mr. Stark made his identity as Iron Man public, the crime rate of superhumans around the world They all increase exponentially, and at the same time, the probability of an event that may destroy the earth also increases.”

Hearing this, Captain America, who had always been at odds with Tony, also asked coldly.

"You mean it's all our fault?"

(End of this chapter)

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