Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 75 The Great War

Chapter 75 The Great War

In this regard, Vision also continued.

"Mr. Stark didn't do anything to me. These are just decisions made by my matrix after calculations. This is the best choice right now."

"It's really hopeless."

After hearing Ultron curse in a low voice, he rushed towards the US team and several people.

At the same time, the avatars of Ultron not far away are rushing towards here.

In the process of searching for Ultron, Gu Xuan also wanted to get in touch with Thor and Hulk.

But after several attempts, they were unable to get in touch.

"It's over, it seems that Sol's side is not going well."

After hearing Gu Xuan's words, Hawkeye quickly tried to call Saul and the two of them.

"No, we have to divide into two groups now, you go to help the US team as soon as possible, I will go to Sol and the others."

As soon as Gu Xuan's words fell, he disappeared in front of the eyes of the two Hawkeyes in an instant.

Sokovia is a secluded border town, so Guxuan soon surrounded the entire city.

In a valley, Guxuan was far away and found this big green guy on the ground.

Gu Xuan was overjoyed immediately, and immediately came to Hulk's side.

But after Gu Xuan searched hard around Hulk, he still couldn't find Thor.

Right now, Gu Xuan knows that there is not much time left for him. With Sol's body, there are not many things that can harm him on the earth. Fortunately, Gu Xuan intends to wake up Hulk first, after all, destroy Hulk The anti-gravity engine installed in the core of Sokovia is the key.

However, when Gu Xuan turned Hulk's body over, Thor's figure suddenly appeared in Gu Xuan's vision.

Dare to say that the reason why Gu Xuan couldn't find Thor after searching around was because he was crushed by Hulk.

For a moment, Gu Xuan couldn't help wondering if he was too anxious, and he couldn't even figure out such a simple thing.It seems that now I have to calm down.

Not long after, Gu Xuan slapped Sol on the face first, feeling the burning pain on his face, Sol also woke up slowly.

When he saw Gu Xuan for the first time, Sol remembered how he and Hulk were beaten up by the Ultron clone.

"Gu Xuan is just like what you said, there is indeed a huge anti-gravity engine underground in Sokovia, but it is full of clones of Ultron. We were ambushed by them before the two of us, and they are different from what we had before. The avatars I saw were different."

As he said that, a look of reminiscence appeared on Sol's face.

But in Gu Xuan's view, no matter how these avatars change, they can't change the nature of their metal construction, so he didn't wait for Sordo to say anything, he pointed to Hulk who was still lying on the ground, and then They rushed towards the original Sol and found the entrance.

Soon, Gu Xuan came to the entrance.

Looking at the huge hole in front of him, Gu Xuan suddenly felt a little uneasy.

If it is just to install an anti-gravity engine, why do we need such a large hole? Moreover, judging from the cuts on the edge of the hole, it is definitely not formed naturally.

As an artificial intelligence, it is impossible for Ao Chuang to do such meaningless things.

At this moment, Gu Xuan recalled what Saul had said before, and immediately sensed a trace of conspiracy.

After entering the cave, a huge device similar to a reactor appeared in front of Gu Xuan.

Seeing the hill-like device in front of him, Gu Xuan immediately felt his own insignificance.

But when Gu Xuan tried to use the surrounding magnetic field to destroy the anti-gravity engine in front of him, laser beams shot towards Gu Xuan from all directions.

As soon as the laser appeared, Gu Xuan immediately entered a state of extreme speed.

Looking at the densely packed Ultron clones in front of him, Gu Xuan also immediately discovered the difference.

Different from the Ultron clones seen in the past, these clones in front of them are covered with a graphite-colored shell.

When Gu Xuan wanted to get in close contact, Gu Xuan discovered that these avatars chose to self-destruct decisively.

Although the explosions generated when these clones self-destructed were difficult to reach Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan also lost the opportunity to find out.

These clones are different from ordinary human beings, they are all controlled by Ultron's consciousness.

However, as a super artificial intelligence, Ultron's reaction speed is naturally extremely fast.

Even if Gu Xuan has entered a state of rapidity, Ultron's thinking can still keep up with Gu Xuan's speed, so as to make a countermeasure.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xuan also frowned into Sichuan characters.

Since he didn't want to let himself get close, then Gu Xuan didn't want to waste time with these puppets.

So he turned his head and continued to prepare to destroy the anti-gravity engine.

But after trying, Gu Xuan discovered that the anti-gravity engine in front of him was all made of vibration gold.

The usual methods are difficult to cause the slightest damage to the engine.

Originally, Gu Xuan planned to use the magnetic field to move the entire engine out of the center of the earth, but that required extreme concentration, and the clone beside him at this moment, if he accidentally withdraws from the rapid state, he would be dead in an instant no deposit.

Facing the dilemma in front of him, Gu Xuan also regretted why he didn't bring Sol before.

Since the anti-gravity engine cannot be destroyed right now, Gu Xuan also decided to take the next best thing and go find the US team and others.

As long as Ultron's engines can be destroyed before they start, then these engines are nothing to fear.

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan bypassed the Ultron avatars blocking his eyes one after another.

As Gu Xuan approached, these avatars exploded behind Gu Xuan like fireworks.

After leaving the entrance of the cave, Gu Xuan first identified the direction, and then galloped towards the place where the American team and others were fighting fiercely.

Before Gu Xuan got close to the battlefield, he heard Hulk's roar from a distance in the center.

As the sound got closer, Gu Xuan also saw the scene clearly.

At this moment, Hulk is entangled with dozens of Ultron clones.

Although Hulk is extremely brave, there are so many Ultron clones that even Hulk can't resist the damage caused by Ultron clones, and soon he staggered and fell to the ground, shocked There was a puff of smoke.

As everyone's resistance became more and more fierce, not only did the number of Ultron clones on the battlefield not decrease in the slightest, but the number of Ultron clones gathered more and more, and everyone was about to be unable to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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