Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 85 Sokovia Agreement

Chapter 85 Sokovia Agreement
After successfully recapturing the biochemical weapon, everyone in the US team also returned to the Heavenly Sword Game without any danger, and handed over the biochemical weapon to Nick Fury. At the same time, the US team also talked about Lang Mu to Nick Fury. What Luo said to himself.

After listening to what the Perfect Team said, Nick Fury also said that he would do his best to help the US team find out the news.

At the same time, a lot of information and audio materials about the First Battle of Sokovia were secretly intercepted and cleared by the Tianjian Bureau under the instruction of Nick Fury.

However, with the huge casualties caused by the capture of Lang Muluo by the US team and others in Romania, and the entire city of Sokovia suddenly disappearing from the world map, even if the Tianjian Bureau has been working day and night It is also difficult to do everything in the blockade work, and there are still news leaks.

At that time, there were several tourist groups near Sokovia. The moment of the explosion in Sokovia was also recorded by people and posted on the Internet.

Even if Tianjian Bureau deleted the video immediately, found the ID address of the publisher, and deleted the source file.

But the moment it was posted on the Internet, it was downloaded by countless netizens. It was impossible for Tianjian Bureau to find out all the people who downloaded the video, so the backpacker who posted the video could only be asked to come forward. Claiming that the video was forged by himself.

From a certain point of view, the actions of the Heavenly Sword Bureau looked more like deception. The more the officials tried to clear up all traces of this matter, the easier it was to reveal clues.

But Gu Xuan and the others didn't care about all of this. After the battle of Sokovia, everyone's fighting spirit was hit to a certain extent.

At this moment, everyone in the Avengers League is already in harmony with each other. On the surface, they are still united as before, but behind the scenes, everyone has their own little thoughts.

In particular, the conflict between Tony and Captain America has become increasingly intensified. On weekdays, even when arresting a criminal who is robbing in the street, the two will fight because of disagreements.

Although the heroes of the Avengers did not fall apart because of Ultron's carefulness when Ultron was still there, once the huge external threat of Ultron disappeared, the contradictions among the Avengers were revealed.

For a long time, Nick Fury tied the US team to his side in order to prevent Tony from fighting with the US team as soon as they met. As an instructor, he has been training new agents for the Tianjian Bureau.

At the same time, politicians from various countries are also trying their best to put pressure on Nick Fury and others. The losses caused by the scuffle between Hulk, Tony and Thor in the city have cast a deep shadow on all countries.

Today's international threat assessment by Fulian and others is defined as a threat beyond the nuclear bomb.

With Ultron's defeat, Thor and Hulk also disappeared from everyone's sight.

It is equivalent to having two nuclear bombs that can explode anytime and anywhere. If they are lost outside, no one can sit back and relax. No one knows if these two nuclear bombs will suddenly explode in front of their own house one day.

Facing the current situation, Nick Fury had no choice but to turn to Gu Xuan for help.

Regarding Gu Xuan's identity, after returning to the Heavenly Sword Bureau, Gu Xuan immediately found Nick Fury to confess.

So Nick Fury can only turn to Gu Xuan for help in the current stalemate situation.

As soon as he came to the Heavenly Sword Bureau, Gu Xuan saw vehicles belonging to Stark Industries constantly coming in and out.

Soon, Gu Xuan saw Pietro coming towards him. After the life-and-death battle with Ultron, the relationship between Pietro and Gu Xuan also became closer again.

"Nick Fury is waiting for you in the conference room."


As soon as Gu Xuan entered the meeting room, he saw that there was already a mess sitting in the meeting room.

There are mountains of information files everywhere, and there are busy and overwhelmed agents of the Tianjian Bureau.

Seeing Gu Xuan's arrival, Nick Fury immediately greeted him, and said straight to the point.

"Gu Xuan, I have something to discuss with you."

Hearing this, Gu Xuan also showed doubts. At this time, there are still things that need to be discussed with him. This is not like Nick Fury's style at all.

With doubts in his mind, Gu Xuan followed Nick Fury to the latter's office.

When Gu Xuan just took out the chair and sat down, Nick Fury handed a large and heavy document to Gu Xuan.

Looking at the name on the document, Gu Xuan soon felt relieved.

【Sokovia Agreement】

"I want to know what you think about this matter?"

"You want me to tell the truth?"

Nick Fury just nodded.

Gu Xuan threw the Sokovia agreement on the desk, then pondered for a while and said: "This agreement can certainly dispel the worries of the political leaders of various countries to a certain extent, but it is definitely not something to be happy about for the Fulian. things."

"With the current state among the big guys, this agreement will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back."

After listening to Gu Xuan's words, Nick Fury first sighed, and then said helplessly.

"This matter has passed the approval of Congress and the joint vote of the United Nations."

Hearing this, Gu Xuan did not show too much shock, but a trace of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After that, he casually chatted with Nick Fury about the recent situation of the US team and others, and then Gu Xuan left the Tianjian game.

After leaving the Tianjian Bureau, Gu Xuan first explained some matters to Wanda, and then checked whether Wanda's body was injured again due to the power of chaos. After a check, Gu Xuan felt relieved.

Just at this time, Happy rang the doorbell of Gu Xuan's house.

As soon as he saw Hapi, Guxuan knew what the purpose of his trip was, and without stopping any longer, Guxuan followed Hapi to the car.

After that, Gu Xuan also chatted with Happy in the car for a while.
But from Happy's words, Gu Xuan seemed to feel something.

As the right-hand man who stayed by Tony's side all the year round, Harpy can be said to have inherited Tony's cynical appearance in all likelihood.

Every time Gu Xuan saw Ha Pi, he was laughing and joking, but now Ha Pi didn't even smile along the way.

It seems that this meeting is unusual.

Soon Harpy drove the car into Stark Tower.

Under the leadership of Happy, Gu Xuan soon came to a transparent conference room surrounded by LCD screens.

Looking at the LCD screen on the wall, the battle scenes of Guxuan's superheroes maintaining safety around the world are constantly being shown.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xuan immediately knew what the meeting was about.

After seeing Gu Xuan also arrived, Tony first asked everyone to sit down, and then distributed a bunch of documents in front of everyone.

Just when everyone was looking at the document in front of them and still wondering, a voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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