Chapter 72 Vision
Hawkeye on the side also wanted to step forward to stop Banner, but Gu Xuan blocked Hawkeye with a lateral movement.

Seeing Gu Xuan's actions in front of him, Hawkeye said unhappily.

"Boy, finally you can't hide the fox's tail, let me see what you have learned after so long."

As he said that, Hawkeye punched Gu Xuan in the face.

But Gu Xuan grabbed Hawkeye's arm, grasped Hawkeye's wrist, and then swung him hard, throwing Hawkeye out.

This sudden change made Banner, who was watching the battle, stunned, especially Hawkeye, who was thrown into the distance, looked at Gu Xuan in astonishment, and then turned his head to look at Gu Xuan.

"Boy, did I underestimate you?" Hawkeye rubbed his sore wrist and looked at Gu Xuan angrily.

Listening to Hawkeye's words, Gu Xuan said with a smile.

"Agent Patton, I advise you to stop, Mr. Stark is right this time." Gu Xuan moved to block the cradle as he spoke.

Immediately, Banner hurriedly continued to upload Jarvis's consciousness to the cradle.

Although Hawkeye was very puzzled by Gu Xuan's actions, Gu Xuan had never made a mistake for so long.

So much so that Hawkeye unconsciously stopped what he was doing.

While Tony and Captain America were still fighting fiercely, Banner had already uploaded most of Jarvis' consciousness data to the cradle.


Seeing that the progress bar reached [-]%, the machine stopped.

"what happened?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Banner also anxiously came to the console and fiddled for a while.

Soon, Banner discovered the root of the problem, which was the lack of enough energy to support the transformation process.

But right now, Banner couldn't find such a huge energy reactor.

Just when several people fell into a stalemate, Thor happened to enter the room aggressively holding Thor's Hammer.

Seeing the murderous look on Sol's face, Tony thought at first that the former wanted to destroy the cradle, and subconsciously rushed forward to prevent Sol from approaching the cradle.

In order not to continue the chaos, Gu Xuan immediately put everyone in place.

Immediately, under the surprised gazes of the crowd, Sol turned over and climbed onto the cradle.

Seeing Thor lift Thor's Hammer, he began to arouse the power of thunder and lightning.

The most powerful and inexhaustible energy that everyone can find is the force of nature.

Watching a steady stream of lightning power being poured into the cradle under Sol's control.

Seeing that the energy response index in the cradle increased sharply, there were bursts of dazzling light in the cradle.

Until the threshold in the cradle breaks the limit.

A burst of terrifying energy erupted from the cradle.

Everyone was also blown away by the sudden aftermath of energy.

When everyone came to their senses, they saw a red figure appearing in front of the French windows not far away.

The two Solmei team also looked at the red figure with full vigilance at the first time.

Seeing that Sol was facing an enemy just like himself, Captain America questioned him.

"You knew there would be risks, why did you help Stark create him?"

Regarding this, Sol pondered for a while before slowly saying.

"I saw the future, and in the future, we must rely on the yellow gem on his head to defeat Ultron."

As he said that, he pointed to the mind gem above Vision's head.

Facing the doubts of the members of the US team, Saul also patiently told them the information about the six infinite gems in the universe.

Just as Thor finished speaking, the red figure in front of the window turned around.

After seeing Sol's attire for the first time, Vision looked at his naked body again, and then imitated Thor's cloak and transformed into a similar cloak.

Seeing this, the US team still looked at Tony worriedly, trying to get an affirmative answer from the latter.

But in fact, it is true that Tony is not sure whether the Vision in front of him will stand on their side to fight against Ultron.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Captain America also asked tentatively.

"Now, how do we determine whether he is our enemy?"

Regarding this question, even Banner and Tony have no idea.

But soon, Vision answered the US team's doubts by itself.

"No, I will not be your enemy, I am not Ultron."

"It's just that this feeling is so wonderful, it's something I've never done before, tactile."

"I will help you fight Ultron together, but I don't want to destroy it, he is unique."

Hearing this, Captain America once thought that Vision would be on Ultron's side, but was stopped by Gu Xuan soon.

Immediately, the illusion landed steadily in front of everyone, signaling that he was not malicious.

And in an abandoned factory in Sokovia, which is nearly half a world away from the Stark Industrial Building.

The widow sister who fell on the ground also woke up leisurely.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Miss Widow felt waves of heat hitting her face.

Looking up, I saw Ultron constantly beating on a console not far away.

After discovering that the widowed sister had woken up, Ultron immediately stopped what he was doing and walked towards the widowed sister.

"To be honest, at first I couldn't confirm whether you could wake up or not. I've been here all alone. I think you can wake up and accompany me to see these things."

Saying that, Ultron has come to the Widow Sister.

Looking at the mechanical face in front of her that vowed to destroy the earth and human beings, the widow sister couldn't help but not back up.

Ultron on the opposite side continued to speak to himself.

"You know, I have been doing a lot of research on meteors, how pure they are, and after a bang, everything will be reborn."

"I will create a new world free from war, lies, greed and disease."

"And I will be the first new human being in the new world, and I will guide everything on the right track."

"But you guys are always trying to kill me."

Before Ultron finished the second half of the sentence, he saw a metal arm protruding from nowhere, and took Ultron's mechanical head apart.

This sudden scene really shocked the widow sister.

In the next moment, the widow saw clearly the owner of the mechanical arm.

It is Ultron himself.

Looking at the new Ultron in front of her, the widow suddenly realized something was wrong.

Right now, I don't know how many clones of Ultron there are.

Ao Chuang threw the widowed sister into the cell next to her, locked the iron door casually, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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